Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


Well-known member
I have already explained it to you thoroughly.

What you claim about Jesus is really disgusting, since Satan even flees from humans when it comes to temptations but you think Jesus lived his life with temptations as a mere man without God.

See how you change things, where on earth did I say that Jesus lived his life with temptations as a mere man without God?

Where did the without God come from? Not me! And I've never ever called Jesus mere! I wouldn't use that word. You're very good at putting your own twist to things!

Jesus says that the father never leaves him because he always does what pleases him, so why would I say he was without God? I've never said that once, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and God was always with him. And yes, I believe that Jesus was tempted daily as we are, but he didn't sin as we do. That's the difference GT, Jesus never ever sinned, he never let satan enter in no matter what satan put him through and Jesus overcame him. He denied him completely Jesus could spot satan a mile away.

Jesus was a man, he was in this flesh like we are, so he went through what we do but without sin, leaving us a perfect example to follow, showing us a new and living way before God. it wouldn't say in the Bible that it behoved him to become like his brethren if he didn't do it! And Jesus even says himself that he is a man!


Well-known member
You just repeat yourself as if you don't hear, and you keep comparing Jesus to us.

JESUS can sit people with him---we cannot sit people with us on the throne.

You marhig are NOT able to do what Jesus can do. Jesus is God and you are not.

No I repeat myself because you change what I say. And I'm not perfect and I never said I can do what Jesus can do, where did I say that one? Again you're putting words in my mouth.

The only thing I've ever said regarding is becoming like Jesus is that through Christ by the power of the Spirit, our hearts can be changed to be more like his. But I'm nothing compared to Jesus, I'm just a sinner being saved daily through him, through faith by the grace of God.


Well-known member
You were not following this discussion from the beginning. She said that I should read properly, but I had proven with the quote feature that she did in fact say that Jesus was baptized and MAKING him the Christ.

She needs to admit then that she is wrong in how she said it and not blame me for reading improperly. That is the way of God, to humble oneself and admit wrong. She is having a hard time doing it.

I don't care for this type of confusion that you are speaking.
Marhig does NOT agree with your beliefs.
You should be speaking more to her about it and not taking the side of someone who will not admit that she said he was baptized MAKING HIM THE CHRIST.
Did she really mean announcing him the Christ?
I can't say that is what she meant because she is denying everything.
Go teach her that Jesus is God instead of being a friend who encourages someone to not do right.
God says to do that is wrong.

It is not amending when someone does it untruthfully.
A person is not to say something wrong and then say it right BUT PRETEND they never said it wrong.

Not only that, she never apologized for saying I need to read properly.

That is no excuse.
As for you speaking as you are here against me, I do not mind correcting you. I hope you have learned something about marhig needing you to teach her that Jesus is in fact God, and she doesn't need you to encourage her not to apologize and own up to being wrong about what she said.

Think about it some more it mind come to you.
Yet again you missed out the word anointed, which is clearly in my original post. That's why I said you need to re-read it. You keep leaving out the word anointed and that's what I was referring to.


Well-known member
I can hope we all learn to humble ourselves; at times I may find an error in my own beliefs and will correct it internally. This may not be noted by an outward apology or thanks. The same could most likely be said for you.
But this doesn't even enter into thought as I did see her original post in this thread and it did mention His having the Spirit at age eight.

I am not correcting you. Who am I to correct you. I am only trying to show that she does indeed believe as you except that you draw a hard line in the sand because she takes issue with conflating the physical with the eternal Spirit, and rightly so seeing as how scripture says He grew in Spirit.

I am not against you or her.

You know that.

I have not taken a stance against you for this either. I only hope that we can discuss things without barriers and blockades holding back actual profitable conversation.

I humbly ask you again ma'am;

peace sister and friend

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Hi pops, sorry I'm not trying to derail your thread, I'm just setting straight what I actually said. If I'm wrong I will say so, but I'm not saying I'm wrong when someone is changing what I say.

