Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
If you happen to be a "FAR-LEFT-WING-LIBERAL-DEMOCRAT" then, you might want to consider voting for Oprah. However, if you happen to be a "CONSERVATIVE-REPUBLICAN OR JUST A SIMPLE CONSERVATIVE" it's imperative for you to vote otherwise. God willing, I'll make the "Sane choice" and vote for Trump again, in 2020. He's doing a GREAT Job and deserves our patriotic support.


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Hall of Fame
I wouldn't call Oprah presidential material but I'd vote for her over what we got now. :idunno:


New member
I won't be supporting her in the primaries, but she's better than Trump, so if she got the nomination, I'd vote for her.

If the Democrats nominated a dead fish, I'd vote for it to get rid of Trump.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Oprah would represent a serious upgrade over the last two candidates for President offered up by the Democrats.

But I woudn't vote for her against Trump.


New member
what a grand idea, lets trade a President who has trouble controlling what comes out of his mouth, for a president that can't control what she puts into her mouth...... genius.....DUH






The recent Alabama Senate election has proved, if nothing else, that the Republicans have lost the women's vote - even in the reddest of states!

Oprah could not only mobilize the anti-Trump majority, but also act as a lightning rod for the women's vote in traditional conservative areas, like the South and Mid-West!

She could not only defeat Trump, but also attract America's best and brightest - because they refuse to work for "The Donald!"
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Well-known member
Hollywood is only pushing her to draw attention off of their many rapists that they've always known about. After the tragedy of Obama, there's many people who won't ever vote for another black leftist. America did it twice, we've got nothing more to prove on that point.

Next up, moron Tom Hanks will be propped up as another distraction.

Economy is coming alive again after 8 years of intentional stagnation. Corrupt EPA about to lose half it's staff. Taxes cut. Trump already owns 2020.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hollywood is only pushing her to draw attention off of their many rapists that they've always known about. After the tragedy of Obama, there's many people who won't ever vote for another black leftist. America did it twice, we've got nothing more to prove on that point.

Next up, moron Tom Hanks will be propped up as another distraction.

Economy is coming alive again after 8 years of intentional stagnation. Corrupt EPA about to lose half it's staff. Taxes cut. Trump already owns 2020.

God Willing, let it be so.


Well-known member
Without lying, there is nothing the MSM will be able to say about 8 years under Obama, to diminish what Trump is accomplishing. Many people have learned the hard way to see through or just ignore the MSM.

And by the way, it is now out that the Democrats want unrestricted immigration just to replace one voting population with a new one. It's all about power and history shows that if someone is willing to lie to get power, push them hard enough and they're almost certainly willing to murder to keep it.


Well-known member
Oprah would represent a serious upgrade over the last two candidates for President offered up by the Democrats.

You mean the last four Democrat candidates, don't you? Clinton, Obama, McCain and Romney?

I don't see any reason to think she'd be any better than Clinton or Obama and could potentially be worse. She would be everything they say is wrong with Trump (inexperienced, used to getting own way, etc) except she's a leftist New Ager. That could be a very dangerous mix.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I really don't believe our nation could withstand a far-left Administration. I earnestly believe that people with bad and evil intentions seem to gravitate towards the Democratic Party and their far-left agendas. When I was growing up my Mom and Dad were Democrats, however, back then, in the 50s and 60s the Democratic Party were not in the extreme far-left area like they are today. The Democratic Party has moved, into the ominous dark area of politics in the last couple of years or so. Thus, a dark cloud has been hovering over our nation. A horrendous division has become the rule of the day. because of it. Antifa and Black Lives Matter were born out of this move to the far-left. I really don't see this situation going away any day soon.

The Democratic Party cannot/will not, accept their defeat by Donald Trump and I believe they would rather see our country in turmoil and utterly destroyed rather than join forces with the Conservatives of our nation. The young people are clamoring for Socialism/Communism even though they don't realize the problems caused by such a 'totalitarian' regime. I believe it was God's Will that Donald Trump be our President during these trying times. There is a delusion and irrational thinking possessing the minds of those on the far-left. They're just not thinking straight. It's difficult if not impossible to discuss anything, political with these people. They're angry, delusional, and sometimes verbally and physically violent. I purchased a red "Make America Great Again" Cap, with no real intention of wearing it in public, but, just to make a personal statement. If I were to wear it outside in public, no doubt, there would be an uproar. During this period of time, people have lost their ability to be civil towards one another. It's, "Us against them."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Without lying, there is nothing the MSM will be able to say about 8 years under Obama, to diminish what Trump is accomplishing. Many people have learned the hard way to see through or just ignore the MSM.

And by the way, it is now out that the Democrats want unrestricted immigration just to replace one voting population with a new one. It's all about power and history shows that if someone is willing to lie to get power, push them hard enough and they're almost certainly willing to murder to keep it.

The Democratic Party are not interested in actually 'helping' the "Illegal Immigrants" they just know that, subsequently, the immigrants will vote Democrat (legally or illegally) and they desire the cheap labor force, as well.