Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


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how are you going to show me?

The higher thought process excludes the body. This is why Oatmeal continues to argue about Jesus not being God. He think anthropomorphic, as the "Father" is the God daddy and Jesus is only the born son, and cannot be divine. He thinks this for the same reason you may think hell burns the body.


Maybe to keep them from coming to heaven and turning heaven into the the hell on earth we see around us today. :devil:

No one can do anything when their life is over.

Non-believers will perish, not to live for eternity in hell fire.


The higher thought process excludes the body. This is why Oatmeal continues to argue about Jesus not being God. He think anthropomorphic, as the "Father" is the God daddy and Jesus is only the born son, and cannot be divine. He thinks this for the same reason you may think hell burns the body.

Yo don't make sense.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Yo don't make sense.
Scripture speaks of the hand of God. We know God has no hands. Hence, anthropomorphism. Scripture has plenty of these literary devices related to the being of God. In fact, the language of Scripture is an accommodation to our finitude—God lisping, so to speak, to His children such that we can understand His transcendent being in some small way.

We find Scripture teaching us that the Father begets the Son, the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and Son. When used in relation to the Godhead, these words have precise meanings and should not be taken to mean what we commonly associate the words to mean.

The Father is unbegotten. As such God the Father is the ever-flowing fountain of the divine essence. Two communications flow. (1) The Father eternally communicates this essence to the Son. (2) The Father with the Son communicates this essence to the Spirit.

Again, the communication is eternal. As in the eternal generation of the Son. It did not happen one time and then stop.

So from Scripture we find the first communication (to the Son) is called begetting; the second communication (to the Holy Spirit) is called procession. Call the communication whatever one pleases, just know that it is the communication itself which is important.

Accordingly, we say the Father begets the Son, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from Father and the Son.

The begetting is also often termed generation.
The procession is also often called spiration.

In spiration as well as in generation there is a communication of the whole of the divine essence, so that the Holy Spirit is on an equality with the Father and the Son.

The doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son is primarily based on John 15:26, and on the fact from Scripture that the Spirit is also called the Spirit of Christ,the Spirit of the Son, Rom. 8:9; Gal. 4:6, and the Holy Spirit is sent by Christ into the world.

Spiration of the Holy Spirit may be defined as: that eternal and necessary act of the first and second persons in the Trinity whereby they, within the divine Being, become the ground of the personal subsistence of the Holy Spirit, and put the third person in possession of the whole divine essence, without any division, alienation or change.

When one begins with the unity of God these personal properties are the means by which the Godhead is understood to belong to a distinct mode of subsistence within the one undivided essence of God.



thanks AMR but I will not try to understand trinity version.

I am just fine with "Son of God".

I am a simpleton and am ok with it.

I also know that Jesus will not fault me for it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
thanks AMR but I will not try to understand trinity version.

I am just fine with "Son of God".

I am a simpleton and am ok with it.

I also know that Jesus will not fault me for it.

As long as you admit it, being in the milk is a stage, and alright.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Can you imagine yourself burning for eternity? I cannot. It is beyond my comprehension.

It's beyond anybody's but the 'point' of such doctrines is to instill fear even though it goes beyond the scope of imagination. Nothing can "top" unending suffering after all. How that ties in with love is something else...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Burning? That's describing a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction can only happen (as far as we know) between two physical substances. There is nothing physical about hell.

Well, without chemical or electrical impulse there's no brain activity, no emotion, no thought processes, no joy, no sadness etc. So what causes such suffering in "hell"?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's beyond anybody's but the 'point' of such doctrines is to instill fear even though it goes beyond the scope of imagination. Nothing can "top" unending suffering after all. How that ties in with love is something else...

God does not cause you pain. It is not like having eternal pain, it's about loss.