Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


New member
"Believe me," said Jesus, "the time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

You worship One of whom you know nothing. We worship One whom we know; for salvation comes from the Jews.
Excuse my ignorance please; could you please give me the reference for the scripture you just shared? I recall it, but cannot locate it.


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God's Truth

New member
Excuse my ignorance please; could you please give me the reference for the scripture you just shared? I recall it, but cannot locate it.


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John 4:21, and 22.

I have given it to you before.

Too bad more good things are not retained for you.

You even said the exact same thing before about excusing you.

How many times should you keep being excused when you have been shown?

God's Truth

New member
Jew as in faithful believers in GOD; yes, we agree.

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There are people in certain areas of the world who are a specific ethnicity.

A Jew is one from a certain area of the world, and one who obeys God's commands.

God loved Abraham and promised that from his descendants would come the Savior.

God says not all from Israel are Israel, and the new Covenant tells us we are Jews and Israel if we have faith.

If you have books with teachings from different people and different places, and even from different planets, as some teach, then it is not the same God and Jesus that salvation comes, and you have then mixed the cup of the Lord with the cup of demons.

I know it sounds scary and tough, but it is the truth.

1 Corinthians 10:21 You cannot drink the Lord's cup and the cup of demons: you cannot be joint-partakers both in the table of the Lord and in the table of demons.

The Holy Bible is finished. We cannot add to it. You cannot add teaching from other people and places. You cannot take things out of the Bible that you don't agree with, and you cannot add things from other people and places.

You cannot add books and writings and call them Holy Texts.


Eclectic Theosophist
salvation is from 'God'........

salvation is from 'God'........

Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

Now back to the topic of this thread.

The Bible is the only sacred texts.

The Bible is one religious book compiled by a particular nation or culture of the earth at a particular point in time, including a stream of different time periods therefrom within that same cultural-context. Jews and Christians make up only about 1/3 of our planet's population, and is one of at least 5 other major religious denominations in the world.

Below is just a rough draft generalized estimate from some surveys I collected for an idea of religious populations from various sources. Interestingly some predict Islam growing beyond Christianity at a steady pace currently and near and far future -

Religious group populations on Earth:

1) Christianity (32%)
2) Muslim (24%)
3) Hinduism (15%)
4) Buddhism (7%)
5) Chinese Folk Religions/traditions (6%)
6) Other ( ---- %)
7) Unaffiliated [secular, non-religious, agnostic/atheist] (16%)

Why is because salvation is from the Jews and those texts in the Holy Bible are from the Jews.

Only John puts that claim in Jesus mouth, per that writer's agenda of that particular gospel of course, for his thesis must have Judaism as its root to give the particular messianic branch of his own denomination some credential. John has also been redacted.

Again, we're back to all this being included/con-cluded within a given cult-ural context, one you've choosen to accept as being 'exlcusively' God's own. On this point my original commentaries here and elsewhere hold, and we can also draw inspiration and insight from other religious texts as well, as the template and fullness of truth, knowledge and revelation is NOT limited to one religious cult or tradition. The Infinite Spirit by nature and dimension is uncontainable.

2/3 of the world's population probably share a different opinion than you about the exclusivity, innerrancy or sacredness of the Bible alone, since they have their own 'sacred texts' as well. Those more eclectic, liberal and inclusive...will of course accept God's revelation within all religious traditions.

God's Truth

New member
The Bible is one religious book compiled by a particular nation or culture of the earth at a particular point in time, including a stream of different time periods therefrom within that same cultural-context. Jews and Christians make up only about 1/3 of our planet's population, and is one of at least 5 other major religious denominations in the world.

