iouae said:
A fact is something like....
Fact: The Bible says "six days."
Fact: The Bible says "the whole Earth"
iouae said:
...things in the real cosmos, like old light and the geologic column
The speed of light, fossil record etc are facts.
Iouae.... It does not go unnoticed that you are unable to answer why Christ had to physically die. Your source of ultimate truth seems to be secular opinions about our origins, which contradict Scripture. Your compromise results in foolish false arguments, revealing your lack of understanding of what the Bible really says... straw man arguments.
iouaescripture such as "in 7 days God created the heavens and the earth"
Scripture "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
iouaeYou are claiming Adam, Eve, and every other creature never stepped on an ant, or ate anything except leaves
ReplyYou might want to learn what your 'opponent's and scripture really say instead of fabricating.
iouaeSo no adult fly, with a short lifespan, died in the time before the fall.
ReplyYou might want to learn what your 'opponent's and scripture really say instead of fabricating.
iouaeGod would have had to reprogram every omnivore and carnivore, some of which are very specific in their diets after the fall.
Reply You should try learn what God's Word says.... and learn some science (mutations / adaptation)
iouaeAdam and Eve did not die for nearly 900 years after their sins. Abel, for instance died long before them. So the first human death was not from the original sinners, but occurred to an innocent human victim.
Reply You don't know / understand what the scripture says, but you sure like to argue against it anyway.
iouaeThe first recorded animal death was a lamb God killed
ReplyActually, scripture does not say what type of animal it was.
iouaeThus one could make a case that death entered the world through God doing the killing
ScriptureWhen Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.Rom. 5:12
iouaesince animals were eating each other in food chains since the beginning of creation
ScriptureGod said "And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals..." Gen. 1:30
iouaeSin did not enter the world through one man...
Scripture When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death... Rom. 5:12
iouaePaul was using an analogy of trying to liken Adam to Christ - so Paul had to force the analogy to fit, making Adam to be the one who brought sin into the world so Christ could be the one to take it out. Paul's bad.
ReplyYou rejection of scripture in favor of secular opinions was also noted above.
iouae Now we eat of Him and His body (the bread and the wine) and we have communion with His eternal life.
ReplyYou rejection of scripture in favor of secular opinions was also noted above.