By the way, I don't only believe that Jesus just had the Spirit from the age of 8, I believe he was born of God in the womb. He always had the Spirit with him. It says in the Bible that Jesus waxed strong in Spirit as a child, so he just grew stronger and stronger, so much so that at the age of 12 he was so strong that he could debate with lawyers and doctors!

And he was also already denying himself and living by the will of God by the age of 12, saying to his parents, "do you now know that I was about my father's business" how many of us can say that now even as adults belonging to God. Jesus was always ready to do Gods will and live and speak the truth, even as a child. And that's the heart that we should also have, we are to become as a little child, back to innocence, always be ready to speak, help others and live out the ways of God, do his works and live by his will loving him from the depths of our hearts putting him first in our lives. And through faith by God's grace we can do it, through Christ Jesus who will help those who belong to him to do so and help us to overcome this world of sin.


Well-known member
No, YOU need to learn that she didn't just oppose me---she said something and denied it, and then accused me of not reading properly.

Now you have done all this before in the past and you do it again.

Debate scriptures and doctrines and stop trying to tell me about myself, because you are wrong about me.
I'm not opposing you, I'm telling you what I believe to be the truth and you have gone defensive and think I'm opposing you. Yet again! I didn't say anything then deny it, you've quoted me wrong.

I clearly showed you that I did put the word anointed in my original post which you keep omitting when you quote me and then say that I said Jesus was the Christ because he had the Holy Spirit. No he was the Christ because he was fully anointed of God, Christ means the anointed one. And I never once said that Jesus was made the Christ by being baptised either, you've completely made that up! I keep showing you this but it's not going in, that's why I have to resort to repeating myself, because you keep leaving anointed out of the sentence when quoting me making what I said completely different to what I actually did say! Why should I apologise to you for that?

Anyway that's it, I'm not talking about it anymore, I've explained what I mean, I've told the truth, you believe what you will. But I won't be answering you regarding this again, no matter what you say about me.
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Well-known member
Ok, [MENTION=17355]popsthebuilder[/MENTION] back to you're op :)

I've never really read anything other than the Holy Bible, I've never read the Quran, what does it say about Jesus? Thanks

God's Truth

New member
I'm not opposing you, I'm telling you what I believe to be the truth and you have gone defensive and think I'm opposing you. Yet again! I didn't say anything then deny it, you've quoted me wrong.

I clearly showed you that I did put the word anointed in my original post which you keep omitting when you quote me and then say that I said Jesus was the Christ because he had the Holy Spirit. No he was the Christ because he was fully anointed of God, Christ means the anointed one. And I never once said that Jesus was made the Christ by being baptised either, you've completely made that up! I keep showing you this but it's not going in, that's why I have to resort to repeating myself, because you keep leaving anointed out of the sentence when quoting me making what I said completely different to what I actually did say! Why should I apologise to you for that?

Anyway that's it, I'm not talking about it anymore, I've explained what I mean, I've told the truth, you believe what you will. But I won't be answering you regarding this again, no matter what you say about me.

You again prove that you are a dishonest person. You might talk about obeying Jesus but you obviously do not.
You say here that you don't oppose me---but of course you oppose me, we oppose each other. You say I didn't quote you right---of course I did, because I used the quote feature.

You just don't like it that I have proven you wrong.

God's Truth

New member
Yet again you missed out the word anointed, which is clearly in my original post. That's why I said you need to re-read it. You keep leaving out the word anointed and that's what I was referring to.

You are not speaking the truth. I quote you exactly where you say he was baptized with the Holy Spirit MAKING HIM THE CHRIST.

Jesus was born the Christ.

If you knew that and meant that then you should have not started falsely accusing me and you should have just said that is what you meant. You are contentious.

God's Truth

New member
Yet again you missed out the word anointed, which is clearly in my original post. That's why I said you need to re-read it. You keep leaving out the word anointed and that's what I was referring to.

Are you that ignorant? The word 'anointed' proves my point, so why do you think I would leave it out?
He was not anointed with the Holy Spirit thus making him the Christ. He was born the Christ.