Below is just a rough draft generalized estimate from some surveys I collected for an idea of religious populations from various sources. Interestingly some predict Islam growing beyond Christianity at a steady pace currently and near and far future -

Religious group populations on Earth:

1) Christianity (32%)
2) Muslim (24%)
3) Hinduism (15%)
4) Buddhism (7%)
5) Chinese Folk Religions/traditions (6%)
6) Other ( ---- %)
7) Unaffiliated [secular, non-religious, agnostic/atheist] (16%)

Only John puts that claim in Jesus mouth, per that writer's agenda of that particular gospel of course, for his thesis must have Judaism as its root to give the particular messianic branch of his own denomination some credential. John has also been redacted.

Again, we're back to all this being included/con-cluded within a given cult-ural context, one you've choosen to accept as being 'exlcusively' God's own. On this point my original commentaries here and elsewhere hold, and we can also draw inspiration and insight from other religious texts as well, as the template and fullness of truth, knowledge and revelation is NOT limited to one religious cult or tradition. The Infinite Spirit by nature and dimension is uncontainable.

2/3 of the world's population probably share a different opinion than you about the exclusivity, innerrancy or sacredness of the Bible alone, since they have their own 'sacred texts' as well. Those more eclectic, liberal and inclusive...will of course accept God's revelation within all religious traditions.

Firstly, you have to DEMEAN the HOLY BIBLE to DEFEND your falseness. You claim John said something wrong. No, you are the one saying wrong things.

You must know that you are in error when you have to demean the Holy Bible, as if God cannot preserve His written Word.

All need to convert to the Holy Bible and give up their false teachings.

You cannot add and subtract to the Holy Bible and make your own god as if it is the one and only God.


Well-known member
Nope, he is clearly saying I am as in he is the Christ the son of God, you just try to change what is said to suit your Trinitarian doctrine.

So everytime someone asks me if I'm Mary, and I say I am, does that make me God? Of course not! Everyone says I am, what else was Jesus supposed to say when they asked him if he is the Christ the son of God? The only thing he could have said is I am. He couldn't say I was, or I will be, because he is the son of God so he said I am.

Nothing in the verses that you quote where Jesus says I AM, have him saying he is God, he only ever says that he is the son of God, and that's who he says he is from the beginning, and according to him and his apostles that's what we are to believe to be saved. We are to believe in Jesus and believe that he is the son of God, and that is also the revelation that Peter received from the father, that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God, not that Jesus is God.

You shouldn't call people lost and not in Christ who believe that Jesus is the son of God yet don't believe that he is God. Because that's what we are told to believe in the Bible.

You shouldn't assume the Jews were as ignorant of I AM as you apparently are. Let's watch you distort yourself explaining this one 'Mary'. :chuckle:

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.​


Well-known member
I'm sorry; could you inform me of what specifically I do not regard as truth in reference the Quran?

Ms. Mary is free to speak on whatever she chooses here, in this thread. GT, and you and everyone else are also afforded the same.

There is a tie that binds each of us here; and that tie is that we are all self proclaimed Christian's.

The Koran doesn't says Jesus is God and says he isn't.

As far as your thread direction? Just saying it is off-track. Your thread.


Eclectic Theosophist
Divine logic................

Divine logic................

Firstly, you have to DEMEAN the HOLY BIBLE to DEFEND your falseness. You claim John said something wrong. No, you are the one saying wrong things.

Readers can read what I wrote before and more properly interpret it, to determine if your claim above is true.

You must know that you are in error when you have to demean the Holy Bible, as if God cannot preserve His written Word.

See above.

All need to convert to the Holy Bible and give up their false teachings.

Your personal belief is noted.

You cannot add and subtract to the Holy Bible and make your own god as if it is the one and only God.

My theology neither insists or assumes the above. Anyone interested can let the words speak for themselves.

One cannot limit the Infinite Spirit to one book. If this is your claim or 'belief', the burden of proof is upon you to provide the evidence for such a 'claim' or 'belief'. The thread is about discussion on that subject, - I've supplied points to challenge the 'assumption' of the Bible as the only 'sacred text' in the world, with supporting rationale and logic.


