Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


Well-known member
Your belief in an old earth causes your inability to understand the Gospel, and the inability to explain why Christ had to die for our sin. (Rom. 5, Gen. 1-4, geneaologies from first Adam to Last Adam, I Cor. 15

God's don't HAVE to do anything - they choose to, or not.


Well-known member
God, the Great Scientist was experimenting with various Hominids, such as Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo ergaster, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis etc. long before He finally created Homo Sapiens, using gene sequences which worked towards His purpose, placing these in Homo sapiens. Thus it LOOKS like sapiens mated with neanderthals, but I doubt that.

I can speculate why God never offered the Neanderthals salvation, and why there needed to be one last iteration of hominid after Homo neanderthalensis.

The Neanderthals had bigger brains and stronger muscles than us, and there was less body dimorphism between the sexes. Even Mrs. neanderthalensis could go out and club a giant sloth or spear a mammoth.

God wanted dumber, weaker, less capable, more sheep-like children. Because Neanderthals were so capable, they were less sociable, and less dependent on one another and society. Thus, due to our weakness and patheticness, we are more dependent and needy, including needy for a relationship with God.

That is why it is hard even today for a rich man to be saved. The rich are not needy. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God, which means Homo sapiens.

All the super-hero movies which glorify human strength (Hulk, Hercules, Thor, Superman, Ironman etc) glorify an independent, self-capable human - which is a laugh, because if they had to fall, or be thrown around like they are in the movies, they would be whining like - well - we do.


New member
God, the Great Scientist was experimenting
Why would an omniscient god need to experiment?
with various Hominids, such as Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo ergaster, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis etc. long before
How long before, would you say?
it LOOKS like sapiens mated with neanderthals, but I doubt that.
Do you doubt that based on your years of experience sequencing DNA?
God wanted dumber, weaker, less capable, more sheep-like children. Because Neanderthals were so capable, they were less sociable, and less dependent on one another and society. Thus, due to our weakness and patheticness, we are more dependent and needy, including needy for a relationship with God.
Speak for yourself.



New member
You might have 75% European ancestry, 20% Asian ancestry 3% Neandertal and 2% South America. Science has helped to show that the evolutionist belief system about neanderthals was totally false...We are ancestors of Neanderthalswho were descendants of Adam and Eve
How can we be ancestors of a species / subspecies that went extinct 40,000 years ago?



Well-known member
Just listening to a documentary on Everest.

Everest is being eroded at 2 inches a year, faster by far than any other range like the Rockies, yet GPS shows that it is still rising by one quarter of an inch due to plate tectonics.

I presume through GPS they also accurately measure the continental drift today.


Well-known member
How can we be ancestors of a species / subspecies that went extinct 40,000 years ago?


GodDunnit :)

He took a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a few strands or Neanderthal DNA, sugar and spice and everything nice for Mrs. Homo sapiens, snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails for Mr.


Well-known member
Why would an omniscient god need to experiment?

God is not omniscient, in fact the Bible clearly shows He is not.

Gen 22:12And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

If God were omniscient, He would not say "now I know" but "I always knew". Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac was a classical experiment, with a classical Aim: to test Ab's obedience
Method: ask him to give up what he likes the most
Results: Ab was prepared to
Conclusion: now I God can bless Ab's lineage.

How long before, would you say?
Hundreds of thousands of years, or however long the geologic column shows hominids inhabited earth.

Do you doubt that based on your years of experience sequencing DNA?
Do you doubt me, based on your years of experience sequencing DNA?

Speak for yourself.
I do.


New member
God is not omniscient, in fact the Bible clearly shows He is not.

Gen 22:12And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

If God were omniscient, He would not say "now I know" but "I always knew". Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac was a classical experiment, with a classical Aim: to test Ab's obedience
Method: ask him to give up what he likes the most
Results: Ab was prepared to
Conclusion: now I God can bless Ab's lineage.

1 John 3:20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.

Acts 1:24 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men

The bible clearly shows your god is omniscient, at least where it comes to cardiac anatomy, and all other things. And also, you are right, the bible clearly shows your god is not omniscient. I see you cherry-pick the latter property.
Hundreds of thousands of years, or however long the geologic column shows hominids inhabited earth.
Something more like 14 million years, from the divergence of the lineages of the orangutans from the rest of the great apes, up to the present day.
Do you doubt me, based on your years of experience sequencing DNA?
Yes, and no, respectively.



Well-known member
1 John 3:20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.

1 Jhn 2:20

But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

..just like we know all things according to John.

And well done Stuu - you are quoting scripture like a Calvinist - incorrectly.
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Jose Fly

New member
Only for a simple mind, Jose. You just aren't too bright and miss a lot of what is pertinent, even in science. You? You actually 'like' trying to be above your peers. Me? I'd rather you be educated instead of using lame stuff like this for my own fragile ego. You are just this transparent :( It is all you do on TOL and it shows an easily entertained shallow mind. Fact. Sorry again about that, except you probably don't realize what that really means :(
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Lon. If it weren't for you, I never would have become aware of the conspiracy that is "anaerobes". All this time I thought it was a pretty straightforward term from the late 1800's, but thanks to you I now understand how it's actually a recently created misnomer that is nothing but hype and sensationalism, obviously created just to make you look ridiculous.

For that I will always be grateful. :)


Well-known member
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Lon. If it weren't for you, I never would have become aware of the conspiracy that is "anaerobes". All this time I thought it was a pretty straightforward term from the late 1800's, but thanks to you I now understand how it's actually a recently created misnomer that is nothing but hype and sensationalism, obviously created just to make you look ridiculous.

For that I will always be grateful. :)
Strawman to knock down and make yourself feel better? Worse? All as an attempted school-yard joke? ALL of this? Go ahead. Snark on, Snarky. :e4e:


Well-known member
iouae's God is a self created idol. As you point out Stuu, he rejects the God of the Bible.

You, like most of the Christian world cannot explain the geologic column, hominids, or what God has been doing for the last 13.75 billion years. Neither do you have any idea of what science does. Your presence here is devoted to dissing true science, and promoting fringe science. But mostly you just whine and randomly cry "Heretic".

Which perfectly explains why you cannot understand the Great Scientist.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You, like most of the Christian world cannot explain the geologic column, hominids, or what God has been doing for the last 13.75 billion years.
Three concepts invented by Darwinists, but presented as fact.

They never want to discuss evidence.

Explained. :up:

Neither have any idea of what science does.
It doesn't do anything.

People who practice science seek to prove theories wrong. Darwinists only seek to protect their religion.

Your presence here is devoted to dissing science and promoting fairy tales.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk


Well-known member
It doesn't do anything.

Science doesn't do anything - spoken by the hypocrite using science to chat around the world.

But, not a surprising comment from the person still trying to come to grips with plate tectonics.