Is White Privilege Real?


I'll tell you why it existed. The Jews have always been the apple of God's eye. People who hate God have always persecuted the Jews. It's one of the perks of being in the lineage of our Lord and Saviour.

They aren't in any lineage to the Lord, the old Jews crucified the Lord, and God gave them up to be chastised throughout the Bible for their disobedience.

The fact is, what you are saying is just an excuse to look past any and every fact and call it 'anti-semitism'.

The reason why anti-semitism ran rampant in Germany had nothing to do with Christianity, it had to do with the fact that the Germans felt they were losing their prominence and culture in their country.

People who hate God are trying to persecute Christians- they aren't going after Jews or Muslims, they are in you media and in your government trying to sabotage Christian prominence and culture.

See the pattern?

Jesus ought to not even have existed if one can simply just convert to Judaism, that's exactly what the rabbis preach and you know what? I doubt I could squeeze disagreement of that idea from any Madist on this site because their theology is plain sorry enough to allow it so long as they don't have to perform works :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The reason why anti-semitism ran rampant in Germany had nothing to do with Christianity, it had to do with the fact that the Germans felt they were losing their prominence and culture in their country.
Complete nonsense. That was how Hitler capitalized on a very old problem. Strident nationalism frequently had its roots in racial ideas and ethnic stereotypes, both of self and of the other. The latter usually meant enemy or people to conquer. Top that with a tradition within the dominant religion across the variances of Western culture, by which I mean Catholicism, and its contempt for the Jewish people and it was an easy recipe for success among a people who'd been put under the boot by the winning side of WWII and were angry, looking for someone to blame. Hitler found an old boogeyman and used it to seize control of the German imagination and to capture power by virtue of that distorted rhetoric.

Jesus ought to not even have existed if one can simply just convert to Judaism, that's exactly what the rabbis preach and you know what? I doubt I could squeeze disagreement of that idea from any Madist on this site because their theology is plain sorry enough to allow it so long as they don't have to perform works
So you don't understand the MAD perspective either. Unsurprising.


Complete nonsense. That was how Hitler capitalized on a very old problem. Strident nationalism frequently had its roots in racial ideas and ethnic stereotypes, both of self and of the other. The latter usually meant enemy or people to conquer. Top that with a tradition within the dominant religion across the variances of Western culture, by which I mean Catholicism, and its contempt for the Jewish people and it was an easy recipe for success among a people who'd been put under the boot by the winning side of WWII and were angry, looking for someone to blame. Hitler found an old boogeyman and used it to seize control of the German imagination and to capture power by virtue of that distorted rhetoric.

Revising history by making a grand conspiracy, inserting Satan himself behind the Gestapo uniform, doesn't make a case- it's just an easy way to label a problem you've been programmed to be triggered by as soon as someone brings it up.

You sit there and talk about Catholicism, but it was the Reformers whom the Jews decided to stand against because they and the Catholic Church have one major thing in common and both Luther and Calvin pointed it out fairly explicitly :rolleyes:

So you don't understand the MAD perspective either. Unsurprising.

I understand MAD very well- I'm surprised by the most obvious of things that all the Madists on this site aren't even aware exists in the Bible :chuckle:

Tambora and A4T on another thread talking about how we should leave drug addicts to die if they called an ambulance.
And that's perfectly fine to your holy Madists, TH.
Yet, I'm the evil one for insulting your blind submission to anyone wearing a kippah :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We have...repeatedly.
The advantages born of preference and prejudice and how that narrows opportunity and is evidenced in any number of ways, from the statistics on white attitudes about race to the response that engenders. I posted an example of a woman who had two job seeking profiles on Monster. The one that sounded "white" received a great many more contacts and interest than the more "ethnic" name. There are studies demonstrating that sort of thing on a wider scale. And then there are yearly reports, complaints and successful suits reflecting willful discrimination in housing, hiring and promotion. That racism and its influence is still a problem for out compact isn't debatable among people who inform themselves.

"Racial discrimination charges increased 484 percent between the 1980-1989 decade and the 1990-1999 decade.", Oct. 29, 2012

In the past twenty years a number of high profile discrimination suits have been won by complainants against corporations like FedEx, Coca-Cola, Sarah Lee, Xerox, Waffle House, Evian, etc.

The "EEOC resolved 92,641 charges in fiscal year 2015, and secured more than $525 million for victims of discrimination in private sector and state and local government workplaces through voluntary resolutions and litigation." Press release from 2/11/16

And the EEOC is notoriously hard when it comes to supporting and rejecting claims to forward. They're a dismissal friendly institution, as are most government agencies related. It's the same with disability claims. I had to have judges denials overturned on appeal half the time I took on a case, and I never lost an administrative appeal. Judges tend to err on the side of power at the lower levels.

Race was a factor in over 34% of those settlements/litigations and a large number of the problems noted were systemic in nature.

That's the forest. Here's a tree. Monica Harwell entered a job program to train women for power giant Con Ed. She was both a woman and black and found herself struggling to be treated with the respect and afforded the opportunity given to white men in her situation.
"...she took jobs that gave her the experience she needed to move up and earned a series of degrees in night school, including an associate degree, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree and a certificate in electrical engineering. But Harwell claims it was never enough.
"In virtually every case of Con Ed rejecting her applications, the successful applicant was a white man who was less qualified than Ms. Harwell by experience, education or both."

