It's All Buddha


New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

Apparently, you didn't pay much attention to the movie.

That's how he rationalized it.
Take the obese man. He said, "Come on. This is the kind of guy that you see on the subway, and you want to (get this) puke because he is so fat. Why would anyone be so disgusting as to let themselves go like that."

He then forces the guy to eat until he dies.

He shows contempt.
He wants others to agree with him.
He himself was not fat.
The person disgusted him.
And he thought the person deserved death.


New member
I think, no, I'm pretty darn sure that children shouldn't be involved in this debate. At some points in this thread, I was shocked at the amount of knowledge they already have on this subject. I don't know about any of you, but I remember being 12 YEARS OLD, and I sure as heck didn't know what sodomy was. And I definitely couldn't have formed this sentence without scratching my head! This is a quote from out resident child wonder:

It's called recriminalize Bestiality, Adultery, and Homosexuality, and reinstate, celebacy until marriage, beetween a man and a woman.

I'm very sure that the inborn hate that is bred in these very young posters is an abomination. And this hate is almost searing in essence. I know that homosexuality is a sin, I know that it is wrong, and if the sinner does not repent and stop committing the sin, they are certainly going to hell. Anything, any conversation outside of this sure fact is not only fruitless but breeds the type of hate that the world at large, and the young people that will carry the future should be rid of.
Kids- You meet a homosexual couple on the street. You know that yes they are committing a great sin, and yes they are wrong. Hating them doesn't do any good, and in most cases neither does witnessing to them. But if you hate, if you take part in the hateful exercise of "gay-bashing" then you're no better than the racists and the bigots and the people that make this world a mess.
Hitler hated homosexuals, he sent many of them to the death camps, he ordered the gestapo to shoot down many of them in the streets, even men who were just repudiated to be homosexual.
How can prove that someone committed sodomy without a doubt? Are we going to start bringing homosexuals to justice and trying their crimes in a court of law? Are we going to bring forth witnesses and DNA evidence that will ensure they will be tried and put to death by a jury of their peers?

Aside from all that, I know that Aussie Thinker is rough around the edges, and very often wrong but comments like these:

Boy I'd be embarassed at my kids if that happened. Reminds me of the Bumper sticker "My Kid bead up your honor student". That's what happens when your kid gets effeminant.

are not only uncalled for, but have no basis in fact. It's called respecting your elders. And I don't care how much you disagree with them, you don't rip on their offspring.:eek: :ha:


New member
Originally posted by BChristianK

Ah, he should still pay the price for his actions.

Ok, lets use another bibical character, David.

What was David's sin with bathsheba?
Adultery and Murder

Originally posted by BChristianK

What was the Levitical penalty for that Sin?
Originally posted by BChristianK

Did David suffer the penalty for that sin?
Yep, but not directly. His son died and his Kingdom was torn in two.

Originally posted by BChristianK

God would be unjust to let this go unpunished. So he punished him, with a different sort of pain, equal to death. Another trick question? :chuckle:


Over 750 post club
Dread Helm -

Hold on a second. You seem to say that God demands "a pound of flesh" whenever someone sins. But if God has a special affection for the actual sinner, he'll take it out on another person not involved in the sin. It doesn't really matter - just so long as God gets His "pound of flesh"?


New member

Are we going to start bringing homosexuals to justice and trying their crimes in a court of law? Are we going to bring forth witnesses and DNA evidence that will ensure they will be tried and put to death by a jury of their peers?

That's pretty much what the Enyartians want, yeah. Except, of course, for the part about the jury. They're not big on "presumed innocence until found guilty."


New member
Originally posted by erinmarie

I think, no, I'm pretty darn sure that children shouldn't be involved in this debate. At some points in this thread, I was shocked at the amount of knowledge they already have on this subject. I don't know about any of you, but I remember being 12 YEARS OLD, and I sure as heck didn't know what sodomy was. And I definitely couldn't have formed this sentence without scratching my head!

Is that a problem? It's our generation this evil has come into. Is it wrong for me to fight it? It's a sick world, and if anyone. it's going to be MY generation that will change it.

Originally posted by erinmarie
I'm very sure that the inborn hate that is bred in these very young posters is an abomination. And this hate is almost searing in essence. I know that homosexuality is a sin, I know that it is wrong, and if the sinner does not repent and stop committing the sin, they are certainly going to hell. Anything, any conversation outside of this sure fact is not only fruitless but breeds the type of hate that the world at large, and the young people that will carry the future should be rid of.

I am homophobic. I believe exactly what you said. "Homosexuality is a sin, it is wrong, and if the sinner does not repent and stop committing the sin, they are certainly going to hell." Did I say anything more?

