It is totally illogical to be "pro-choice" in a civilized society


Well-known member
Well, at least he's consistent. :plain:

Indeed! :chuckle:
Actually it is you that is bait'n'switch here. You are the hypocrite.
You gave a neg rep for doing the same thing you are doing.
You try arguing the topic instead of inane banter.


Actually it is you that is bait'n'switch here. You are the hypocrite.
You gave a neg rep for doing the same thing you are doing.
You try arguing the topic instead of inane banter.

Well, what ever would you expect from such a moral deviant such as myself?! :angel:

BTW what happened to ---> :wave2:


Well-known member
A person is more than just flesh, God gives the flesh life so a soul can be made. The best computer in the world will not run without the juice or a program


A person is more than just flesh, God gives the flesh life so a soul can be made. The best computer in the world will not run without the juice or a program

A person is what you do as much as what you's a relationship between human individuals. You're correct, a person is more than mere flesh (DNA).


Well-known member
A person is what you do as much as what you's a relationship between human individuals. You're correct, a person is more than mere flesh (DNA).

So abortion is not murder then.

I still do not encourage folks to take that road unless the Mother is in danger or she was raped.


Well-known member
So abortion is not murder then.

I still do not encourage folks to take that road unless the Mother is in danger or she was raped.

Therein is my argument. The woman's well-being has to be paramount especially if there is a mental health issue or pregnancy because of rape or incest. This, along with the assertion that the foetus is a potential human, has had me called a 'babykiller' on this site.


So abortion is not murder then.

I still do not encourage folks to take that road unless the Mother is in danger or she was raped.

No, I do not consider it murder...nor do I, in some cases, consider it moral. Whether that legal consideration hangs on the idea of personhood is beyond me to decide....though I do consider it's moral status (whatever the take) during a situation where the mother is in danger or has been raped . . .changes nothing as far as the fetus' morality status is concerned.

patrick jane

Therein is my argument. The woman's well-being has to be paramount especially if there is a mental health issue or pregnancy because of rape or incest. This, along with the assertion that the foetus is a potential human, has had me called a 'babykiller' on this site.

well, there are so many details and variables, i believe there are circumstances that make every pregnancy different. medical decisions are not my qualification and i thank God for Christian and Jewish hospitals nationwide. certainly, health and medical considerations are necessary, but aborting because of POTENTIAL poverty, mental, physical condition is absurd.

rape and incest, again, i can't make that decision as each is unique. whether it's "murder" or not - legally, each individual involved knows what's right or wrong. God Knows. i believe WHENEVER possible, a new life should be allowed to live - i guess what's considered a 'baby killer', is someone that chooses abortion for any selfish reason, hence "choice" must be stricter.

obviously we don't need a "cycle" of births into poor families that don't try to be successful and productive, education ? contraception, responsibility, choices. the "CHOICE" is before the sex, not later, when you "feel" different - :patrol:

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The reasoning goes like this:

a woman should have control over her body

well, if she had control over her body, maybe she wouldn't have "the problem"?

But anyway, where do one person's rights end and another's begins?

and when is it OK to kill an innocent person?

If there is ever a time when it is OK, then it will be OK in other scenarios

This is not civilized

so forget about it being unchristian.. Abortion is NOT a religious issue. Everyone knows that murder is against God's laws. If you don't want to raise a child, you can give the child to someone who does. There is absolutely NO reason to kill the child except your own selfish IWant2LiveLifeWithoutResponsibiltyOrConsequences attitude

society should do all it can to help a woman who is pregnant who doesn't want to be pregnant.. I believe in welfare for such women, those who are giving their child up for adoption... Of course, we can't just have it for them, but for all pregnant women who are not thrilled about their plight, but anyway... yeh, society should bend over backwards to help these women... but murder is not an option

abortion is disastrous to women as well as children... Post Abortion Syndrome..


You're correct. This isn't a religious issue. With all contraceptives covered by government healthcare, abortion past the first trimester should never happen unless the woman desires it to be so. There is evidence, though not conclusive, that a fetus can feel physiological pain as early as 10 weeks. Unless the mother's life is threatened, she has been raped, or the unborn child is determined to be severely retarded physically or mentally, abortion is not justifiable.

Roe v Wade ruled via the 14th Amendment that a woman's body falls under her right to privacy, which is not in the actual words of the amendment. It states protection of "life, property, and liberty," which privacy was determined from. Ironically, a man who has no say in the birth of any child, must sacrifice his property by way of child support. The entire process is entirely unconstitutional.

"Roe" even tried to overturn the ruling in 1999 with 1000 accounts from women who regretted their decision to abort, but was denied.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
A person is more than just flesh, God gives the flesh life so a soul can be made. The best computer in the world will not run without the juice or a program

A humans programing is called DNA. How quickly is that powered up, when a new life comes into existence, do you think? :think:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Roe v Wade ruled via the 14th Amendment that a woman's body falls under her right to privacy, which is not in the actual words of the amendment. It states protection of "life, property, and liberty," which privacy was determined from. Ironically, a man who has no say in the birth of any child, must sacrifice his property by way of child support. The entire process is entirely unconstitutional.

You just don't understand penumbras and the many ways they can emanate. :chuckle:

:listen: Some of those ways can be quite hypocritical.


A humans programing is called DNA. How quickly is that powered up, when a new life comes into existence, do you think? :think:

All programs start off with a code to run. A man and a women look at each other and create emotions. That starts the program. Life begins with an intent to create life. So that means life began long before the act of love.


New member
Define a human being.

I know when life begins but when is it a person?
When does it breath on it own and start to think?

I do not think the law has defined that yet.

Do you feel that there should there be any prohibition against abortion whatsoever?


New member
Define a human being.

I know when life begins but when is it a person?
When does it breath on it own and start to think?

I do not think the law has defined that yet.

doesn't matter

we know it is human and that it grows exponentially while in the womb

nuf said

what is not alive does not grow

life that is not human does not appear in a human's womb...

when in doubt, we take the side of LIFE

b/c to do otherwise is to play God and to risk committing murder

a mortal sin which will land you in Hell if you do not repent of it... and a LONG stay in Purgatory even if you do...



Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Unless the mother's life is threatened, she has been raped, or the unborn child is determined to be severely retarded physically or mentally, abortion is not justifiable.
Since when is a disability or the criminal history a a child's father a justifiable reason to kill somebody?