Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
My argument is that it teaches the same things as the bible in reference to how man is to live his life which is really GOD'S and a gift.
Does it teach how to receive the Holy Spirit?
How does one receive the Holy Spirit according to the Qur'an?

You can focus on it being antitrinitarian and act like it is some atrocity if you want.

Jesus says we have to enter the covenant of his blood.
So you can dismiss all that?

That's your choice. But the Quran teaches speacifcally that Jesus is the Messiah and the GOD was within Him and gave Him HIS Spirit.

You know the Qur'an doesn't say Jesus was God. So stop it.

you say yourself the flesh is as nothing but can't grasp how indeed you are right and the spirit of Jesus which is the Spirit of GOD cannot and never did perish, though the physical Holy Temple indeed was destroyed and raised up again by GOD.
I can't grasp something?
You can't grasp that the Qur'an says Jesus didn't die on the cross.

I am more than willing to compare the texts and what they teach us to do and be; but I'm not revolving any fake study around a singular Greek word or the confusion of the physical and temporal with the eternal and causal.
You want to call me fake? I think you described yourself.
Do you really think I want to read how Muhammad tells people to do right? Don't be ridiculous. Just teaching to do right and speaking against the way to be saved is not acceptable.
peace friend

I wish we could just talk without the extra stuff we have been over repeatedly.

I am speaking of important things that you are treating as just some "stuff".

God's Truth

New member
It is apparent from the non- biased reading of the Quran that whomever is responsible for it's original citation within the Arabic language was indeed wholly inspired/ inspirited by GOD, indeed making them A messenger of GOD.

A messenger of God is not going to say Jesus didn't die on the cross; and that we don't have to enter the covenant of his blood.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus never said there would be no messenger or prophet after Him.

In fact according to the Bible He said those who aren't against Him are on His part.

You want to say the quran is against Him because it declares He is the Messiah, judge, Word, and Spirit, because it says GOD needs no son; declaring only One GOD!?

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You are trying to put words in my mouth.
You are also not being honest by changing the word 'son' to mean something else about Jesus.
Jesus didn't say to believe on another messenger; but the Qur'an says he did.


New member
The Quran does not speak against the Way.

You are in error.

I did not say or insinuate that you are fake.

I said it is a fake argument we have gone over to no avail repeatedly. Doing such again is what would make it fake or foolish to me. I was in no speaking about you as a person.

You still think I am faking some thing towards you perhaps.I have nothing against you and was genuinely glad to see you.

Show my where the Quran speaks against the Messiah and I will desist for you specifically.
Does it teach how to receive the Holy Spirit?
How does one receive the Holy Spirit according to the Qur'an?

Jesus says we have to enter the covenant of his blood.
So you can dismiss all that?

You know the Qur'an doesn't say Jesus was God. So stop it.

I can't grasp something?
You can't grasp that the Qur'an says Jesus didn't die on the cross.

You want to call me fake? I think you described yourself.
Do you really think I want to read how Muhammad tells people to do right? Don't be ridiculous. Just teaching to do right and speaking against the way to be saved is not acceptable.

I am speaking of important things that you are treating as just some "stuff".

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God's Truth

New member
The Quran does not speak against the Way.

You are in error.

I did not say or insinuate that you are fake.

I said it is a fake argument we have gone over to no avail repeatedly. Doing such again is what would make it fake or foolish to me. I was in no speaking about you as a person.

You still think I am faking some thing towards you perhaps.I have nothing against you and was genuinely glad to see you.

Show my where the Quran speaks against the Messiah and I will desist for you specifically.

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I already told you how the Qur'an speaks against the Bible when it says God doesn't have a son and that Jesus didn't die on the cross.


New member
Answer the questions please; they are very straight forward and honest simple questions.

1)Was the spirit of Jesus the Spirit of GOD?

2) Did the Spirit of GOD die according to the Bible or Quran?
You are a dishonest person.

The Bible says Jesus died on the cross.

The Qur'an says he did not.

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God's Truth

New member
Answer the questions please; they are very straight forward and honest simple questions.

1)Was the spirit of Jesus the Spirit of GOD?

2) Did the Spirit of GOD die according to the Bible or Quran?

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I already answered those questions.

You can't get around it.

You are dishonest.

The Bible says Jesus died on the cross.

