Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


Well-known member
Again, you said he BECAME CHRIST at the baptism; that's why.

From the scriptures we can see that Jesus was led to the desert for the purpose of being tempted by the devil. That was why Jesus was led to the desert, which proves that Jesus was not tempted in such a way every day, as some here believe they are tempted.

Whether or not the whole time in the desert was a constant temptation, I do not believe so, for we have the scriptures speaking of temptation after he was hungry, after he did not eat for 40 days, after he suffered in the body for 40 days.

From the scriptures we see that after that the devil left him.

The next time was probably before being arrested, since this is the time he talked about temptation when the body is weak and the mind is willing. This was the time before being arrested and Jesus didn't sleep and had the thoughts of torture and death before him.

We know that the Bible says that if we resist Satan and submit to God, Satan will flee from us.
How much more does the Jesus Christ the Word of God know this!

I do not believe for a second that Jesus, the Word of God, who is obedient to God, would continue in being tempted to sin every day all day.

How anyone gets that Jesus is tempted to sin with his flesh all day every day makes life just a pathetic existence that I do not see in the scriptures.
The reason I believe that Jesus was tempted after the wilderness, is because he said so himself.

This is Jesus talking to his disciples.

Luke 22

Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Why did Jesus say that the disciples continued with him in his temptations? They weren't with him in the wilderness, and they continued with him whilst he was being tempted, so Jesus must have been tempted more than just in the wilderness. Jesus would have gone through everything we do, and that includes being often tempted, the difference is he didn't sin, he fought satan on his own ground and won and overcame him.


Well-known member
I am not a trinitarian and I know that Jesus is God.
Jesus has ALL the SAME exact names as the Father, including the name 'God'.

Jesus is called what the Father is called, and some of those names are 'Savior', 'Redeemer', 'Deliverer', 'Rock', 'King of kings', 'Lord of lords', 'the Holy One', 'the Alpha and the Omega', 'the First and the Last', 'the Beginning and the End'.

THOSE ARE God the Father's names and the SAME NAMES TO JESUS.

Philippians 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

Jude 1:25 to the only God our Savior be glory,

Did you read that?


JESUS IS CALLED THE SAVIOR, but you will NOT call Him the only God.

Jesus IS SITTING on the Father's throne, and has every name the Father has, but according to you not the name 'God'.


Jesus clearly shows us that he is separate from the father. Also, you say that Jesus is set in his father's throne, but Jesus says that we will set those who belong to him in his throne as he is set in his father's throne, so does that make us Christ? No it doesn't, so it doesn't make Jesus the father because he is set in his throne either.


Well-known member
:think: How did a thread about scriptures turn into another "Jesus isn't God" thread? :idunno:

1) Marhig, God's Truth is a Modalist, not a Trinitarian.
2) Pops isn't anti-triune, but isn't quite triune either (might tie into the thread because he seems to disagree with a bit of the Koran).
3) This thread is about which scriptures are supposed to be in your canon (Bible).


New member
:think: How did a thread about scriptures turn into another "Jesus isn't God" thread? :idunno:

1) Marhig, God's Truth is a Modalist, not a Trinitarian.
2) Pops isn't anti-triune, but isn't quite triune either (might tie into the thread because he seems to disagree with a bit of the Koran).
3) This thread is about which scriptures are supposed to be in your canon (Bible).
I'm sorry; could you inform me of what specifically I do not regard as truth in reference the Quran?

Ms. Mary is free to speak on whatever she chooses here, in this thread. GT, and you and everyone else are also afforded the same.

There is a tie that binds each of us here; and that tie is that we are all self proclaimed Christian's.

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God's Truth

New member
:think: How did a thread about scriptures turn into another "Jesus isn't God" thread? :idunno:

1) Marhig, God's Truth is a Modalist, not a Trinitarian.
2) Pops isn't anti-triune, but isn't quite triune either (might tie into the thread because he seems to disagree with a bit of the Koran).
3) This thread is about which scriptures are supposed to be in your canon (Bible).

You should stop telling untruths about my beliefs. I am not a modalist. I have told you that many times and explained the differences of my beliefs and the modalists' beliefs. By the way, pops has the same beliefs as I do on the trinity.

This is pops thread and we don't need you to do your hypocritical complaining.

God's Truth

New member
To me it is imperative to know that Christ is now GOD.

If there is a difference to be made then it would have to be when GOD was manifest in the flesh. But for all intents and purposes now at this time; the Christ is GOD. This shouldn't be confused with saying that the temporal man Jesus was, as He walked the Earth, the literal utter fullness of GOD, But that He was found pleasing to GOD through obidience to the will of GOD as it pertained to His life on Earth.

If we conflate the temporal with the eternal then what is to stop false "Christ"s from declaring that they are literally GOD?


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Jesus was God when he walked the earth but he put upon himself the limits of being a man in the flesh.

