ECT Israel is not the BOC


Not in Gen 48:19.
The verse say Manasseh is the child whose descendants will become a great nation, and that Ephraim is the child whose descendants would become a multitude of nations.
Trying to make every tribal son in the whole northern kingdom a descendant of Ephraim is not going to cut it because that is not what the verse is telling us.
It would only be the descendants of Ephraim himself.

Tam, if you don't want to believe it, you don't have to.

I showed you that Ephraim was called God's firstborn son, that the stick of Ephraim was joined with the stick of Judah, and that Ephraim is used interchangeably with Israel.

Here's another verse:

(Jer 7:15) I will thrust you from my presence, just as I did all your fellow Israelites, the people of Ephraim.’

You can't prove any of them were.

I don't have to prove it. I believe what Jesus said. Jesus said the sheep of the other fold (Gentiles from the 10 tribes) would hear His voice and listen.


The Dark Knight
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One of the many things to discuss that distinguishes the Church from Israel is the promise of earthly land.

Was the Church ever promised their own earthly land?
But Israel was.
Was the Church ever cast out of their earthly land for unfaithfulness to be restored again later?
But Israel was.
Was the Church ever split into two separate bodies that would later be united in the same earthly land again?
But Israel was.


A son that backslides, plays the harlot, is disobedient, etc.
So don't confuse that son with THE SON.
They are not the same.

No I did not.

GOD calls Ephraim His firstborn. (Jer 31:9)
You can refute GOD if you so desire, but I don't have that desire.



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Please explain what Jesus meant in the following verse?

(John 10:27) My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Has nothing to do with your inability to name the multitude of nations that the descendants of Ephraim established and when it happened.


Has nothing to do with your inability to name the multitude of nations that the descendants of Ephraim established and when it happened.

According to Jesus they were in all the nations:

(Matt 28:19) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Again, this command was given after the cross. Before the cross, they were not allowed to go amongst the Samaritans and Gentiles, which again, proves they were in all the nations.


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Not in Gen 48:19.
The verse say Manasseh is the child whose descendants will become a great nation, and that Ephraim is the child whose descendants would become a multitude of nations.
Trying to make every tribal son in the whole northern kingdom a descendant of Ephraim is not going to cut it because that is not what the verse is telling us.
It would only be the descendants of Ephraim himself.

Tam, if you don't want to believe it, you don't have to.
I believe what the verse says, that it was only the descendants of Ephraim that would become a multitude of nations. Not his brother, Manasseh or any other of the sons of Jacob.
It is you that is having trouble believing what the verse says.

I showed you that Ephraim was called God's firstborn son, that the stick of Ephraim was joined with the stick of Judah, and that Ephraim is used interchangeably with Israel.
Don't disagree with any of that. But none of that changes Gen 48:19 where it only the child, Ephraim, whose descendants will become a multitude of nations (none of which you can give the names of or when those unnamed nations started).

Here's another verse:

(Jer 7:15) I will thrust you from my presence, just as I did all your fellow Israelites, the people of Ephraim.’
And once again completely ignores the context of Gen 49:19 that point blank says that it is only the descendants of the child, Ephraim, that would become a multitude of nations.

Jesus said the sheep of the other fold (Gentiles from the 10 tribes) would hear His voice and listen.
That does not address Gen 48:19 in which it is prophesied that the descendant of Ephraim (not Manasseh or any of the other sons of Jacob) would become a multitude of nations.

You can keep posting as many filler verses you want to post, but it won't magically make Gen 48:19 say something different than what it says.


Get your armor ready!
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According to Jesus they were in all the nations:

(Matt 28:19) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Again, this command was given after the cross. Before the cross, they were not allowed to go amongst the Samaritans and Gentiles, which again, proves they were in all the nations.
Just more filler posting to ignore what Gen 48:19 says.
You can't even get that verse right!


I believe what the verse says, that it was only the descendants of Ephraim that would become a multitude of nations. Not his brother, Manasseh or any other of the sons of Jacob.
It is you that is having trouble believing what the verse says.

Tam, Tam, Tam......the descendants of Ephraim became a multitude of nations.

