Is Russia Our Enemy?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I say no - they're a trading partner, europe is dependent on their energy supplies, and as long as they aren't expansionist (crimea doesn't count), they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy, and they need to play an integrated role in destroying islam

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
slice it, dice it, do what you want with it

i'm outta here :wave2:

just don't turn it into a rape thread :noid:


I say no - they're a trading partner, europe is dependent on their energy supplies, and as long as they aren't expansionist (crimea doesn't count), they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy, and they need to play an integrated role in destroying islam

Trading partner ??? - other that caviar and vodka, what does Russia produce that are on the shelves in American stores?

aren't expansionist (Crimea doesn't count)??? - tell that to Russia's neighbors who are nervous about Trump's commitment to NATO - then there's the matter of having the Russian military propping up the Syrian government!

they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy ??? - all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that this "nominal democracy" hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the 2016 Election!

they need to play an integrated role in destroying Islam ??? - in the 1980's, it was the Reagan Administration who was justifying arming Islamic fundamentalists, who were referred to as "freedom fighters," to oppose Russian expansion- how quick we forget!
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Lazy afternoon

Trading partner ??? - other that caviar and vodka, what does Russia produce that are on the shelves in American stores?

aren't expansionist (Crimea doesn't count)??? - tell that to Russia's neighbors who are nervous about Trump's commitment to NATO - then there's the matter of having the Russian military propping up the Syrian government!

90% of crimeans want Russia, speak Russian, and were originally part of Russia.

they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy ??? - all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that this "nominal democracy" hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the 2016 Election!

There is no evidence for that but the media wants you to believe it is true.

The USA overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine.

they need to play an integrated role in destroying Islam ??? - in the 1980's, it was the Reagan Administration who was justifying arming Islamic fundamentalists, who were referred to as "freedom fighters," to oppose Russian expansion- how quick we forget!

The USA is built on fear and guns.

Reagon was a murderer of central american farmers because he feared they would become socialist, but he failed.

so who is behind the media and banks?

the askenazi Jews--

They control your views.



90% of crimeans want Russia, speak Russian, and were originally part of Russia.

There is no evidence for that but the media wants you to believe it is true.

The USA overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine.

The USA is built on fear and guns.

Reagon was a murderer of central american farmers because he feared they would become socialist, but he failed.

so who is behind the media and banks?

the askenazi Jews--

They control your views.

"Lazy afternoon" has conveniently failed to mention that in Russia, Putin's critics have a bad habit of dying while in custody, being poisoned or murdered!

Within the last 2 days, one critic mysteriously fell from the 4th floor while another died in a hail of bullets!

The People's Republic of Trump hasn't been reduced to that point - yet!

Lazy afternoon

"Lazy afternoon" has conveniently failed to mention that in Russia, Putin's critics have a bad habit of dying while in custody, being poisoned or murdered!

Within the last 2 days, one critic mysteriously fell from the 4th floor while another died in a hail of bullets!

The People's Republic of Trump hasn't been reduced to that point - yet!

Russia does not tell its citizens those things and neither does the west, but they are both guilty.

However God says one people are more righteous than another in Ezekiel and so it is today.

but for you to just believe your own media is really so naïve.


Lazy afternoon

Given that there are parts of America where a large % of the population speaks Spanish - would that justify those territories switching allegiances to Mexico?

They took a referendum in Crimea and the results were overwhelming to stay with Russia.



Russia does not tell its citizens those things and neither does the west, but they are both guilty.

However God says one people are more righteous than another in Ezekiel and so it is today.

but for you to just believe your own media is really so naïve.
Perhaps "Lazy afternoon" will enlighten us as to his source of information - not readily available to we in the "naïve" masses!

They took a referendum in Crimea and the results were overwhelming to stay with Russia.
To accept the results of this referendum, "Lazy afternoon" would have us all believe in the truthfulness of the Russian media!

The Ukrainians hate the Russians for what Stalin did to them during the 1930's and initially welcomed the Germans as liberators in 1942.


