Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Cool story.

How about if the wife divorces him and he ends up under the bridge because his wife took his money and house?

I guess that's just poor cat, tough titty huh? Why is that never brought up?

#Stockholm's syndrome

'Rape' is to 'seize'. It is not subject simply to the illustrious, idolatrous female body you all can't take your focus from. Women rape all the time. They seize their marriage by refusing sex and demanding whatever they want.
But keep going with your argument, and ignoring the point I've been making up and down this and other thread for days now that nobody wants to properly acknowledge.

Where are you getting your definition of 'rape'? You seem to be using the term rather loosely.

Then try addressing my hypotheticals: how is this not rape, who is in the wrong and why?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Well she didn't honor her husband, so I guess that's just a big fat checkmate isn't it?
I suppose men would divorce such women if it meant that he wouldn't be raped in doing so.

This is all just another door to female superiority. If a woman cannot rape her husband, then neither can a husband rape the wife. And be real, nobody would see it as serious if the wife coerced the man into sex. You wouldn't be talking about prison for the woman who coerces her husband.

Why don't you snap out of your Stockholm's syndrome. Men have zero control of marriage and women have caused you to make the Bible look like it wasn't written by patriarchs. And that is sad. Sad for many men.
When women trump God :rotfl:

This has not been my experiance with marriage at all. There are times when my wife said no and I respected her wishes. Let's just say it was always worth the wait.

Control in marriage does not mean that the husband is a dictator and the wife is required ti immediately summit to her husbands every whim. Your model for marriage has more in common with Islam than Christ.

Remember that God commands wives to be obedient to there husbands but in the very next breath commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loves His church. Does Christ force Himself on people? Does Christ strike or threaten or coerce His church? If you love your spouse then just maybe you should follow Christ's lead.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
the bottom line is this

there is no such thing as "marital rape" in a Christian marriage

and i don't give a crap about all those other perversions of marriage

Pay attention to the qualifiers and volumes of unspoken assumptions here that allow OD to make this claim. The thread has discussed all marriages while OD has limited all of his comments to one very specific set of marriages. Classic SOD, trolling be keeping his responses intentionally vague.


Where are you getting your definition of 'rape'? You seem to be using the term rather loosely.

Then try addressing my hypotheticals: how is this not rape, who is in the wrong and why?

'Rape' means 'to seize'. There is simply an addition applying to non-consensual sex, which didn't always exist.

The problem here is simple- rape of the body is no more a crime than the rape of a marriage, so when you put 'marital rape' beside REAL rape, you just bought into a secular ideology that doesn't exist with the patriarchs who wrote the Bible.

The Bible states that the man is the head of the wife and that neither have the authority of their flesh. So it's essentially 'one in the flesh' with a lean towards the man.
A woman who does not submit, further, is in sin. Why do you think it is sin?
Again, the Bible was written by patriarchs. Think about it- they aren't taken in by feminist ideology, they know why women refuse to have sex and that there is no real 'marital rape' as you try to boost it up to being.

I treat my religion and holy book for what it is, you can talk Christians into mistaking those things all you want though.


New member
Let's say that the wife has taken the kids to the zoo while the husband was working. She walks miles and miles and is just exhausted. After the kids are in bed the husband initiates sex and she says 'no' that she's just too tired and really not in the mood. He forces himself upon her anyway and forces her to have sex with him despite her objection.

Let's say the wife has the flu and it lasts for a week or more. The last thing on her mind is sex as she just feels horrible. But, the husband is in the mood and after she says 'no' he forces her to have sex with him anyway.

How is this not rape, who is in the wrong and why? :popcorn:

These are legitimate reasons to not have sex. Still, the wife can lay with him in bed and cuddle. He is a jerk and abusive if goes ahead, but it is part of the marital contract. I can't get too illustrious here, but he should get her to relax and give her lots of attention if you catch my drift. There should be no objection from her if he goes about it gently and does not start before nature says its time. If she is looking at him with daggers and says she is going to report him for rape, he needs to have a serious talk with her.


New member
how do you define "rape"?
sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

the wife is in the wrong for saying no

Every time?

The husband and wife attend a wedding and the husband wants to have sex in the coat check. Is the wife wrong for saying no?

Who told her it was ok to say no?


New member
Let's say that the wife has taken the kids to the zoo while the husband was working. She walks miles and miles and is just exhausted. After the kids are in bed the husband initiates sex and she says 'no' that she's just too tired and really not in the mood. He forces himself upon her anyway and forces her to have sex with him despite her objection.

Let's say the wife has the flu and it lasts for a week or more. The last thing on her mind is sex as she just feels horrible. But, the husband is in the mood and after she says 'no' he forces her to have sex with him anyway.

How is this not rape, who is in the wrong and why? :popcorn:

These are legitimate reasons to not have sex. Still, the wife can lay with him in bed and cuddle. He is a jerk and abusive if goes ahead, but it is part of the marital contract. I can't get too illustrious here, but he should get her to relax and give her lots of attention if you catch my drift. There should be no objection from her if he goes about it gently and does not start before nature says its time. If she is looking at him with daggers and says she is going to report him for rape, he needs to have a serious talk with her. If she is rejecting even his gentle use of his hands and kisses, he should tell her she is failing her obligations and will divorce her.


New member
'Rape' means 'to seize'. There is simply an addition applying to non-consensual sex, which didn't always exist.

The problem here is simple- rape of the body is no more a crime than the rape of a marriage, so when you put 'marital rape' beside REAL rape, you just bought into a secular ideology that doesn't exist with the patriarchs who wrote the Bible.
If a thug forces a woman to have sex with him, what do you call that act?
The Bible states that the man is the head of the wife and that neither have the authority of their flesh. So it's essentially 'one in the flesh' with a lean towards the man.
A woman who does not submit, further, is in sin. Why do you think it is sin?
Again, the Bible was written by patriarchs. Think about it- they aren't taken in by feminist ideology, they know why women refuse to have sex and that there is no real 'marital rape' as you try to boost it up to being.

I treat my religion and holy book for what it is, you can talk Christians into mistaking those things all you want though.

I'll pose the same hypothetical to you. A married couple is attending a wedding and the man wants sex in the coat check. Is the woman sinning for not submitting? What if she says 'no' and he forces her to have sex with him? Is that his sin or must she submit to his sexual demands?


New member
These are legitimate reasons to not have sex. Still, the wife can lay with him in bed and cuddle. He is a jerk and abusive if goes ahead, but it is part of the marital contract.
What contract are you referring to that dictates a woman has to give a man sex whenever he wants?


New member
These are legitimate reasons to not have sex.

So the wife can say 'no' to sex under certain circumstances?

Like being in a public place? Or if she is sick or too tired? Or if she is menstrating? Or if she just isn't in the mood for no reason at all?

Who decides what reasons are legitimate?
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