God's Truth

New member
No I repeat myself because you change what I say. And I'm not perfect and I never said I can do what Jesus can do, where did I say that one? Again you're putting words in my mouth.

The only thing I've ever said regarding is becoming like Jesus is that through Christ by the power of the Spirit, our hearts can be changed to be more like his. But I'm nothing compared to Jesus, I'm just a sinner being saved daily through him, through faith by the grace of God.

In my times of debating you, you always compare Jesus to us.

I will say Jesus is God because his spirit is the Holy Spirit---

But YOU will say something exactly like 'We have the Holy Spirit and we are not God'.


I will say but Jesus is God because he has the spirit of God AND his blood washes away sins---

THEN YOU WILL come back and say something exactly like 'We have the Holy Spirit and that does not make us God'.

I will say but Jesus is God because he can put people in him in heaven---

THEN YOU WILL SAY we have the Holy Spirit and we are not God.

You keep comparing Jesus to us.

Jesus HAS the Holy Spirit and is God and his blood washes those who repent and he puts the saved in him.

God's Truth

New member
See how you change things, where on earth did I say that Jesus lived his life with temptations as a mere man without God?

Where did the without God come from? Not me! And I've never ever called Jesus mere! I wouldn't use that word. You're very good at putting your own twist to things!

Jesus says that the father never leaves him because he always does what pleases him, so why would I say he was without God? I've never said that once, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and God was always with him. And yes, I believe that Jesus was tempted daily as we are, but he didn't sin as we do. That's the difference GT, Jesus never ever sinned, he never let satan enter in no matter what satan put him through and Jesus overcame him. He denied him completely Jesus could spot satan a mile away.

Jesus was a man, he was in this flesh like we are, so he went through what we do but without sin, leaving us a perfect example to follow, showing us a new and living way before God. it wouldn't say in the Bible that it behoved him to become like his brethren if he didn't do it! And Jesus even says himself that he is a man!

You did say it.

Now stop denying it.

YOU HAVE SAID TO ME THAT YOU fight off not sinning every day.

You then say Jesus is exactly like us.

No, he is not exactly like you a person who has not the whole truth.

You cannot prove to me that Jesus fought off sinning all day every day.

And before you come back and say you did not say it---THEN EXAMINE YOURSELF and look at what you have said and why you are going against me for MY SAYING Jesus was only tempted to sin in the DESERT.

Anyone can see that you are dead wrong because for one, you deny Jesus is God.

Then you have to tell untruths about others because that is what people do when they have to defend their false beliefs.

God's Truth

New member
No, you've read it wrong yet again! I've re-quoted what I've written and I'm clearly showing you I said anointed making him the Christ, meaning he was the Christ because he was fully anointed of God.
That is what I said you said!!!

Also, where did i say that Jesus received the Holy Spirit at baptism?

You are dizzy. THE BIBLE SAYS IT, and now you are claiming not to have said what the Bible says.

You're saying that you've shown me, but you haven't! And that's because I've never said it. And yet again once people say things you don't agree with, you pull out the dishonesty card. I am not a liar.

I have told you what I believe to be the truth, so please stop changing my words to suit what you think I believe!

You are dishonest and hysterical.

God's Truth

New member
It's fixed now.
I think. lol

Let me just ask you this....

How did the Jews jump from son of God to making himself God?

The before Abraham was, I am didn't cut it.

The Old Testament has PROPHETIC writings about Jesus in it that were not yet known.

For instance, God telling Abraham to sacrifice his Son; the bronze snake in the desert; the Passover Lamb, etc.

God's Truth

New member
Well, His flesh certainly didn't come down from heaven....He was born of a woman, remember? :doh:

Why would you say such a thing when I told you that his flesh was from Mary?

Jesus was the Word become flesh, so yes, He came from heaven and became flesh.

Flesh means human being, like all human beings, with body, soul, and spirit.

