Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


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Were you under the impression that I thought Stripe had made a relevant point?

To help you rethink your post, all the great apes have 48 chromosomes except humans. Our chromosome No.2 is the result of the fusion of two ancestral chromosomes, as documented here.

Even if that were true (and it's not), you'd still be one chromosome short, at 47, not 48


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The mechanisms of plate tectonics are not the same as Darwinian natural selection, as far as I know. Can you enlighten me any further on that?

So, one can't be an evolutionist (aka "Darwinist") and a geologist? is that what you're saying?

What's with the word games?


New member
So, one can't be an evolutionist (aka "Darwinist") and a geologist? is that what you're saying?
Stripe wrote: We know. Darwinists can't agree on a mechanism [regarding plate tectonics].

I wrote: You don't appear to know which branch of science studies plate tectonics.

That is what I was saying.



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:mock: Vowels

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Maybe you can answer this...

Why are YEC's so averse to plate tectonics?

You could always make the case that the continents rushed apart during the flood, and have slowed down to a snails pace today?


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Maybe you can answer this...

Why are YEC's so averse to plate tectonics?

You could always make the case that the continents rushed apart during the flood, and have slowed down to a snails pace today?

HPT explains what (Catastrophic) PT cannot.

Plate tectonics cannot explain the average of a mile deep sediments across the globe.
PT cannot explain seashells on top of mountains.
PT cannot explain asteroids, meteorites, meteors, comets, water on Mars, etc.
PT cannot explain why the near side of the moon looks like it's been pummeled, whereas the far side is fairly clean in comparison.
PT cannot explain why 90% of Earth's radioactivity is in the continental crust of the earth.

And it's not for lack of trying, it's just not possible to explain those things with PT.

But it is with HPT:

Mile deep sediments across the globe? Seashells on the tops of mountains? result of a global flood.
Origin of asteroids, meteorites, meteors, comets, water on Mars, etc.? Result of the "Fountains of the Great Deep breaking forth."
Near side of the moon pummeled? debris launched from the "Fountains of the Great Deep impacted the moon on the near side, and debris that couldn't escape Earth's orbit came back and hit the far side of the moon, though doing much less damage.
Radioactivity in the crust?

Jose Fly

New member
1: :yawn:
2: DNA.
3: Mountain ranges.
4: Same number of chromosomes.

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Well that was stupid. But then it's a Stripe post, so I'm being redundant.

I guess from now on, whenever we see Stripe moan and groan about "discussing the evidence", we should keep in mind that this is what he thinks that means.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So, by this claim of yours, the data in theRL=""]Holy Wikipedia[/URL] says that humans are the same as sable antelopes, Reeves's muntjac, and a species of amphipod crustacean called parhyale hawaiensis.How crustacean are you feeling today, Stripe?Stuart

Typical evolutionist. They ask for evidence, then when it is presented, they treat it as a proof.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why are YEC's so averse to plate tectonics?

Evidence. :up:

But you're not interested.

I guess from now on, whenever we see Stripe moan and groan about "discussing the evidence", we should keep in mind that this is what he thinks that means.

We know. Darwinists don't recognize evidence because they're so used to using it as proof.

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New member
Naw, don't take the bait. Snarky deserves none of your time. Against mean and petty, you don't have to give it another thought. For the topic, however, Try here. :up:
Hilarious. The 'new research' promised in the title consists of a single article in a creationist journal, Answers Research Journal, a publication that seems to allow anonymous authorship, has no credible peer review process, and requires its content to conform to the following criteria:

1. Is the paper’s topic important to the development of the Creation and Flood model?
2. Does the paper’s topic provide an original contribution to the Creation and Flood model?
3. Is this paper formulated within a young-earth, young-universe framework?
4. If the paper discusses claimed evidence for an old earth and/or universe, does this paper offer a very constructively [sic] positive criticism and provide a possible young-earth, young-universe alternative?
5. If the paper is polemical in nature, does it deal with a topic rarely discussed within the origins debate?
6. Does this paper provide evidence of faithfulness to the grammatical-historical/normative interpretation of Scripture?

The content of the paper itself is creationist noise.



Well-known member
HPT explains what (Catastrophic) PT cannot.

Plate tectonics cannot explain the average of a mile deep sediments across the globe.
PT cannot explain seashells on top of mountains.
PT cannot explain asteroids, meteorites, meteors, comets, water on Mars, etc.
PT cannot explain why the near side of the moon looks like it's been pummeled, whereas the far side is fairly clean in comparison.
PT cannot explain why 90% of Earth's radioactivity is in the continental crust of the earth.

And it's not for lack of trying, it's just not possible to explain those things with PT.

But it is with HPT:

Mile deep sediments across the globe? Seashells on the tops of mountains? result of a global flood.
Origin of asteroids, meteorites, meteors, comets, water on Mars, etc.? Result of the "Fountains of the Great Deep breaking forth."
Near side of the moon pummeled? debris launched from the "Fountains of the Great Deep impacted the moon on the near side, and debris that couldn't escape Earth's orbit came back and hit the far side of the moon, though doing much less damage.
Radioactivity in the crust?

Thank you JR for the explanation of the hydroplate (HP) theory.

I did actually watch (much of) the video, so I recognise that your description comes from the hydroplate guy, who you tell me is a Phd and an engineer.

