Well-known member
He's expressed himself clearly on that issue.
Yes, you're right.
He's expressed himself clearly on that issue.
So far, so good.
How do you support that? Elizabethtown College student group will wear white puzzle piece pins to think about 'white privilege' A group of students at one local college is looking to raise awareness about what it means to live with “white privilege.” The Elizabethtown College Democrats are launching a project Saturday in which they will ask students and others to wear a white puzzle piece pin every day to encourage them to think deeply about how racial identity affects their life, directly or indirectly. The project was borrowed and adapted from a Lutheran pastor’s similar effort in Wisconsin. |
Elizabethtown College student group will wear white puzzle piece pins to think about 'white privilege'
A group of students at one local college is looking to raise awareness about what it means to live with “white privilege.”
The Elizabethtown College Democrats are launching a project Saturday in which they will ask students and others to wear a white puzzle piece pin every day to encourage them to think deeply about how racial identity affects their life, directly or indirectly.
The project was borrowed and adapted from a Lutheran pastor’s similar effort in Wisconsin.
if i wear a white pin, will people do things for me?
the head leo of the country, for eight years, was non-white
if i wear a white pin, will people do things for me?
I think a key idea here is awareness. Chances are, those who are least aware of having white privilege are most likely to argue that there's no such thing. College student group will wear white puzzle piece pins to think about 'white privilege'A group of students at one local college is looking to raise awareness about what it means to live with “white privilege.”The Elizabethtown College Democrats are launching a project Saturday in which they will ask students and others to wear a white puzzle piece pin every day to encourage them to think deeply about how racial identity affects their life, directly or indirectly.The project was borrowed and adapted from a Lutheran pastor’s similar effort in Wisconsin.
Raising awareness, getting a conversation going.How's any of that supposed to help anything or anyone?
That's not the same thing as the predominant power structure. You know that.
I think a key idea here is awareness. Chances are, those who are least aware of having white privilege are most likely to argue that there's no such thing.
Raising awareness, getting a conversation going.
Get a bunch of white people talking about how privileged they are?
And then what? Go out and give a bunch of black guys small business loans?
What will they actually accomplish?
You're asking different questions, but you aren't addressing the answer to this one. If you think there's data that women or the elderly or kids get disparate treatment by all means make the case.How much more likely are men to be shot by the police, than women? Or 20-year-olds compared to 70-year-olds?
What differences? You're assuming an undemonstrated correlation. I'm speaking to one actual date.Are those differences caused by discrimination?
We know they weren't attacking anyone.What were they doing when they were shot by the police?
You'd expect one of two answers. In a perfect world they'd resemble the population. But then, blacks are involved in a disproportionate number of crimes. While it's true that some of that is a distortion founded on the disparate and demonstrated tendencies of prosecutors to bring charges more readily against minorities, specifically blacks, than their white counterparts on the same charges (especially drug related) it's still higher than a representational slice.What should those percentages look like?
See my above.And what should those percentages be, and why?
Yes.Whites were more likely to be carrying contraband?
Not necessarily, but it would make more sense. Isn't that the argument so many of you are making on the right when it comes to terrorism and profiling? And the fact that it isn't what's happening, that worse than that it isn't even proportionate, speaks to bias.So should the police stop whites more often, based on that fact?
I'm not advocating profiling. I'm noting troubling statistical truths that don't reflect a reasonable methodology on the part of the police.If so, should the cops in NYC stop blacks and latinos more often if they are more likely to be carrying contraband?
I can tell you that studies of arrests, convictions and sentencing show the same sort of disparate treatment when the facts of the case and elements are the same. That's one reason this information didn't particularly surprise me.What were they arrested for?
Simply untrue.Without any details related to the questions above, these statistics don't necessarily indicate a bias.
That's a peculiar sentence. It's missing pieces. Racial differences isn't the phrasing. Differences in treatment where race is the dissimilar element and the elements of a crime are equally present would by definition be a matter of racial bias.Do you think all racial differences are due to racial discrimination?
Rather to understand the defacto privleges you've complacently enjoy and subseqently taken as the norm is not experienced universally. Perhaps this revelation may change some hearts and minds.
i guess you need to explain what you think you mean when you use the term
see quip's postGet a bunch of white people talking about how privileged they are?
And then what? Go out and give a bunch of black guys small business loans?
What will they actually accomplish?
If you think there's data that women or the elderly or kids get disparate treatment by all means make the case.
Are whites in positions of authority ...
yesTH (or anybody else), do you acknowledge that cultural differences exist between racial groups?