Try to follow ....God the Word (who was WITH GOD), took on the form of a servant (mankind-humanity).

If you close our eyes, you can picture it happening. :cloud9:

How convenient for you to leave out the part about my saying his spirit is from heaven.

You said his spirit is just a man's.

So if his flesh and spirit are just man, then how did he come from heaven?


Well-known member
It's fixed now.
I think. lol

It's not fixed, and it's really spooky. I've never seen anything like that in all my time here. :alien:

Let me just ask you this....

How did the Jews jump from son of God to making himself God?

The before Abraham was, I am didn't cut it.

The Jews didn't jump, they just understood what Jesus was claiming.

Tell me, how do you explain the anger of the Jews when Jesus answered this question the way He did?

John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.​

The moment Jesus said He was I AM, they took up stones to cast at Him. He had to disappear from their sight, going out through the midst of them to keep from being stoned.


Well-known member
Why would you say such a thing when I told you that his flesh was from Mary?

How convenient for you to leave out the part about my saying his spirit is from heaven.

You said his spirit is just a man's.

So if his flesh and spirit are just man, then how did he come from heaven?

The Incarnation. Have you ever heard of that?

God's Truth

New member
No. A good many liberal 'biblical' or 'religious studies' scholars do not either, because they recognize the there are some embellishments, fictional narratives, literary devices, mythology and other allegory within the Bible (besides some errors, inconsistencies or contradictions within some passages). This would be the case in many religious writings of any sizable volume, conditioned by other factors that have affected the compositions written. That some 'religious fiction' and 'history' would naturally be mixed together in some 'sacred texts' is expected. (note that some texts may still be more or less 'inspired', even with distortions of human imperfection present, I've NEVER denied that the Bible contains inspired portions, wisdom, edifying poetry/allegory, mythology, historical value within its own context, but see no rationale to assume it is wholly inerrant, perfect or infallible. Only the truth that is eternal, of the spirit of truth itself, is the essence of truth or perfection.)

From a purely secular historical point of view, narratives showcasing incredible miracles, supernatural feats, extraordinary events are not usually accepted as 'historical' besides being 'faith literature' or 'mythology'. These events are not believed by historians in general (or agnostics/atheists/non believers), except MAYBE by religious historians or 'apologists' of the particular texts in question.

This is just addressing a few aspects of the question of the wholesale belief in the total perfection (or 'finality' for that matter) of any 'sacred text'. Also note that one does not have to believe a sacred text is wholly inerrant or totally free of 'fictional embellishemnt' or 'mythology', since a text can still communicate religious and spiritual meanings and values. I would have you note that as a spiritualist and mystic by nature and orientation, I do not deny the reality of the supernatural, miraculous or the creative powers inherent in faith itself (also spiritual gifts and anointings), which would be powers derived from the Creator and the creative laws, but may approach and interpret these differently.

You didn't answer the question.

Do you not believe somethings that are written in the Holy Bible?


Literal lunatic
It's not fixed, and it's really spooky. I've never seen anything like that in all my time here. :alien:

Wudn't me. :idunno:

The Jews didn't jump, they just understood what Jesus was claiming.

1 Corinthians 2:8 8None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the LORD of glory.

Tell me, how do you explain the anger of the Jews when Jesus answered this question the way He did?

John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.​

The moment Jesus said He was I AM, they took up stones to cast at Him. He had to disappear from their sight, going out through the midst of them to keep from being stoned.

Why does any mob of lunatics do anything?

James 4:5

"Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?"

God's Truth

New member
It's not fixed, and it's really spooky. I've never seen anything like that in all my time here. :alien:

The Jews didn't jump, they just understood what Jesus was claiming.

Tell me, how do you explain the anger of the Jews when Jesus answered this question the way He did?

John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.​

The moment Jesus said He was I AM, they took up stones to cast at Him. He had to disappear from their sight, going out through the midst of them to keep from being stoned.

What you said to 1mind does prove Jesus is God; however, it also proves that Jesus is God the Father.