Literal lunatic
You shouldn't assume the Jews were as ignorant of I AM as you apparently are. Let's watch you distort yourself explaining this one 'Mary'. :chuckle:

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.​

You tryin' to prove Jesus is not the son of God?

Scripture must have been fulfilled...

King James Version
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Luke 22

For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

This is why they went backwards when he said I am he....

Psalms 70:2

“Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.”

John 18:6

“As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.”

Psalm 70 is the Son praying to His Father.

Not some proof text he is God.

The Father loves the Son and always hears Him. :)

Make haste, O God, to deliver me;

make haste to help me, O LORD.
Let them be ashamed and confounded

that seek after my soul:
let them be turned backward, and put to confusion,
that desire my hurt.
Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame

that say, Aha, aha.
Let all those that seek thee

rejoice and be glad in thee:
and let such as love thy salvation
say continually, Let God be magnified.
But I am poor and needy;

make haste unto me, O God:
thou art my help and my deliverer;
O LORD, make no tarrying.


Well-known member
You tryin' to prove Jesus is not the son of God?

No, I'm trying to prove that Jesus is God, was with God and was God before He became flesh and dwelt among us. Therefore, when He refers to Himself as I AM, He is telling them that He is God and was God from the beginning (even before Abraham).

Scripture must have been fulfilled...

King James Version
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Nice try, but the gods there were the Judges of Israel, and even they were called the children of the most High. He went on to say, if they didn't believe Him they should believe the work he was doing, and that the Father was in Him and He was in the Father. They sought to take him again, because they knew He was performing miracles...healing the lame and blind (even the Judges of Israel could not do that).

Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.​

The Jews knew what He was claiming, which is why they accused Him of blasphemy.


Literal lunatic
No, I'm trying to prove that Jesus is God, was with God and was God before He became flesh and dwelt among us. Therefore, when He refers to Himself as I AM, He is telling them that He is God and was God from the beginning (even before Abraham).

Nice try, but the gods there were the Judges of Israel, and even they were called the children of the most High. He went on to say, if they didn't believe Him they should believe the work he was doing, and that the Father was in Him and He was in the Father. They sought to take him again, because they knew He was performing miracles...healing the lame and blind (even the Judges of Israel could not do that).

Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.​

The Jews knew what He was claiming, which is why they accused Him of blasphemy.

:rotfl: but nice try.

God's Truth

New member
Readers can read what I wrote before and more properly interpret it, to determine if your claim above is true.

See above.

Your personal belief is noted.

My theology neither insists or assumes the above. Anyone interested can let the words speak for themselves.

One cannot limit the Infinite Spirit to one book. If this is your claim or 'belief', the burden of proof is upon you to provide the evidence for such a 'claim' or 'belief'. The thread is about discussion on that subject, - I've supplied points to challenge the 'assumption' of the Bible as the only 'sacred text' in the world, with supporting rationale and logic.

Go ahead and clear things up then:

Do you believe that all the things in the Holy Bible are true and happened as said?

God's Truth

New member
You tryin' to prove Jesus is not the son of God?

Scripture must have been fulfilled...

King James Version
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

Luke 22

For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

This is why they went backwards when he said I am he....

Psalms 70:2

“Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.”

John 18:6

“As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.”

Psalm 70 is the Son praying to His Father.

Not some proof text he is God.

The Father loves the Son and always hears Him. :)

Make haste, O God, to deliver me;

make haste to help me, O LORD.
Let them be ashamed and confounded

that seek after my soul:
let them be turned backward, and put to confusion,
that desire my hurt.
Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame

that say, Aha, aha.
Let all those that seek thee

rejoice and be glad in thee:
and let such as love thy salvation
say continually, Let God be magnified.
But I am poor and needy;

make haste unto me, O God:
thou art my help and my deliverer;
O LORD, make no tarrying.

Are you starting to get it now?

Jesus is the I AM.

The I AM is God the Father.

Understand now?