Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
I asked a question.....actually have yet to answer..... I haven't judged you friend. It was a real and serious question based on what I have seen of your words.

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I have already answered you.

You even asked that at the beginning of this thread.

You don't deserve to have it answered again.

You should be ashamed.


New member
Thank you.

Mine does read a little different.

Perhaps there is a good reason to learn Arabic.

4:157. And because of their claiming, ‘We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allâh,’ whereas they killed him not, nor did they cause his death by crucifixion, but he was made to them to resemble. Verily, those who differ therein are certainly in confusion about it. They have no definite knowledge of the matter but are only following a conjecture. They did not kill him, this much is certain. 4:158. Rather Allâh exalted him with all honour to His presence. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

That's an inferior rendering...

(Hey since you are versed in Greek could you show me the words "only" and "begotten" within John 3:16?

Unique doesn't translate to only does it? Where is beggotten from in the Greek?

Thanks in advance.

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God's Truth

New member
Nope it says He was made to seem to have died.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

But GT isn't a trinitarian, and believes the Spirit of GOD is too the Spirit of CHRIST and the spirit that was in Jesus' physical vessel; His Spirit was the Spirit according to them (gt), and I agree. That is why I asked them (gt) if Jesus' Spirit died.

She refuses to answer it seems.....or maybe she will get to it later.

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You can't get around it. The Bible says Jesus died on the cross.

The Qur'an says Jesus did not.

You are pretending that the Qur'an was speaking about his spirit not dying. That is your bad attempt to distort the truth. Tell me, does the Qur'an think Jesus' spirit is the Spirit of God?

God's Truth

New member
Thank you.

Mine does read a little different.

Perhaps there is a good reason to learn Arabic.

4:157. And because of their claiming, ‘We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allâh,’ whereas they killed him not, nor did they cause his death by crucifixion, but he was made to them to resemble. Verily, those who differ therein are certainly in confusion about it. They have no definite knowledge of the matter but are only following a conjecture. They did not kill him, this much is certain. 4:158. Rather Allâh exalted him with all honour to His presence. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

(Hey since you are versed in Greek could you show me the words "only" and "begotten" within John 3:16?

Unique doesn't translate to only does it? Where is beggotten from in the Greek?

Thanks in advance.

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We don't have to learn another language to know God's truth.


New member
Of course it is.

I already said the word unique isn't synonimous with only.

And I was more interested in the word begotten anyway.

That's an inferior rendering...


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New member
You can't get around it. The Bible says Jesus died on the cross.

The Qur'an says Jesus did not.

You are pretending that the Qur'an was speaking about his spirit not dying. That is your bad attempt to distort the truth. Tell me, does the Qur'an think Jesus' spirit is the Spirit of God?
Yes; though books don't generally think.

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God's Truth

New member
Yes; though books don't generally think.

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You are so crafty saying books don't think. Maybe you don't?

So the Qur'an has nothing to say about Jesus having or not having the Spirit of God?

Why are you promoting a book you don't know enough about?

That is careless and reckless.


New member
You are so crafty saying books don't think. Maybe you don't?

So the Qur'an has nothing to say about Jesus having or not having the Spirit of God?

Why are you promoting a book you don't know enough about?

That is careless and reckless.
I said yes.....I'm not sure how you missed it.

There is no distinction between the Messenger of GOD indwelled with the word and Spirit, and the Spirit of GOD within the Quran. All messegers are of GOD alone.

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God's Truth

New member
I said yes.....I'm not sure how you missed it.

There is no distinction between the Messenger of GOD indwelled with the word and Spirit, and the Spirit of GOD within the Quran. All messegers are of GOD alone.

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So the Qur'an says Muhaammad had/has the Holy Spirit the same like Jesus?

They are equal? Jesus is God, does the Qur'an say this?

In addition, tell me what the Qur'an says about how people can receive the Holy Spirit, and give scripture, because you make up stuff.


Well-known member
Fire is used for good and evil but has no moral guilt over the out come of its use by man or nature, same with spirit or subconscious, Isaiah 45:7.

All things are one, an exclusive minded Christian's nightmare that disrupts the motif of the two spirit concept, one good one evil, by reading all scared script literally the outcome is a perverted use of the one spirit, its fruit is separation instead of reconciliation.


New member
Study it yourself; you will not believe my understandings.

Remember to avoid the parenthesis as they are additions for clarification, but ate added by mere men.

I can give you the version I read if you would like.

So the Qur'an says Muhaammad had/has the Holy Spirit the same like Jesus?

They are equal? Jesus is God, does the Qur'an say this?

In addition, tell me what the Qur'an says about how people can receive the Holy Spirit, and give scripture, because you make up stuff.

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God's Truth

New member
Study it yourself; you will not believe my understandings.

Remember to avoid the parenthesis as they are additions for clarification, but ate added by mere men.

I can give you the version I read if you would like.

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No. This is your thread promoting the Qur'an. I'm not doing your work for you.

If you don't know it well enough then you can't defend it.


New member
Please don't assume I do not know the book. This thread is about more than just the quran.

All you want to do is focus on what you think might be contradictory between the two religions as opposed to seeing the harmony between the two actual books and their teachings.

As if you can dictate the direction of my thread and realistically expect me to follow your lead.

No. This is your thread promoting the Qur'an. I'm not doing your work for you.

If you don't know it well enough then you can't defend it.

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God's Truth

New member
Please don't assume I do not know the book. This thread is about more than just the quran.

All you want to do is focus on what you think might be contradictory between the two religions as opposed to seeing the harmony between the two actual books and their teachings.

As if you can dictate the direction of my thread and realistically expect me to follow your lead.

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Of course I am going to talk about how they are different.

I will always expose falseness and defend the truth.


New member
Then stand up for the Bible in which we can obey and receive the Holy Spirit.

Show me how the Qur'an says we can receive the Holy Spirit.
The direction of the Lord is given freely to all who even with to submit to GOD.

through it's (the Quran) entirety it teaches how to receive the Spirit, yet it never speaks such directly really.

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Active member

Good commentary bringing some significant points in the Apocrypha once being accepted more universally in earlier times, and the question of their removal from the standard canon, possible various reasons. - It appears probable that subtle religio-social-political currents were behind some of the changes in canon, with modifications, redactions inclusions/exclusions being affected thereby. The issue of the Septuagint is also most interesting, and if or how the masoretic text agrees with it and where it differs, if any Jewish scribes altered the text, etc.

The Apocrypha and Gnostic gospels are not Canon. They were not included in the books that were used for the teaching of the 'Law' to the Jews. As you know the Bible Canon was closed towards the end of the 1st Century AD. The Muratorian fragment is the best extant source proving the Canonicity of the current books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

We would note however that 'apocrypha' simply means 'hidden', 'secret' 'esoteric', 'obscure', - other 'inter-testamental works' were accepted and used by earlier followers of Jesus, such as the book of Enoch, while the term 'Son of Man' used by Enoch may have been adopted from it by Jesus himself, although other OT prophets were also referred to as a 'son of man'.

The Book of Enoch is dated to the 1st/2nd Century BCE. Many uninspired books were used by various authors of the Bible such as the "Book of Jashar", the "Book of the Wars of Jehovah" and many others but none of these books were viewed as inspired and thus were non-canonical and were not included in religious instruction by the Jews.