I want to tell you why the theory just will not fly, is a damp squib, and why the guy is an idiot, so that you can move on to believing something more possible and FACTual.

At the heart of the HP theory is the idea that there was water in the earth, and earth convulsed and squeezed this water out of the crust at escape velocity, so that water (and rock) shot up with such force that it escaped earth's gravity, still had enough velocity to keep on going and throw rocks on the moon such that they formed craters on the near side of the moon. Have I got the theory right?

Here are the problems with the theory...

To escape earth's pull, each drop and rock has to be ejected at the escape velocity from Earth which is about 11.186 km/s (6.951 mi/s; 40,270 km/h; 25,020 mph) at the surface. This is mach 33.

A water jet cutter can, with all its technology get a jet of water up to mach 4 only.

And even if you pointed a water jet cutter up to the sky, the drops would not go far because they would bleed off momentum so quickly due to air friction. Water under this pressure and speed would be hot and would vaporise. If water ever reached space, it would evaporate in the vacuum of space.

And with all this high pressure ejection, poor Noah and the animals would be subjected to the tidal waves, and debris falling back which does not make it into space.

There is no chance that water or even rocks ejected from earth could make it to the moon, and then, slow down and fall back on the far side. To do so they would have to have been ejected at escape velocity plus plus - which even the explosion from a super volcano cannot do. And a super volcano would destroy most life on earth and the tidal waves would sink the ark.

This is a half-baked, pie-in-the-sky piece of non-science, you would do well to reject.


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Thank you JR for the explanation of the hydroplate (HP) theory.

I did actually watch (much of) the video, so I recognise that your description comes from the hydroplate guy, who you tell me is a Phd and an engineer.

I want to tell you why the theory just will not fly, is a damp squib, and why the guy is an idiot, so that you can move on to believing something more possible and FACTual.

At the heart of the HP theory is the idea that there was water in the earth, and earth convulsed and squeezed this water out of the crust at escape velocity, so that water (and rock) shot up with such force that it escaped earth's gravity, still had enough velocity to keep on going and throw rocks on the moon such that they formed craters on the near side of the moon. Have I got the theory right?

Here are the problems with the theory...

To escape earth's pull, each drop and rock has to be ejected at the escape velocity from Earth which is about 11.186 km/s (6.951 mi/s; 40,270 km/h; 25,020 mph) at the surface. This is mach 33.

A water jet cutter can, with all its technology get a jet of water up to mach 4 only.

And even if you pointed a water jet cutter up to the sky, the drops would not go far because they would bleed off momentum so quickly due to air friction. Water under this pressure and speed would be hot and would vaporise. If water ever reached space, it would evaporate in the vacuum of space.

And with all this high pressure ejection, poor Noah and the animals would be subjected to the tidal waves, and debris falling back which does not make it into space.

There is no chance that water or even rocks ejected from earth could make it to the moon, and then, slow down and fall back on the far side. To do so they would have to have been ejected at escape velocity plus plus - which even the explosion from a super volcano cannot do. And a super volcano would destroy most life on earth and the tidal waves would sink the ark.

This is a half-baked, pie-in-the-sky piece of non-science, you would do well to reject.
Alright, now you have a basic (if flawed) understanding of the HPT.

Now, here is the full theory:

"In the Beginning" by Dr. Walt Brown (full online book)

It explains the theory in detail.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Science always helps to confirm the truth of God's word.

In the case of Neandertals you ask about...
Evolutionists claimed that Neandertals were incapable of articulate speech.
Science has shown Neandertals were as capable of articulate speech as you and I are. A distinguishing trait of humanity.

Evolutionists claimed Neandertals had a stooped over posture somewhat similar to knuckle walkers.
Science has shown Neandertals walked upright like all humans do.

Evolutionists claimed Neandertals never interbred with 'modern' humans.
Science has shown we are descendants of Neandertals. We are the exact same kind.

Evolutionists claimed Neandertals had no culture.
Science has revealed the humanity of Neandertals. They created and wore jewellery, cosmetics, cared for the young and elderly... just like us. (Neandertals r us)

Evolutionists claimed neanderthals did not bury their dead. ( evolutionists are always a little too quick to try and dehumanize what might be a human fossil ... there is no glory in discovering humanity so they attempt to remove it.
Science has shown Neandertals buried their dead with ceremony... just like we do. They were people like us.

Evolutionists claimed Neandertals were dimwitted.
Science has shown Neandertals were intelligent. we don't know for sure but they may have been more intelligent than our selves. (We have a few thousand years of mutations since then)

Evolutionists claimed Neandertals didn't use tools.
Science has shown Neandertals were ingenious in their use of tools.

Evolutionists claimed (museum display) Neandertals had hairy beastlike bodies.
Science has shown Neandertals are us. Their DNA is 99.7% exactly the same as you and me, and their body features are within the range of humans on the earth today.

Why were evolutionists so wrong about Neandertals? They start with a false belief system (start with the conclusion) then try make the data fit. They failed, and continue to fail using their non-falsifiable belief system.

Science supports Scripture....ALWAYS!

Holy false dichotomies Batman!


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Holy false dichotomies Batman!
I think you need to look up what "False dichotomy" means before using such big words.

He didn't present an "either/or" situation, He presented what evolutionists claim about neandertals, and for each point he gave what science actually says about neandertals.