It's All Buddha

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: It's All Buddha

Re: Re: Re: Re: It's All Buddha

Originally posted by Christine

I'm not ShadowMiad, but allow me to express my opinion. :) Gluttony is, of course a sin, but it is far worse than sodomy. Why? Gluttons only hurt themselves, but sodomites often molest children and hurt others. So, my answer would be, yes, I would allow my children to interact with gluttons.

Do you have any facts, or links to give us that gays often molest children? And that they do it more often than heterosexualists?

I got news for you: gluttons DO hurt others. They invite you and tempt you with lot of food in their table and make you eat too much. So i see no difference between glutton and homo.

Actually i see gluttons doing lot more damage to their and other peoples health what is uncompareable to what homos do. Actually i'm yet to hear from you any idea why being gay is sin besides of being sin back in times where being fertile was all that mattered.


New member
Besides, if the body is a temple, blimping it out with fat seems to be a desecration of the temple.

Am I wrong?


New member
Sometimes, TOL reminds me of Seven, the guy that uses the Seven Deadly Sins that people commit and force them to kill themselves.
And he can do it, because he is above them, sinless.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Besides, if the body is a temple, blimping it out with fat seems to be a desecration of the temple.

Am I wrong?

If overeating kills (even slowly as do heavy drinking, drugs, smoking, and lot of cafee) your body, then it's sinning against your body as Temple of God, yes.

It's sometimes interesting that Christians bash some certain things (like here in Estonia almost any Baptist bashes smoking), while they actually commit other destructive sins. With few exceptions drinking too much coffee will rise your blood-pressure eventually nearing the day when you get heart attack, or die by some other way because of high blood-pressure. Eating too much will generally:

1) make your body more vulnerable for sicknesses aka nearing the day when you die;

2) make your brain working slower. That's why eating less, or fasting regularly makes your thoughts more clear;

3) will give bad role-model for other people and for your kids. It encourages them to see it as normal thing to do until they get some sickness due to overweight and then think that they are victims of fate, instead of seeing that it was their sin what brought the sickness.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Sometimes, TOL reminds me of Seven, the guy that uses the Seven Deadly Sins that people commit and force them to kill themselves.
And he can do it, because he is above them, sinless.

Very true. Or he/she might even know that he also does sin, but he hids himself behind the grace of God (i'm saved even if i do sin, but you are sinner and you go to hell for your sins). Or he/she might have good autosuggestion that his sin is almost nothing compared with yours, because you are - AN HOMO similar to child-molesters and murderers! :chuckle:

That's why (althought i dont agree with everything he says) i start to believe more and more that Smaller actually got very deep point. As did Paul in his letter of Romans.


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that rebellious children who kick their parents should be put to death (Ex 21:15)

I do believe that anyone who does any work in day of Sabbath, should be put to death (Ex 31:14)

I do believe that anyone who ever drinks blood, should be put to death (Lv 17:14)

I do believe that anyone who sleeps with his wife during menstruation should be put to death (Lv 18:19,29; 20:18)

I do believe that anyone who is commiting adultery should be put to death (Lv 20:10)

I do believe that anyone who mocks God's name (whatever in home, or in public, in TV, in Radio, in Internet, etc) should be put to death (Lv 24:16)

I hope, ShadowMaid, that you believe the same.

P.S. I also believe what is written in Rm 6:23 that everyone who sins is worthy of death. Even YOU and ME.

I would agree with you, if you can show me very similar verses from the NT. Though I believe some are in the NT, like adultery. But if you could show me the others in the NT, I'll believe you. :)


New member
If you don't believe in the OT, how can you believe in the bible?

It says nothing of execution of anyone in the NT.
All death penalties are in the OT.
Yet you believe that.

Why's that?


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

If you don't believe in the OT, how can you believe in the bible?

It says nothing of execution of anyone in the NT.
All death penalties are in the OT.
Yet you believe that.

Why's that?

I believe those things actually happened in the OT. And I believe we should use the OT as a sort of and example. But I don't think it should be taken as literally as the NT for our rules.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by ShadowMaid

I would agree with you, if you can show me very similar verses from the NT. Though I believe some are in the NT, like adultery. But if you could show me the others in the NT, I'll believe you. :)

I would agree with you too if you would show me from NT that homos should be put to death.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by ShadowMaid

I believe those things actually happened in the OT. And I believe we should use the OT as a sort of and example. But I don't think it should be taken as literally as the NT for our rules.

Then why do you believe that homos should be put to death, but those other people i cited from the Law are somehow different?


New member
Dear Beanieboy:

As I read the many replies I hear all the angry and excited voices in my head, like the crowds that cried to Jesus, "stone her!" when the adulterous woman was brought before him. And it wasn't that he forgave her but that he showed her there was nothing to forgive.

I remember again, "it's all Buddha" and see that, for you, these babbling, angry, executioners have but provided for you an example of how you can be different and provide the opposing force - love. It works!

And, life goes on. As I separate myself from these angry voices here, I find how wonderful it is to be alive. The summer's first lightning bugs are coming out and lighting up the fields near my home at night. And, the whipporwhills have begun calling to each other from the oak trees overhead. Tonight at the full moon, I will ask for special patience and peace for you as I take my walk.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by wickwoman

And, life goes on. As I separate myself from these angry voices here, I find how wonderful it is to be alive. The summer's first lightning bugs are coming out and lighting up the fields near my home at night. And, the whipporwhills have begun calling to each other from the oak trees overhead. Tonight at the full moon, I will ask for special patience and peace for you as I take my walk.
"Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya...." everybody now, "Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya."

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Sometimes, TOL reminds me of Seven, the guy that uses the Seven Deadly Sins that people commit and force them to kill themselves.
And he can do it, because he is above them, sinless.

Apparently, you didn't pay much attention to the movie.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia
I do believe that anyone who sleeps with his wife during menstruation should be put to death (Lv 18:19,29; 20:18)

This doesn't carry the death sentence in the Bible. Did you even read the proof texts you offered?

From Leviticus:
18:19 Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.

18:29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

20:18 And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.

Aussie Thinker


If you came across this thread with NO preconceived notion and NO religious leaning you would think that the Christians here belong to an evil sect of intolerant animals.

Notable exceptions being Servant101 and Cyrus.

When I think about dangers to society I see ShadowMaid and her ilk as something horrific.

The brainless bigotry exhibited by her is truly frightening.

Fortunately for us the way she thinks is an anathema to NORMAL humans and we can laugh at her inanity. Unfortunately all humans no matter how stupid CAN breed. I hope for whatever God you believe in’s sake that she doesn’t.. mind you I have faith in human nature so I am sure her offspring would see through her inanities and bigotry and learn their own way through life.

Wickwoman (sorry for the rant it was your thread)

It is ok to accept evil (as part of our nature) but that should not lead to complacency against it.

Do we have any evidence for Buddhist societies getting it “right” more than other societies ?


Cut off in those days usually meant banished to starve or into slavery.. but regardless.. a punishment for sleeping with a Woman during her menstrual period is the most ridiculous, primitive load of rubbish I think I have EVER heard.


New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's All Buddha

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's All Buddha

Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

Do you have any facts, or links to give us that gays often molest children? And that they do it more often than heterosexualists?
No, but I believe it too be true.
I got news for you: gluttons DO hurt others. They invite you and tempt you with lot of food in their table and make you eat too much. So i see no difference between glutton and homo.
Maybe gluttons do hurt others, but God did not perscribe the death penalty for gluttony like he did for sodomy.

Actually i see gluttons doing lot more damage to their and other peoples health what is uncompareable to what homos do. Actually i'm yet to hear from you any idea why being gay is sin besides of being sin back in times where being fertile was all that mattered.
:kookoo: What about AIDS, herpes, hepititis, and other diseases sodomites get?


New member
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that rebellious children who kick their parents should be put to death (Ex 21:15)
That was under the Law.

Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that anyone who does any work in day of Sabbath, should be put to death (Ex 31:14)
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that anyone who ever drinks blood, should be put to death (Lv 17:14)
Uhh, that would be Law
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that anyone who sleeps with his wife during menstruation should be put to death (Lv 18:19,29; 20:18)
Law again.
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that anyone who is commiting adultery should be put to death (Lv 20:10)
Law and Grace
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I do believe that anyone who mocks God's name (whatever in home, or in public, in TV, in Radio, in Internet, etc) should be put to death (Lv 24:16)
Law, but I believe punishable under Grace.

Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

P.S. I also believe what is written in Rm 6:23 that everyone who sins is worthy of death. Even YOU and ME.
:chuckle: :shut:

Aussie Thinker


Your GOD did not prescribe the death penalty for anything..

MAN wrote the Bible.. you CHOOSE to think God did it !

You just want a demented inane excuse for you own ridiculous bigotry.

Gluttony is a FAR more evil thing to modern man than homosexuality.

Gluttons guzzle limited resources while 1/3 of the world starve, Gluttons overload the medical systems with their myriad of problems, Gluttons take up time and space with their gluttony…

Homosexuals have consensual sex with each other.. it affects NO ONE…

What about all the diseases heterosexuals get !

Jesus messages about life in general and love your fellow man, turn the other cheek and do unto others etc.. are completely LOST on you. If Jesus really was God (or son of) he would be sending YOU straight to HELL !


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker


Your GOD did not prescribe the death penalty for anything..

MAN wrote the Bible.. you CHOOSE to think God did it !

Men inspired by God wrote the Bible. It was God-breathed.

You just want a demented inane excuse for you own ridiculous bigotry.
I didn't even condemn anyone and you call me a bigot?

Gluttony is a FAR more evil thing to modern man than homosexuality.

Gluttons guzzle limited resources while 1/3 of the world starve, Gluttons overload the medical systems with their myriad of problems, Gluttons take up time and space with their gluttony…

Homosexuals have consensual sex with each other.. it affects NO ONE…
It affects the spouses they run off and leave. It affects their parents who have to live with their child's life of sin. If affects any children they had when they were straight. Sodomy affects many.

What about all the diseases heterosexuals get !
What about them?

essages about life in general and love your fellow man, turn the other cheek and do unto others etc.. are completely LOST on you. If Jesus really was God (or son of) he would be sending YOU straight to HELL !
You should read more of the Bible, instead of skipping around to the parts you think fit you're way of thinking. Jesus was the Son of God, who condmn people, who will someday send people to hell. This does not sound like the Jesus you describe.


Well-known member
Originally posted by wickwoman As I read the many replies I hear all the angry and excited voices in my head, like the crowds that cried to Jesus, "stone her!" when the adulterous woman was brought before him. And it wasn't that he forgave her but that he showed her there was nothing to forgive.
So far, here in america, those voices shouting for blood are silenced by the rule of laws based on individual rights and freedoms. But as the lust for blood (imagined to be divine justice) grows, it may someday be able to overpower the rule of laws that protect us from the howl of even a "righteous" majority.

There are a lot of places in this world that Jesus doesn't seem to reach, and where the cry of the crowd becomes blood and stone. And this could become one of them if some Christians get their way.