Originally posted by erinmarie
Kids- You meet a homosexual couple on the street. You know that yes they are committing a great sin, and yes they are wrong. Hating them doesn't do any good, and in most cases neither does witnessing to them. But if you hate, if you take part in the hateful exercise of "gay-bashing" then you're no better than the racists and the bigots and the people that make this world a mess.
If you love a homo enough you should tell them: "Homosexuality is a sin, it is wrong, and if the sinner does not repent and stop committing the sin, they are certainly going to hell."

Originally posted by erinmarie
How can prove that someone committed sodomy without a doubt? Are we going to start bringing homosexuals to justice and trying their crimes in a court of law? Are we going to bring forth witnesses and DNA evidence that will ensure they will be tried and put to death by a jury of their peers?

Yes we shall bring them to justice, but not by a commitee, nor shoot them down in the streets. They will be arrested, detained for a quick and speedy trial, and by the evidence of two or three witnesses, shall face the punishment of their iniquities: Execution.

Originally posted by erinmarie
...are not only uncalled for, but have no basis in fact. It's called respecting your elders. And I don't care how much you disagree with them, you don't rip on their offspring.:eek: :ha:

Maybe I was wrong about the bumper sticker thing. It just reminded me of that. Sorry for that if it was uncalled for Aussie. :thumb:


New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

Dear Beanieboy:

As I read the many replies I hear all the angry and excited voices in my head, like the crowds that cried to Jesus, "stone her!" when the adulterous woman was brought before him. And it wasn't that he forgave her but that he showed her there was nothing to forgive.

I remember again, "it's all Buddha" and see that, for you, these babbling, angry, executioners have but provided for you an example of how you can be different and provide the opposing force - love. It works!

And, life goes on. As I separate myself from these angry voices here, I find how wonderful it is to be alive. The summer's first lightning bugs are coming out and lighting up the fields near my home at night. And, the whipporwhills have begun calling to each other from the oak trees overhead. Tonight at the full moon, I will ask for special patience and peace for you as I take my walk.

There are some of you, you for example, that you speak, and all I can think is to lower my head, and say, "Thank you, God." Sincerely. It's like God is speaking to me. And I thank you for that, ww, for speaking out.

And thank you for reminding me that I can respond with love instead of anger, and to be appreciative and thankful of all that is around me.

Again, thank you to both of you.


Over 750 post club
Dread Helm -

I only just noticed your signature, where a guy is shooting a fag to death. I see that you are another hate-filled bigot passing himself off as a Christian.


New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

Dear Beanieboy:

As I read the many replies I hear all the angry and excited voices in my head, like the crowds that cried to Jesus, "stone her!" when the adulterous woman was brought before him. And it wasn't that he forgave her but that he showed her there was nothing to forgive.

I remember again, "it's all Buddha" and see that, for you, these babbling, angry, executioners have but provided for you an example of how you can be different and provide the opposing force - love. It works!

And, life goes on. As I separate myself from these angry voices here, I find how wonderful it is to be alive. The summer's first lightning bugs are coming out and lighting up the fields near my home at night. And, the whipporwhills have begun calling to each other from the oak trees overhead. Tonight at the full moon, I will ask for special patience and peace for you as I take my walk.

Smoke that stuff! :chuckle: Leftover maggot infested hippie sandwich anyone? :chew:


New member
Originally posted by Duder

Dread Helm -

I only just noticed your signature, where a guy is shooting a fag to death. I see that you are another hate-filled bigot passing himself off as a Christian.
Actually that is representative of a firing squad as what the punishment should be. Government's Job. And do you not believe I am a Christian? I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and believe that he rose from the dead. Is that just "passing myself off" or am I a True Christian? I'm interested to see your answer.:thumb:


New member
Originally posted by Duder

Dread Helm -

I only just noticed your signature, where a guy is shooting a fag to death. I see that you are another hate-filled bigot passing himself off as a Christian.

My, Dread, what big teeth you have...


Over 750 post club
Dread Helm -

I am afraid that, if you take such pleasure in looking forward to the killing of people you don't like very much, then whoever you accepted into you heart was not Jesus of Nazereth. The scriptures warn of false Christs. Darn it, I think you found one of them.

The happy smiley face after the depiction of an execution is a dead givaway.


New member
Originally posted by Duder

Dread Helm -

I am afraid that, if you take such pleasure in looking forward to the killing of people you don't like very much, then whoever you accepted into you heart was not Jesus of Nazereth. The scriptures warn of false Christs. Darn it, I think you found one of them.

The happy. smiley face afdter the depiction of an execution is a dead givaway.
Not that I don't like, Criminals. And also, I love Homos enough to tell them that unless they repent they will be sent to hell for eternal damnation. Isn't that more loving, than the nonconfrontational "love" that will "love" them right into hell?
And No, I did accecpt Jesus, the son of the ONE TRUE GOD, into my heart. I'm worried about you, who would love them right to hell. That's not the God of the Bible.