God's Truth

New member
What? I've never said that, show me where I said that Jesus only received the holy Spirit at baptism? He's always been God's anointed Christ. Christ was in the prophets, he's always been Christ.

I showed you now maybe you will see it and admit it.

God's Truth

New member
No I said he was filled with the Holy spirit,anointed making him the Christ.

And again, I've never said Jesus became the Christ at baptism. I've told you, Simeon said he saw God's Christ when Jesus was eight days old, so Jesus has always been the Christ. I mean't him being anointed made him the Christ, Christ means anointed one.

You are not so honest. You say no you did not say something that you surely did say. You said making him the Christ. You sure did say it. Anyone with eyes to see these things sees it too.

God's Truth

New member
The reason I believe that Jesus was tempted after the wilderness, is because he said so himself.

This is Jesus talking to his disciples.

Luke 22

Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Why did Jesus say that the disciples continued with him in his temptations? They weren't with him in the wilderness, and they continued with him whilst he was being tempted, so Jesus must have been tempted more than just in the wilderness. Jesus would have gone through everything we do, and that includes being often tempted, the difference is he didn't sin, he fought satan on his own ground and won and overcame him.

I have already explained it to you thoroughly.

What you claim about Jesus is really disgusting, since Satan even flees from humans when it comes to temptations but you think Jesus lived his life with temptations as a mere man without God.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus clearly shows us that he is separate from the father. Also, you say that Jesus is set in his father's throne, but Jesus says that we will set those who belong to him in his throne as he is set in his father's throne, so does that make us Christ? No it doesn't, so it doesn't make Jesus the father because he is set in his throne either.

You just repeat yourself as if you don't hear, and you keep comparing Jesus to us.

JESUS can sit people with him---we cannot sit people with us on the throne.

You marhig are NOT able to do what Jesus can do. Jesus is God and you are not.
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New member
You just repeat yourself as if you don't hear, and you keep comparing Jesus to us.

JESUS can sit people with him---we cannot sit people with us on the throne.

You marhig are NOT able to do what Jesus can do. Jesus is God and you are not.

Please.....she said He had the Holy Spirit within Him and verified at age eight. She also said that He was Christ/anointed with the Spirit of GOD at His baptism.

This is too what you say ma'am. And me....He surely had the Spirit at conception, as testified to by Elizabeth. And He surely grew and waxed strong in Spirit, setting aside the wants or temptations of the material or physical and attaining/ abiding by the will of GOD which He knew intimately due to the GOD given nature of His very Spirit.

What I am saying is that it isn't helpful to hold one to half of what they said as opposed to considering all of it and attempting to understand it all without contradiction.

Did what she said seem contradictory to you? Obviously. But now, it is apparent that she needlessly amended her previous statement in an attempt to clarify for you personally. And in light of such, she indeed is not guilty of the things you are accusing her of.

Please understand that this isn't private because regardless of how many times I delete old pms, both sent and received; I can no longer send or receive any more.

please....not here.....not now....

With sincerity;


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God's Truth

New member

Please.....she said He had the Holy Spirit within Him and verified at age eight. She also said that He was Christ/anointed with the Spirit of GOD at His baptism.

You were not following this discussion from the beginning. She said that I should read properly, but I had proven with the quote feature that she did in fact say that Jesus was baptized and MAKING him the Christ.

This is too what you say ma'am. And me....He surely had the Spirit at conception, as testified to by Elizabeth. And He surely grew and waxed strong in Spirit, setting aside the wants or temptations of the material or physical and attaining/ abiding by the will of GOD which He knew intimately due to the GOD given nature of His very Spirit.

She needs to admit then that she is wrong in how she said it and not blame me for reading improperly. That is the way of God, to humble oneself and admit wrong. She is having a hard time doing it.

What I am saying is that it isn't helpful to hold one to half of what they said as opposed to considering all of it and attempting to understand it all without contradiction.

I don't care for this type of confusion that you are speaking.
Marhig does NOT agree with your beliefs.
You should be speaking more to her about it and not taking the side of someone who will not admit that she said he was baptized MAKING HIM THE CHRIST.
Did she really mean announcing him the Christ?
I can't say that is what she meant because she is denying everything.
Go teach her that Jesus is God instead of being a friend who encourages someone to not do right.
God says to do that is wrong.
Did what she said seem contradictory to you? Obviously. But now, it is apparent that she needlessly amended her previous statement in an attempt to clarify for you personally. And in light of such, she indeed is not guilty of the things you are accusing her of.
It is not amending when someone does it untruthfully.
A person is not to say something wrong and then say it right BUT PRETEND they never said it wrong.

Not only that, she never apologized for saying I need to read properly.

Please understand that this isn't private because regardless of how many times I delete old pms, both sent and received; I can no longer send or receive any more.

please....not here.....not now....

