Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
I've more than adequately answered and explained the logics and rationale behind my statements, and clarified them. If you are claiming that the Bible is innerrant, infallible, perfect or final in its revelation of the totality of reality, then the burden of that claim is upon you to prove. Beyond that, I'm not going to repeat the obvious in my former discourse that I DO NOT believe the entire Bible to be God's one and only word, LET ALONE the final word. I am not under the burden of such a 'need' or 'necessity' to claim any one set of 'sacred texts' as being the one and only, although some texts may be better than others.

Of course any are free to believe that the 'sacred texts' of their own religious tradition or culture are the only 'inspired' ones in existence, which is a rather incredible claim.

God's written Word is provable, but you are stubborn and rebellious, as God says.

You have a made up god in your imagination with a made up book from your tickled ears.

God's Truth

New member
They are obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations--

They do evil in God's sight and chose what displeases Him.

They exchange the truth of God for a lie.

They are self-seeking and they reject the truth and follow evil.

They do not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God.

They are hostile to God.

They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

They have been deceived by sin.

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Their minds are on earthly things.

They are stubborn and follow their own devices.

They are stubborn; the sinews of their neck are iron, their forehead are bronze.

They have stubborn and rebellious hearts; they have turned aside and gone away.

They do not listen or pay attention; instead, they follow the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They go backward and not forward.

They do not listen or pay attention; instead, they follow the stubborn inclinations of their evil hearts. They go backward and not forward.

They have stubborn pride.

They refuse to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways.

They are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the LORD’s instruction.

Stubborn like a heifer. How then can the LORD pasture them like lambs in a meadow?

Examine yourselves and you will see that the word of God is true.

John 3:19, 20; Acts 7:51; Isaiah30:9; 65:2; 65:11,12; Romans 1:19-21; 1:25; 1:28; 2:8; 8:7; 2 Thessalonians 2:10; Hebrews 3:13; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; Philippians 3:19; Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:11-16; Psalm 81:12; Isaiah 48:4; Jeremiah 5:23; 7:24; Leviticus 26:19; Judges 2:19; Hosea 4:16.


New member
There are people in certain areas of the world who are a specific ethnicity.

A Jew is one from a certain area of the world, and one who obeys God's commands.

God loved Abraham and promised that from his descendants would come the Savior.

God says not all from Israel are Israel, and the new Covenant tells us we are Jews and Israel if we have faith.

If you have books with teachings from different people and different places, and even from different planets, as some teach, then it is not the same God and Jesus that salvation comes, and you have then mixed the cup of the Lord with the cup of demons.

I know it sounds scary and tough, but it is the truth.

1 Corinthians 10:21 You cannot drink the Lord's cup and the cup of demons: you cannot be joint-partakers both in the table of the Lord and in the table of demons.

The Holy Bible is finished. We cannot add to it. You cannot add teaching from other people and places. You cannot take things out of the Bible that you don't agree with, and you cannot add things from other people and places.

You cannot add books and writings and call them Holy Texts.
It isn't adding to the Bible when the other texts are in agreement with it.

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New member
There are people in certain areas of the world who are a specific ethnicity.

A Jew is one from a certain area of the world, and one who obeys God's commands.

God loved Abraham and promised that from his descendants would come the Savior.

God says not all from Israel are Israel, and the new Covenant tells us we are Jews and Israel if we have faith.

If you have books with teachings from different people and different places, and even from different planets, as some teach, then it is not the same God and Jesus that salvation comes, and you have then mixed the cup of the Lord with the cup of demons.

I know it sounds scary and tough, but it is the truth.

1 Corinthians 10:21 You cannot drink the Lord's cup and the cup of demons: you cannot be joint-partakers both in the table of the Lord and in the table of demons.

The Holy Bible is finished. We cannot add to it. You cannot add teaching from other people and places. You cannot take things out of the Bible that you don't agree with, and you cannot add things from other people and places.

You cannot add books and writings and call them Holy Texts.
There is no longer Jew or gentile.

All fall short of the glory of GOD.

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New member
Ok, [MENTION=17355]popsthebuilder[/MENTION] back to you're op :)

I've never really read anything other than the Holy Bible, I've never read the Quran, what does it say about Jesus? Thanks
It says He is the Messiah, one of the closest to GOD, That His Spirit did not die, and that He was given the Word of GOD by GOD.

It also says He was the messenger of GOD, and that GOD never needed a son.

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Well-known member
It says He is the Messiah, one of the closest to GOD, That His Spirit did not die, and that He was given the Word of GOD by GOD.

It also says He was the messenger of GOD, and that GOD never needed a son.

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I do believe that we are to believe that Jesus is the son of God, but this has to be revealed to our hearts, and this is the revelation that the father gave Peter, also revealing that he is the Christ. If Jesus says that this is revelation from the father, then I believe that it's very important that we listen and believe him, and if we have faith then we will.

I wouldn't judge anyone though, only God knows the depths of the heart, God's people are to speak the truth and leave the judging of the heart to God. As I have said I've only ever read the Bible but I know it's the truth, I don't need to look elsewhere, God has everything he needs for us to know in there.

Thanks for explaining that to me :)


Well-known member
So, you admit that you are not a monotheist?

I am rather shocked.

Explains some though.

Don't get too excited, Pops. I simply used the wrong term.

I was talking about those who believe the Father stopped being the Father to become the Son, and then stopped being the Son to become the Spirit. I can't remember what they're called right now, but it fits God's Untruth even though she denies it.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Don't get too excited, Pops. I simply used the wrong term.

I was talking about those who believe the Father stopped being the Father to become the Son, and then stopped being the Son to become the Spirit. I can't remember what they're called right now, but it fits God's Untruth even though she denies it.
Modalism. also called Sabellianism.

God's Truth

New member
Don't get too excited, Pops. I simply used the wrong term.

I was talking about those who believe the Father stopped being the Father to become the Son, and then stopped being the Son to become the Spirit. I can't remember what they're called right now, but it fits God's Untruth even though she denies it.

it's a shame that you cannot be depended upon to speak my beliefs for me, because you are not saying what I believe. The father and the Son and the Holy Spirit exist at the same time.


Well-known member
it's a shame that you cannot be depended upon to speak my beliefs for me, because you are not saying what I believe. The father and the Son and the Holy Spirit exist at the same time.

But you deny them their own identity, so you are, in effect, forcing them to be the other while insisting they are not in company with the other. One has to be dropped....and that is exactly what you do.


Well-known member
It says He is the Messiah, one of the closest to GOD, That His Spirit did not die, and that He was given the Word of GOD by GOD.

It also says He was the messenger of GOD, and that GOD never needed a son.

That Word you claim was given, was God from the beginning, and that Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

"That God never needed a Son..." Like God never needed a part of Himself. :nono:

God's Truth

New member
But you deny them their own identity, so you are, in effect, forcing them to be the other while insisting they are not in company with the other. One has to be dropped....and that is exactly what you do.
There are three nobody has to be dropped.