New member
Trading partner ??? - other that caviar and vodka, what does Russia produce that are on the shelves in American stores?

aren't expansionist (Crimea doesn't count)??? - tell that to Russia's neighbors who are nervous about Trump's commitment to NATO - then there's the matter of having the Russian military propping up the Syrian government!

they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy ??? - all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that this "nominal democracy" hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the 2016 Election!

they need to play an integrated role in destroying Islam ??? - in the 1980's, it was the Reagan Administration who was justifying arming Islamic fundamentalists, who were referred to as "freedom fighters," to oppose Russian expansion- how quick we forget!

All supposed 17 intelligence agencies said President Trump was not spied on by the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and they all LIED. So if they lied about trump you do not believe they would lie about Russia ?

When Reagan armed and trained the Mujaheddin they were fighting Russia. Times and enemies and friends change. The Demon Cretans always supported the Saudis who we know export terrorism..


New member
"Lazy afternoon" has conveniently failed to mention that in Russia, Putin's critics have a bad habit of dying while in custody, being poisoned or murdered!

Within the last 2 days, one critic mysteriously fell from the 4th floor while another died in a hail of bullets!

The People's Republic of Trump hasn't been reduced to that point - yet!

If I was a betting man I would bet Hillary has had more political enemies die around her than Putin .


All supposed 17 intelligence agencies said President Trump was not spied on by the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and they all LIED. So if they lied about trump you do not believe they would lie about Russia ?
Perhaps "dodge" would care to provide those sources which state that "17 intelligence agencies said President Trump was not spied on by the intelligence agencies in the U.S."

It was the leaders of the FBI and NSA who testified that Barrack Obama did not order Trump Tower "wiretapped," and the President has yet to produce those "alternate facts" that would prove otherwise!

The credibility of the national media would appear to be preferable to the word of a President who claimed that Ted Cruz's father was part of the conspiracy that assassinated JFK!


New member
jgarden;4966359]Perhaps "dodge" would care to provide those sources which state that "17 intelligence agencies said President Trump was not spied on by the intelligence agencies in the U.S."

You do know believing the major news outlets destroys the ability to have and use common sense right ?

It was the leaders of the FBI and NSA who testified that Barrack Obama did not order Trump Tower "wiretapped," and the President has yet to produce those "alternate facts" that would prove otherwise!

I guess you believe Hillary destroyed 33,000 e-mails she was under subpoena to deliver to the congress and they were all personal e-mails right ? FYI, no one with a brain is that STUPID.

The credibility of the national media would appear to be preferable to the word of a President who claimed that Ted Cruz's father was part of the conspiracy that assassinated JFK!

Obviously you drank the brain destroying kool aid !


New member
jgarden;4966359]Perhaps "dodge" would care to provide those sources which state that "17 intelligence agencies said President Trump was not spied on by the intelligence agencies in the U.S."

It was the leaders of the FBI and NSA who testified that Barrack Obama did not order Trump Tower "wiretapped," and the President has yet to produce those "alternate facts" that would prove otherwise!

The same FBI that ignored that the B**** of Benghazi used a private e- mail and broke the law and did NOTHING that FBI ?

The credibility of the national media would appear to be preferable to the word of a President who claimed that Ted Cruz's father was part of the conspiracy that assassinated JFK!

I guess so if you are brain dead !

Lazy afternoon

Perhaps "Lazy afternoon" will enlighten us as to his source of information - not readily available to we in the "naïve" masses!

To accept the results of this referendum, "Lazy afternoon" would have us all believe in the truthfulness of the Russian media!

The Ukrainians hate the Russians for what Stalin did to them during the 1930's and initially welcomed the Germans as liberators in 1942.

The official result from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was a 96.77 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation with an 83.1 percent voter turnout.[a][1] The Mejlis Deputy Chairman Akhtem Chiygoz felt that the actual turnout could not have exceeded 30–40 percent, arguing that to be the normal turnout for votes in the region.[17]

Following the referendum, The Supreme Council of Crimea and Sevastopol City Council declared the independence of the Republic of Crimea from Ukraine and requested to join the Russian Federation.[18] On the same day, Russia recognized the Republic of Crimea as a sovereign state.[1,_2014

They wouldn't lie would they?



New member
To see Russia as some insidious enemy is to be steeped in paranoid propaganda that, ironically, liberals speak against.

I'm done with these backward affairs, seriously.

Everyone has become full blown retarded.

lol, they went right past full blown retard straight to potato.