It is totally illogical to be "pro-choice" in a civilized society


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Genesis 2:7

When did Adam become a living soul?

a. when God formed him of the dust of the ground

b. when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
True enough, for Adam, but from that point forward "the life of the flesh is in the blood" Leviticus 17:11


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
a woman does not have the right to use her body to harm another person, to let instruments of death invade said body so as to kill an innocent person (who did not ASK to be brought into existence)

I wasn't talking about rape, but since u mentioned it, it is NOT the child's fault he was brought into existence. But you say: Death penalty for him/her...

They want to kill the innocent and feed and cloth the guilty!


Well-known member
Post Abortion Syndrome is unsupported by fact, but don't let that stop you it certainly hasn't so far. What do you propose victims of rape or incest should do? How do you propose to deal with foetuses that are not viable outside the womb? Do you feel it is moral to allow a short, painfilled life to occur?

Does rape justify murder?


Hall of Fame
why should a woman carry to term a permanent reminder of their rape or molestation?

Simple ... the child is INNOCENT and has done nothing wrong. Are you seriously suggesting that intentionally killing their unborn baby will erase the rape from their mind?


Well-known member
True enough, for Adam, but from that point forward "the life of the flesh is in the blood" Leviticus 17:11

Why would it change from Adam, Delmar?

This is a huge topic. Personhood is the key to the abortion issue. God says a person starts with the breath in the nostrils, but we know life starts at conception. Personhood would be a complete person.


Well-known member
Does rape justify murder?

Simple ... the child is INNOCENT and has done nothing wrong. Are you seriously suggesting that intentionally killing their unborn baby will erase the rape from their mind?

Define murder.

Firstly, abortion is not murder as it is legal. Secondly most abortions are done before the 'child' is anything but vaguely human-shaped clump of cells.

Foetus at 3 weeks:


Hall of Fame
Firstly, abortion is not murder as it is legal.

Technicality. Which is why I didn't use the word *murder*

Secondly most abortions are done before the 'child' is anything but vaguely human-shaped clump of cells.

And for those that don't fall under your *most* claim? Four mos. Six mos. Nine mos.?


Well-known member
Firstly, abortion is not murder as it is legal. Secondly most abortions are done before the 'child' is anything but vaguely human-shaped clump of cells.

Foetus at 3 weeks:

I agree, but it is a life to be considered. I think personhood starts at birth. Man is more that just flesh. Consider what is a soul?


The reasoning goes like this:

a woman should have control over her body

well, if she had control over her body, maybe she wouldn't have "the problem"?

But anyway, where do one person's rights end and another's begins?

and when is it OK to kill an innocent person?

If there is ever a time when it is OK, then it will be OK in other scenarios

This is not civilized

so forget about it being unchristian.. Abortion is NOT a religious issue. Everyone knows that murder is against God's laws. If you don't want to raise a child, you can give the child to someone who does. There is absolutely NO reason to kill the child except your own selfish IWant2LiveLifeWithoutResponsibiltyOrConsequences attitude

society should do all it can to help a woman who is pregnant who doesn't want to be pregnant.. I believe in welfare for such women, those who are giving their child up for adoption... Of course, we can't just have it for them, but for all pregnant women who are not thrilled about their plight, but anyway... yeh, society should bend over backwards to help these women... but murder is not an option

abortion is disastrous to women as well as children... Post Abortion Syndrome..


What are the consequences of the aborter who asks for forgiveness?


Well-known member
Firstly, abortion is not murder as it is legal.

So following that logic, are you admitting that in countries where abortion is illegal it is murder?

Murder is murder. The law of a particular country doesn't matter, it doesn't change that abortion is the intentional, unjustifiable killing of one human being by another.


Well-known member
Post Abortion Syndrome is unsupported by fact, but don't let that stop you it certainly hasn't so far. What do you propose victims of rape or incest should do? How do you propose to deal with foetuses that are not viable outside the womb? Do you feel it is moral to allow a short, painfilled life to occur?
Way to GO! Now we can kill 99% of the time with excuse, and with impunity!!!
Galatians 6:7Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life
What kind of priest are you? One who doesn't believe it is sin for a priest to go sleeping around either? Nobody is going to like you on TOL. Just saying: You are the ONLY Priest who is on that side of the fence with pagans, atheists, agnostics, and Christ-haters, imperializing whims over lives. Wake up, Priest!!!!


Well-known member
Oh yes, I'm so insecure I need to be like on a BBS. Moreover there are many of us on 'this side' as you put it.


Well-known member
Oh yes, I'm so insecure I need to be like on a BBS. Moreover there are many of us on 'this side' as you put it.
Doing a bit of digging, your own denomination is polarized on this issue. I will never become Anglican. Liberal denominations have a greater concern for the 'choice' of fellow men, than the lives of fellow men or the righteous demands of God and Savior.

When Christianity becomes a social club rather than a dynamic relationship with the Creator of the universe, where HIS voice is not heard nor heeded, it is no longer Christian. Your denomination can live with that unequal yoking. It is not going to happen here without severe marginalization. You necessarily are apart. There is no give on this issue. None at all. It is as polarizing as Christian vs not-Christian. That's as plain as it can be said and as succinct and unflinching as to immobility.