Earlier this year, the advocacy group Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, published a report on the restaurant industry which found that white applicants were given longer job interviews than non-white applicants. White applicants also reported being treated in a friendlier manner than applicants of color and were twice as likely to be offered employment.​

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, following a field experiment using Chicago and Boston newspapers, resumes were forwarded with African-American (names remarkably common within the black community) or white sounding names (like Walsh or Baker). Otherwise the particulars were identical (or identical across a range). The results?

Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback. This would suggest either employer prejudice or employer perception that race signals lower productivity.

The 50 percent gap in callback rates is statistically very significant, Bertrand and Mullainathan note in Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination (NBER Working Paper No. 9873). It indicates that a white name yields as many more callbacks as an additional eight years of experience.

Race, the authors add, also affects the reward to having a better resume. Whites with higher quality resumes received 30 percent more callbacks than whites with lower quality resumes. But the positive impact of a better resume for those with Africa-American names was much smaller.

"While one may have expected that improved credentials may alleviate employers' fear that African-American applicants are deficient in some unobservable skills, this is not the case in our data," the authors write. "Discrimination therefore appears to bite twice, making it harder not only for African-Americans to find a job but also to improve their employability." NBER, Employers' Replies to Racial Names, Feb. 20, 2017

And so it goes...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We have...repeatedly.
He understands that. The advantages born of preference and prejudice and how that narrows opportunity and is evidenced in any number of ways, from the statistics on white attitudes about race to the response that engenders. I posted an example of a woman who had two job seeking profiles on Monster. The one that sounded "white" received a great many more contacts and interest than the more "ethnic" name. There are studies demonstrating that sort of thing on a wider scale. And then there are yearly reports, complaints and successful suits reflecting willful discrimination in housing, hiring and promotion. That racism and its influence is still a problem for out compact isn't debatable among people who inform themselves.

"Racial discrimination charges increased 484 percent between the 1980-1989 decade and the 1990-1999 decade.", Oct. 29, 2012

In the past twenty years a number of high profile discrimination suits have been won by complainants against corporations like FedEx, Coca-Cola, Sarah Lee, Xerox, Waffle House, Evian, and even the Library of Congress.

The "EEOC resolved 92,641 charges in fiscal year 2015, and secured more than $525 million for victims of discrimination in private sector and state and local government workplaces through voluntary resolutions and litigation." Press release from 2/11/16

And the EEOC is notoriously hard when it comes to supporting and rejecting claims to forward. They're a dismissal friendly institution, as are most government agencies related. It's the same with disability claims. I had to have judges denials overturned on appeal half the time I took on a case, and I never lost an administrative appeal. Judges tend to err on the side of power at the lower levels.

Race was a factor in over 34% of those settlements/litigations and a large number of the problems noted were systemic in nature.

That's the forest. Here's a tree. Monica Harwell entered a job program to train women for power giant Con Ed. She was both a woman and black and found herself struggling to be treated with the respect and afforded the opportunity given to white men in her situation.

"...she took jobs that gave her the experience she needed to move up and earned a series of degrees in night school, including an associate degree, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree and a certificate in electrical engineering. But Harwell claims it was never enough.
"In virtually every case of Con Ed rejecting her applications, the successful applicant was a white man who was less qualified than Ms. Harwell by experience, education or both."

Earlier this year, the advocacy group Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, published a report on the restaurant industry which found that white applicants were given longer job interviews than non-white applicants. White applicants also reported being treated in a friendlier manner than applicants of color and were twice as likely to be offered employment. CNN Money, from Working While Brown, Nov. 25, 2015​

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, following a field experiment using Chicago and Boston newspapers, resumes were forwarded with African-American (names remarkably common within the black community) or white sounding names (like Walsh or Baker). Otherwise the particulars were identical (or identical across a range). The results?

Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback. This would suggest either employer prejudice or employer perception that race signals lower productivity.

The 50 percent gap in callback rates is statistically very significant, Bertrand and Mullainathan note in Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination (NBER Working Paper No. 9873). It indicates that a white name yields as many more callbacks as an additional eight years of experience.

Race, the authors add, also affects the reward to having a better resume. Whites with higher quality resumes received 30 percent more callbacks than whites with lower quality resumes. But the positive impact of a better resume for those with Africa-American names was much smaller.

"While one may have expected that improved credentials may alleviate employers' fear that African-American applicants are deficient in some unobservable skills, this is not the case in our data," the authors write. "Discrimination therefore appears to bite twice, making it harder not only for African-Americans to find a job but also to improve their employability." NBER, Employers' Replies to Racial Names, Feb. 20, 2017

And so it goes...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The advantages born of preference and prejudice and how that narrows opportunity and is evidenced in any number of ways, from the statistics on white attitudes about race to the response that engenders. I posted an example of a woman who had two job seeking profiles on Monster. The one that sounded "white" received a great many more contacts and interest than the more "ethnic" name.

and who is forcing poor urban blacks to name their children with those bizarre names?

if you were a recruiter, would you be more apt to offer an interview to Mary Smith (who might be white or black) or Laqueesha Washington?

so it appears that "white privilege" is knowing enough not to saddle your child with a name that will lessen his opportunities

any particular reasons blacks can't figure this out?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

but i wouldn't trade my life for that of a random white American individual, either

now, how about one single example of a defacto privilege i've complacently enjoyed


It's not easy being friendly to people constantly hostile towards you, especially when your own people are throwing you under the bus.

It's a frustration that is amassing at an alarming pace- you have Trump and Brexit, what do you think is coming next? The Marxist media. And then, the Supreme Court. It's not really a matter of 'if', but 'when'- liberals and cuckservatives have simply yet to learn any humility, and ought to get off their high horses before the legs are severed from beneath them :chuckle: