Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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You have no idea what my marital qualities were. You only know my position on what the responsibility of both partners is with regards to sex. How can you possibly make any conclusions about it based solely on what my beliefs are. Like I said, I never forced myself on her. I guess what one believes is the only thing that matters to you.

Did you make yourself desirable? clean, well groomed?
Were you helpful, respectful, kind and fun?


Hall of Fame
Did you make yourself desirable? clean, well groomed?
Were you helpful, respectful, kind and fun?

Oh, as in giving back as much as is being demanded? Now what kind of marriage would that be?

Oh wait ... one that displays the value of MUTUAL respect.


New member
Rape is EVIL and anyone raping a woman or a man should be imprisoned for a very long time.
Rapists should be put to death.
Imprisonment is cruel and unusual punishment and should be abolished.

Marital rape is illegal in the UK fortunately.
Actually, it is unfortunate that feminists like you have created this myth of marital rape in order to destroy the institution of marriage.
Inside a marriage is the only place where sexual activity should be legal, so criminalizing sex in the marriage is an offense unto God and nature.

No one should be forced to have sex if they don't want it, married or not.
Nobody is disagreeing with you on this.


New member
Did you make yourself desirable? clean, well groomed?
Were you helpful, respectful, kind and fun?

ROFL!!!!! You guys are hilarious. You cannot draw conclusions about ones personal life based on what is said in online debate forums. You can pretty much check off all the lines on what you asked. I feel I was good material. People can both be very decent but grow apart over time.. I will just say that numerous infidelities on her part eventually diminished my desire for her.


New member
You haven't improved your case. Your defining characteristics do not make for a strong and lasting no God honoring marriage.
You seem to be trying to redefine the argument, but that won't work since you don't even know what a definition is nor what a defining characteristic is.

We are not talking about a "strong and lasting" relationship.
We are not talking about a "God honoring" relationship.

We are talking about the bare minimum defining characteristics of a marriage.
This includes the marriages that end in divorce in less than a week and marriages by atheists.

What are the properties held by all members of the class of object called marriage that are so distinctive that they are sufficient to determine membership in that class called marriage across most cultures found throughout recorded human history?
  1. A sexual relationship between the spouses.
  2. Offspring as a result of that sexual relationship (optional)
  3. Inlaws (optional)

Pay attention to the qualifiers and volumes of unspoken assumptions here that allow OD to make this claim. The thread has discussed all marriages while OD has limited all of his comments to one very specific set of marriages. Classic SOD, trolling be keeping his responses intentionally vague.
You are also limiting your comments to one very specific set of marriages.

If you want to discuss the differences between a marriage and a strong and lasting God honoring marriage, start a new thread.


New member
4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.

A lot of them men here have been rolling out this verse to prove that a woman must submit to his demands for sex.
You don't seem to be able to understand the difference between "a lot" and "one or two".
You also are complete mischaracterizing the argument being made by those one or two posters, who are actually making the exact same argument you are making here.

Typically, they only look at the first half of the verse. The second half of the verse says that a woman has the same authority over her husbands body as he has over hers. A wife has the authority to tell her husband "not tonight dear" and he must honor that.

Interesting situation, two people each with equal authority over each other's bodies. What was God thinking? Its almost as if God set it up so that husband and wife can't use legalism to manipulate each other. It looks like God set things up so that husbands and wives need to honor each other by respecting each other. God is truly wise!
Who do you think is disagreeing with your statements here, and can you provide quotes to prove the disagreement?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ten bucks he says either a deist or Buddhist.

nah - i think he claims a quasi-Christian-non-affiliated-raised-Christian-but-don't-really-believe-it-anymore-except-for-some-stuff-i-cherry-pick
kinda "belief" system
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