Here's what God said about the other Israelites (including Ephraim) from the 10 tribes:

(Hosea 1:10) "Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted.

God's not talking about the Jews in Hosea 1:10, He's talking about the 10 tribes.

So, the descendants of Ephraim became a multitude of nations, the descendants of Manasseh became a great people, and all the Israelites became so numerous, they couldn't even be counted (that's hyperbole)

How can you not see that 700 years later (after Hosea), these descendants of the 10 tribes were the Gentiles.

If you disagree, where in the first century were the multitude of Israelite nations, the Israelite great people, and the Israelites so numerous in number, they couldn't be counted?


Well-known member
Tam, Tam, Tam......the descendants of Ephraim became a multitude of nations.

Here's what God said about the other Israelites (including Ephraim) from the 10 tribes:

(Hosea 1:10) "Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted.

God's not talking about the Jews in Hosea 1:10, He's talking about the 10 tribes.

So, the descendants of Ephraim became a multitude of nations, the descendants of Manasseh became a great people, and all the Israelites became so numerous, they couldn't even be counted (that's hyperbole)

How can you not see that 700 years later (after Hosea), these descendants of the 10 tribes were the Gentiles.

If you disagree, where in the first century were the multitude of Israelite nations, the Israelite great people, and the Israelites so numerous in number, they couldn't be counted?

They would not have existed yet,if they are dependent on the bloodline of Ephraim being bread into their genealogies to acquire salvation then the Americas were not yet discovered. Not the Eskimo nor the American Indian nor the indigenous peoples of south America.

that is if salvation to the gentiles is dependent on an bloodline as you say...


They would not have existed yet,if they are dependent on the bloodline of Ephraim being bread into their genealogies to acquire salvation then the Americas were not yet discovered. Not the Eskimo nor the American Indian nor the indigenous peoples of south America.

that is if salvation to the gentiles is dependent on an bloodline as you say...

(Col 1:23) if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.


They would not have existed yet,if they are dependent on the bloodline of Ephraim being bread into their genealogies to acquire salvation then the Americas were not yet discovered. Not the Eskimo nor the American Indian nor the indigenous peoples of south America.

that is if salvation to the gentiles is dependent on an bloodline as you say...

Since you're a Futurist, when in the future is there a multitude of Israelite nations, a great Israelite people, and Israelites so numerous they cannot be counted.

Remember, none of these people are Jews.

When does this happen?


Well-known member
lol, first you argue with me and say I am saved because I am co-mixed with the blood line of Ephraim then you say that that’s how all Israel is saved and that God winked at it because of my ignorance by showing that I descended from Ephraim in Romans. Then you try to convince me I am not,a fool in his own folly


lol, first you argue with me and say I am saved because I am co-mixed with the blood line of Ephraim

I never said a word about whether you are saved or not. I don't even know you, nor is up to me to decide if someone is saved or not.

then you say that that’s how all Israel is saved and that God winked at it because of my ignorance by showing that I descended from Ephraim in Romans.

All Israel was saved by what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross. He joined the two sticks together, made the New Covenant, is the one king over them, and their sins are no longer remembered.

Then you try to convince me I am not,a fool in his own folly

Again, I never said anything about your salvation.

Why didn't you answer my question about your Futurist position regarding Ephraim, and the Israelites so numerous they can't be counted?


Well-known member
I never said a word about whether you are saved or not. I don't even know you, nor is up to me to decide if someone is saved or not.

All Israel was saved by what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross. He joined the two sticks together, made the New Covenant, is the one king over them, and their sins are no longer remembered.

Again, I never said anything about your salvation.

Why didn't you answer my question about your Futurist position regarding Ephraim, and the Israelites so numerous they can't be counted?

So but am I saved and what would be the difference if you know me or not if salvation went to the gentiles by Ephraim co mixing with them? They/I was already concluded dead to my/our sins so wheres the fire did you forget what you said in post #123


Well-known member
hmm,never once have I ask an mid Acts and them discern an race in scripture but today I must be Ephraim each time I ask you you choke.