New member
Dread Said
Yep, but not directly. His son died and his Kingdom was torn in two.
Well, there’s another who theological can of worms, but, you acknowledge that David didn’t suffer the levitical penalty for the sin of adultery, correct?

You claim that he suffered an equivalent punishment, so tell me then what the following means.
How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! (Psalm 32:2)
Did the Lord impute iniquity to David or not?
So God, Who prescribed death by stoning for adulterous behavior, was just in commuting David’s sentence, or at the very least, changing the penalty, right?
So when you say:
God would be unjust to let this go unpunished.
God would be unjust for letting the homosexual’s sin from going unpunished in an earthly punishment right?

So you must then conclude that Jesus was unjust for letting the woman caught in adultery go unpunished for her sin, which was the same as David’s, and which, like homosexuality, carried the Levitical penalty of death.

Now, what punishment of pain equal to death did the woman caught in adultery suffer?

Does her lack of punishment make God unjust?

Furthermore, we need to be consistent when dealing with sins, so the levitical penalty for working on the Sabbath was death? What penalty that is either death, or equal to death, does God impose on us today in this “dispensation?”

BTW, your very astute for a 12 year old, keep up the good work.

Grace and Peace


New member
Originally posted by BChristianK

Well, there’s another who theological can of worms, but, you acknowledge that David didn’t suffer the levitical penalty for the sin of adultery, correct?

You claim that he suffered an equivalent punishment, so tell me then what the following means.

Did the Lord impute iniquity to David or not?
So God, Who prescribed death by stoning for adulterous behavior, was just in commuting David’s sentence, or at the very least, changing the penalty, right?
So when you say:
God would be unjust for letting the homosexual’s sin from going unpunished in an earthly punishment right?

So you must then conclude that Jesus was unjust for letting the woman caught in adultery go unpunished for her sin, which was the same as David’s, and which, like homosexuality, carried the Levitical penalty of death.

Now, what punishment of pain equal to death did the woman caught in adultery suffer?

Does her lack of punishment make God unjust?

Furthermore, we need to be consistent when dealing with sins, so the levitical penalty for working on the Sabbath was death? What penalty that is either death, or equal to death, does God impose on us today in this “dispensation?”

BTW, your very astute for a 12 year old, keep up the good work.

Grace and Peace
I'll have to get back to you on that. :thumb: I'm still learning, but I'm pretty sure about what I've already said. Also, The Sabbath was for the Dispensation of Law, so is inaplicable for us as Members os the Body.


New member
Originally posted by erinmarie

I think, no, I'm pretty darn sure that children shouldn't be involved in this debate. At some points in this thread, I was shocked at the amount of knowledge they already have on this subject. I don't know about any of you, but I remember being 12 YEARS OLD, and I sure as heck didn't know what sodomy was. And I definitely couldn't have formed this sentence without scratching my head! This is a quote from out resident child wonder:
Erinmaire, why should this be a surprise? My parents taught me when I was 8 or 9 years old what sodomy is. No, I didn't understand all the sex, etc involved and they didn't explain it to me anyway. I did, however, no that it was wrong, abnormal, and not what God intended. They also told me about NAMBLA and other sodomite organizations.

I'm very sure that the inborn hate that is bred in these very young posters is an abomination. And this hate is almost searing in essence. I know that homosexuality is a sin, I know that it is wrong, and if the sinner does not repent and stop committing the sin, they are certainly going to hell. Anything, any conversation outside of this sure fact is not only fruitless but breeds the type of hate that the world at large, and the young people that will carry the future should be rid of.
Erinmarie, I'm not letting my life be overcome with hate.
Kids- You meet a homosexual couple on the street. You know that yes they are committing a great sin, and yes they are wrong. Hating them doesn't do any good, and in most cases neither does witnessing to them. But if you hate, if you take part in the hateful exercise of "gay-bashing" then you're no better than the racists and the bigots and the people that make this world a mess.
You never know whether someone will respond to witnessing or not. BTW: My father used to work for sodomites, I met them, I know what they're like.
Hitler hated homosexuals, he sent many of them to the death camps, he ordered the gestapo to shoot down many of them in the streets, even men who were just repudiated to be homosexual.
The Bible calls for the execution of known sodomites. Just because Hitler did something doesn't make it entirely wrong. Hitler probably had the wrong motives, though.
How can prove that someone committed sodomy without a doubt?
Can't you tell? By the way they talk, act, and carry on. Many times they're more than happy to tell you they're sodomites.
Are we going to start bringing homosexuals to justice and trying their crimes in a court of law? Are we going to bring forth witnesses and DNA evidence that will ensure they will be tried and put to death by a jury of their peers?
Sounds good to me, but in our liberal country, I doubt it will ever happen.