It sings a song of pain and death.

Nathon Detroit

When I was little.... my dad crafted this really wicked paddle. It was about the size of a ping-pong paddle and it had a black handle with a glossy green paint job. My dad had drilled holes in the paddle so that it would swing through the air faster. And when he would swing it through the air it would make a "swooshing" sound.

And my dad would say.....
"Ya hear that? This paddle sings a song of pain and death".

And then he would smilie.

The funny part of all of this is.... if you all knew my dad you would really appreciate this story even more. My dad is the most sweet loving parent anyone could ever imagine. He loved me so much that he would attempt to scare the hell out of me!!! :shocked: I am so thankful that my father did what was best for me even if it was hard for him.

Recently.... me and my pop found the old paddle and we both got a good chuckle. Then I took the paddle and placed it upstairs and showed it to my kids. My kids think its really awesome! Except of course when it sings. :)


New member
Knight said:
When I was little.... my dad crafted this really wicked paddle. It was about the size of a ping-pong paddle and it had a black handle with a glossy green paint job. My dad had drilled holes in the paddle so that it would swing through the air faster. And when he would swing it through the air it would make a "swooshing" sound.

And my dad would say.....
"Ya hear that? This paddle sings a song of pain and death".

And then he would smilie.

The funny part of all of this is.... if you all knew my dad you would really appreciate this story even more. My dad is the most sweet loving parent anyone could ever imagine. He loved me so much that he would attempt to scare the hell out of me!!! :shocked: I am so thankful that my father did what was best for me even if it was hard for him.

Recently.... me and my pop found the old paddle and we both got a good chuckle. Then I took the paddle and placed it upstairs and showed it to my kids. My kids think its really awesome! Except of course when it sings. :)

Congratulations on having such a loving father! :thumb: Wait, weren't you traumatized by the "beatings" and didn't you bleed a lot? ;)

Mr. 5020

New member
Imrahil said:
Congratulations on having such a loving father! :thumb: Wait, weren't you traumatized by the "beatings" and didn't you bleed a lot? ;)
An earthly father? What's that?

Lucky, can I get an amen?

Nathon Detroit

If a red "welt" is classified as "bleeding" (as it was in the Enyart case) then my dad did indeed cause me to bleed. :rolleyes:


New member
Knight said:
If a red "welt" is classified as "bleeding" (as it was in the Enyart case) then my dad did indeed cause me to bleed. :rolleyes:

Where did the bleeding allegation originate I wonder? :think:

Nathon Detroit

Imrahil said:
Where did the bleeding allegation originate I wonder? :think:
The prosecution attempted to make the argument that if a red welt is examined close enough (microscopically) the redness of the welt is caused from broken blood vessels i.e., bleeding.

The press ran with this asinine logic and the rest is.... as they say.... history. :)


New member
Knight said:
The prosecution attempted to make the argument that if a red welt is examined close enough (microscopically) the redness of the welt is caused from broken blood vessels i.e., bleeding.

The press ran with this asinine logic and the rest is.... as they say.... history. :)

[Napoleon] IDIOTS! [/Napoleon]
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New member
Hall of Fame
Mr. 5020 said:
An earthly father? What's that?
Beats me. (NPI) I can't remember if my dad ever spanked me, as I don't have much memories at all with him, but he probably did. But both my mom and step-father used to belt me when I deserved it, and for that I am grateful. Too bad they switched to the 'grounding' method with my brother. That didn't work out too well, did it? :freak:


Believe it or not, I was a pretty good kid, but I had my moments and my Dad had no problem giving me an 'Attitude Adjustment' with a belt when it was needed. It was a rare occurrence and only when he felt it was necessary. I have no problem with it at all.

I remember the day we both realized I was too old for corporal punishment. He reached for the Razor strap, made me grab the edge of the pool table, let it fly a few times and I just sneered over my shoulder at him. He then proceeded to ground me from that day on.

Looking back, I should have pretended that it hurt worse than it did when he beat me, taken the pain and I never would have been grounded. [The entire month of May, once!] :doh:


New member
Knight said:
The prosecution attempted to make the argument that if a red welt is examined close enough (microscopically) the redness of the welt is caused from broken blood vessels i.e., bleeding.

The press ran with this asinine logic and the rest is.... as they say.... history. :)

Now that's just nutty. :nono:

Spankings = good! :thumb:


I'm all for a deserved-well placed swat...

but my mom used to use lilac bush switches and hair brushes, and she didn't always know when to stop.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I'm not fond of belt usage. But I know paddlings were what I needed. Of course, I didn't reallly need them that often. I was talking to may dad, tonight, and he said that he remembers that all I really needed was an explanation of why what I did was wrong, and I never did it again. I was a strange child.


Resident Fiend
Knight said:
When I was little.... my dad crafted this really wicked paddle.


Recently.... me and my pop found the old paddle and we both got a good chuckle.
Did he give you a few whacks? You know, for old times' sake... ;)


Resident Fiend
A pall of darkness over fond memories...

A pall of darkness over fond memories...

Imrahil said:
Wait, weren't you traumatized by the "beatings" and didn't you bleed a lot? ;)
Nope, that was me. Bruises, cuts, broken bones, you-name-it...


Well-known member
All this righteous bravado aside, has it occurred to anyone that most kids who have been abused grow up to become abusers, and that the same excuses their abusers used, will become their own excuses later on?

When I was a kid, my best friend was my neighbor John. John's dad had a terrible temper and would often beat John, his sister, and even their mother on occasion. They were not particularly religious, but the level of violence in their home was not much different that what many Christians think is reasonable and acceptable. Yet to this day I still remember having a conversation with John, once, when we were about 10 or 11 years old. I had noticed that John was wincing and asked him why, and he told me his dad had beat him and had raised painful welts. He told me how much he hated his father for beiing so violent. And then he astonished me by saying that he couldn't wait until he had kids, so he could beat the sh__ out of them the way his dad does him. I was shocked! And I asked John why he'd want to do that to his own kids when he hated it so much that his dad did it to him.

But John had no answer. He didn't really understand his own emotions. He just kept saying that he was going to beat the sh__ out of them (his own kids).

John was really a good-natured kid when we were young. We laughed and joked around all the time. But when he grew up, he grew up to be just like his dad. He became a humorless, angry, man. And when he got married and had kids, he became known as a "very strict" father. I have no doubt in my mind that John has beat his own kids just as he was beaten as a kid. And if I were to ask him why he's doing this even though it caused him so much pain as a child, I doubt that he would understand his own emotions today any more than he understood them when he was 10 years old.

I'm not the least bit impressed by anyone here's bragging about their use of violence in disciplining their kids. And the fact that your parents did it to you doesn't impress me, either. I just keep thinking about what a great kid my friend John was, and what a humorless, violent jerk he became as an adult, just like his own father was. And yeah, I know .... you're different.


New member
Hall of Fame
PureX, I'm sorry, but not every parent who swats is an abuser.

In fact...I have a big family. Oldest of seven. And really, the only ones who got spanked with any regularity were the first three of us (all boys). After that, my parents just mellowed, man. I mean, I see my younger siblings getting away with murder, stuff that would have at least gotten me a swat. My folks just got more philosophical in their "old" age. If I ever got spanked, I knew I had it coming. This isn't justification, it's just very true.