Is the Holy Spirit Female?


Well-known member
Watchmanonthewall is either posing as an anti-semite or is an anti-semite.

On the contrary I love Israel and am jealous of people like Chair who live there. I have been to Israel and think it is the best country in the world, even better than Britain, which I had always thought was the best country in the world until I went to Israel. I would move there if I could but the immigration policy is a pig. I even considered pretending to convert to Judaism in order to gain entry but it would be too much of a faff and I'm not sure if Jesus would approve?


:mock:You can make you words any size, font or colour you like, you still would be wrong. The Bible clearly states the Holy Spirit is Female, deal with it.

Why are you so concerned of whether the HS is male or female?

It seems that Spirits are asexual according to the Bible.


Eclectic Theosophist
Again, integrating gender within Spirit...............

Again, integrating gender within Spirit...............


I would remind all readers on this important subject of Deity and gender to see my former commentary here, as presenting universal and fundamental understanding of 'male' and 'female' as it relates to 'God', since Deity is the source of both, and these two genders REPRESENT the nature and character of Source-Energy, the Spirit-Parent of all creation, hence MAN is the glory of God revealed, and man is MALE and FEMALE. (stop til you get that). - we observe the 2 genders complimenting one another in synergestic unity. One cannot exist in nature or creation without the other, both spring from One Source as its reflection.

We would also call to your attention, that honoring 'God' as both 'Father' and 'Mother' is intrinsic to our worship and loving of 'God'
, (relationally speaking) without the need to personify or particularize any aspect of God's Being necessarily, whether we be of a Unitarian or Trinitarian orientation, since we worship 'God' ALONE, who is as one singular Reality (echad), expressing within a dual synergy of gender, the two inter-acting and inter-coursing within the unfolding and generation of CREATION.

The 'creation' reveals the nature, intent and creative intelligence(characteristics) of the 'Creator', and thus 'Man' is a key here, as 'male' and 'female'. I cover this again and again, in so many words, honoring our Creator as 'Father' and 'Mother', noting that the latter is even more significant in some contexts (also because of the patriarchal dominance within conventional judeo-christian theology), although we never exalt or worship one aspect of God over another, but worship them TOGETHER as ONE.



Well-known member

I would remind all readers on this important subject of Deity and gender to see my former commentary here, as presenting universal and fundamental understanding of 'male' and 'female' as it relates to 'God', since Deity is the source of both, and these two genders REPRESENT the nature and character of Source-Energy, the Spirit-Parent of all creation, hence MAN is the glory of God revealed, and man is MALE and FEMALE. (stop til you get that). - we observe the 2 genders complimenting one another in synergestic unity. One cannot exist in nature or creation without the other, both spring from One Source as its reflection.

We would also call to your attention, that honoring 'God' as both 'Father' and 'Mother' is intrinsic to our worship and loving of 'God'
, (relationally speaking) without the need to personify or particularize any aspect of God's Being necessarily, whether we be of a Unitarian or Trinitarian orientation, since we worship 'God' ALONE, who is as one singular Reality (echad), expressing within a dual synergy of gender, the two inter-acting and inter-coursing within the unfolding and generation of CREATION.

The 'creation' reveals the nature, intent and creative intelligence(characteristics) of the 'Creator', and thus 'Man' is a key here, as 'male' and 'female'. I cover this again and again, in so many words, honoring our Creator as 'Father' and 'Mother', noting that the latter is even more significant in some contexts (also because of the patriarchal dominance within conventional judeo-christian theology), although we never exalt or worship one aspect of God over another, but worship them TOGETHER as ONE.


Amen the pronoun SHE is use every time in the original Hebrew scriptures when describing the Holy Spirit, while the New Testament Greek only used non-gender pronouns and never calls the Holy Spirit He.

Tigger 2

Active member
Why is there still debate over this?

Holy Spirit IS in the neuter gender in the Greek NT. This is so simple and so easily looked up!!

Since OT Hebrew did not have a neuter gender, they most often used the feminine gender in place of the neuter. So, even though they used the feminine gender pronouns for holy spirit and many other THINGS, it is still understood as neuter, not actually feminine.

Therefore when you see the NT pronouns, articles, etc. in the neuter gender for holy spirit and feminine (neuter) for the holy spirit in OT Hebrew, it should be clear that HS is not understood to be female at all. The two genders add up to only NEUTER gender for both.

Holy Spirit is a thing (power, energy, etc.) and not a person!!