The Qur'an says he did not.


New member
Please stop avoiding the questions and pretending like I'm the one being dishonest.

How does your concience not convict you?

Are you ever convicted of your conscience or is it seared?
I already answered those questions.

You can't get around it.

You are dishonest.

The Bible says Jesus died on the cross.

The Qur'an says he did not.

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New member
Nope it says He was made to seem to have died.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

But GT isn't a trinitarian, and believes the Spirit of GOD is too the Spirit of CHRIST and the spirit that was in Jesus' physical vessel; His Spirit was the Spirit according to them (gt), and I agree. That is why I asked them (gt) if Jesus' Spirit died.

She refuses to answer it seems.....or maybe she will get to it later.

Answer her question Pops. Does the Quran say that Jesus died on the cross?

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New member
There seems to be a lot of confusion here regarding Jesus' Crucifixion as recorded in the Koran.

Koranic Arabic does indeed record that Jesus was crucified until death upon The Cross.

It is only ignorant islam which denies this Biblical Fact


New member
Surah please
There seems to be a lot of confusion here regarding Jesus' Crucifixion as recorded in the Koran.

Koranic Arabic does indeed record that Jesus was crucified until death upon The Cross.

It is only ignorant islam which denies this Biblical Fact

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New member
Surah please

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وقولهم إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم رسول
الله وما قتلوه وما صلبوه ولكن شبه لهم وإن
الذين اختلفوا فيه لفي شك منه ما لهم به من علم
إلا اتباع الظن وما قتلوه يقينا

Waqawlihim inna qatalna almaseeha AAeesa ibna maryama rasoola Allahi wama qataloohu wama salaboohu walakin shubbiha lahum wa-inna allatheena ikhtalafoo feehi lafee shakkin minhu ma lahum bihi min AAilmin illa ittibaAAa alththanni wama qataloohu yaqeenan

4.157 And their saying: "Truly we killed The Messiah, Jesus, Mary's son, “allah's” messenger”, and that they killed him, and that they crucified him, and certainly they alike, and truly whom they differed in Him, certainly they (are) not in doubt from Him, on account of Him, from knowledge, except to follow the belief, and that they surely killed him.


New member
وقولهم إنا قتلنا المسيح عيسى ابن مريم رسول
الله وما قتلوه وما صلبوه ولكن شبه لهم وإن
الذين اختلفوا فيه لفي شك منه ما لهم به من علم
إلا اتباع الظن وما قتلوه يقينا

Waqawlihim inna qatalna almaseeha AAeesa ibna maryama rasoola Allahi wama qataloohu wama salaboohu walakin shubbiha lahum wa-inna allatheena ikhtalafoo feehi lafee shakkin minhu ma lahum bihi min AAilmin illa ittibaAAa alththanni wama qataloohu yaqeenan

4.157 And their saying: "Truly we killed The Messiah, Jesus, Mary's son, “allah's” messenger”, and that they killed him, and that they crucified him, and certainly they alike, and truly whom they differed in Him, certainly they (are) not in doubt from Him, on account of Him, from knowledge, except to follow the belief, and that they surely killed him.
Thank you.

Mine does read a little different.

Perhaps there is a good reason to learn Arabic.

4:157. And because of their claiming, ‘We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allâh,’ whereas they killed him not, nor did they cause his death by crucifixion, but he was made to them to resemble. Verily, those who differ therein are certainly in confusion about it. They have no definite knowledge of the matter but are only following a conjecture. They did not kill him, this much is certain. 4:158. Rather Allâh exalted him with all honour to His presence. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

(Hey since you are versed in Greek could you show me the words "only" and "begotten" within John 3:16?

Unique doesn't translate to only does it? Where is beggotten from in the Greek?

Thanks in advance.

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God's Truth

New member
Please stop avoiding the questions and pretending like I'm the one being dishonest.

How does your concience not convict you?

Are you ever convicted of your conscience or is it seared?

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I know from what you said that yours is.
That is what happens when one falsely judges another, as you did to me. It exposes the false judge for what they are.


New member
I asked a question.....actually have yet to answer..... I haven't judged you friend. It was a real and serious question based on what I have seen of your words.
I know from what you said that yours is.
That is what happens when one falsely judges another, as you did to me. It exposes the false judge for what they are.

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