With sincerity;


That is no excuse.
As for you speaking as you are here against me, I do not mind correcting you. I hope you have learned something about marhig needing you to teach her that Jesus is in fact God, and she doesn't need you to encourage her not to apologize and own up to being wrong about what she said.

Think about it some more it mind come to you.


New member
You were not following this discussion from the beginning. She said that I should read properly, but I had proven with the quote feature that she did in fact say that Jesus BECAME the Christ after he was baptized.

She needs to admit then that she is wrong in how she said it and not blame me for reading improperly. That is the way of God, to humble oneself and admit wrong. She is having a hard time doing it.

I don't care for this type of confusion that you are speaking.
Marhig does NOT agree with your beliefs.
You should be speaking more to her about it and not taking the side of someone who will not admit that she said he was baptized MAKING HIM THE CHRIST.
Did she really mean announcing him the Christ?
I can't say that is what she meant because she is denying everything.
Go teach her that Jesus is God instead of playing a friend to someone who is wrong.
God says to do that is wrong.

It is not amending when someone does it untruthfully.
A person is not to say something wrong and then say it right BUT PRETEND they never said it wrong.

Not only that, she never apologized for saying I need to read properly.

That is no excuse.
As for you speaking as you are here against me, I do not mind correcting you. I hope you have learned something about marhig needs you to teach her that Jesus is in fact God, and she doesn't need you to encourage her not to apologize and own up to being wrong about what she said.

Think about it some more it mind come to you.
I can hope we all learn to humble ourselves; at times I may find an error in my own beliefs and will correct it internally. This may not be noted by an outward apology or thanks. The same could most likely be said for you.
But this doesn't even enter into thought as I did see her original post in this thread and it did mention His having the Spirit at age eight.

I am not correcting you. Who am I to correct you. I am only trying to show that she does indeed believe as you except that you draw a hard line in the sand because she takes issue with conflating the physical with the eternal Spirit, and rightly so seeing as how scripture says He grew in Spirit.

I am not against you or her.

You know that.

I have not taken a stance against you for this either. I only hope that we can discuss things without barriers and blockades holding back actual profitable conversation.

I humbly ask you again ma'am;

peace sister and friend

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God's Truth

New member
I can hope we all learn to humble ourselves; at times I may find an error in my own beliefs and will correct it internally. This may not be noted by an outward apology or thanks.

But do you keep denying you ever said it? Do you keep making other people think that they just read wrong?

The same could most likely be said for you.

Don't make up things about me.

But this doesn't even enter into thought as I did see her original post in this thread and it did mention His having the Spirit at age eight.

I am not correcting you. Who am I to correct you. I am only trying to show that she does indeed believe as you except that you draw a hard line in the sand because she takes issue with conflating the physical with the eternal Spirit, and rightly so seeing as how scripture says He grew in Spirit.

I am not against you or her.

You know that.

I have not taken a stance against you for this either. I only hope that we can discuss things without barriers and blockades holding back actual profitable conversation.

I humbly ask you again ma'am;

peace sister and friend

You need to stop with trying to encourage others to not speak up when they have been wronged here as I have been. You also need to stop encouraging people to not apologize, as marhig refused to do.

Now correct your friend marhig and tell her about how Jesus is God.


New member
But do you keep denying you ever said it? Do you keep making other people think that they just read wrong?

Don't make up things about me.

You need to stop with trying to encourage others to not speak up when they have been wronged here as I have been. You also need to stop encouraging people to not apologize, as marhig refused to do.

Now correct your friend marhig and tell her about how Jesus is God.

You need to learn that just because you read someone to not be in agreement with you that it is not the same as being wronged by them.

I find apologies are most sincere if and when both parties admit some level of error.

I tried; I'm not going to go round and round. You know that.

Let it go so we can discuss with one another as opposed to over one another. Or do not. Your true motive will be shown either way.


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God's Truth

New member
You need to learn that just because you read someone to not be in agreement with you that it is not the same as being wronged by them.

I find apologies are most sincere if and when both parties admit some level of error.

I tried; I'm not going to go round and round. You know that.

Let it go so we can discuss with one another as opposed to over one another. Or do not. Your true motive will be shown either way.


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No, YOU need to learn that she didn't just oppose me---she said something and denied it, and then accused me of not reading properly.

Now you have done all this before in the past and you do it again.

Debate scriptures and doctrines and stop trying to tell me about myself, because you are wrong about me.

God's Truth

New member
Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

Now back to the topic of this thread.

The Bible is the only sacred texts.

Why is because salvation is from the Jews and those texts in the Holy Bible are from the Jews.

God's Truth

New member
"Believe me," said Jesus, "the time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

You worship One of whom you know nothing. We worship One whom we know; for salvation comes from the Jews.


New member
Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

Now back to the topic of this thread.

The Bible is the only sacred texts.

Why is because salvation is from the Jews and those texts in the Holy Bible are from the Jews.
I thought salvation was from GOD.

how is it not until the Jew that one could be saved.

Was Enoch a Jew?


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