Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Don't judge TOL by Artie. He's British and an atheist, which makes for a profoundly stupid combo.

Lol. That is true. Look at Stephen Fry.
I think 'bigot' has become their natural 'hiccup'. It will randomly come out and then they don't shut up with it.

I've had my coffee and my smoke. It's a new day. I've decided I'm not just going to leave here, but I probably won't last long anyway. See how it plays out :idunno:


New member
What's indefensible is women crying rape against their husbands. As if you all haven't completely ruined the sanctity of marriage, fairness, and made men rue the day they gave you 'equality' in the habitat they built for you- you go and make yourself a lousy rebel and troublesome entity to men.

There is no such thing as 'marital rape', just women who make up for their lack of physical strength in sheistiness. If a man doesn't want to have sex with his wife and she coerces and forces herself upon him, is it rape?
The answer is HELL NO, it's his wife. And, it works both ways.

The only thing 'illuminating' is the social idolatry of the women's body in which it is a stand alone entity even in marriage- directly against the religion of God. The same people who invented your sad ideology also pushed for birth control and abortion, as it is all one demon. Which means that you don't do well for either Eve or Jezebel, you're stuck right there in the purgatory, being a loudmouthed idiot.

You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. This is why they don't engage you seriously. You are going after all the progress they made in the last 150 years with both guns blazing. You are doing it in a harsh tone as well. Please don't be surprised with the reception you get.


You attract more flies with honey than vinegar. This is why they don't engage you seriously. You are going after all the progress they made in the last 150 years with both guns blazing. You are doing it in a harsh tone as well. Please don't be surprised with the reception you get.

They take it seriously, they just act like they don't and will lie about it if asked. I'm a threat and this is why this thread was ever made in the first place.

I'm not surprised with the reception I get from ugly wolves in wool, I expect nothing less than what I am on the receiving end of.


New member
artie isn't a Christian

neither is anna

or rusha

Good point. He is objecting to non Christian behavior from non Christians. He should realize the non Christians are allowed full expression here. Its what makes TOL what it is. The sites who follow the old paradigm come and go many times while TOL has been here almost 18 years.


New member
What's indefensible is women crying rape against their husbands. As if you all haven't completely ruined the sanctity of marriage, fairness, and made men rue the day they gave you 'equality' in the habitat they built for you- you go and make yourself a lousy rebel and troublesome entity to men.

There is no such thing as 'marital rape', just women who make up for their lack of physical strength in sheistiness. If a man doesn't want to have sex with his wife and she coerces and forces herself upon him, is it rape?
The answer is HELL NO, it's his wife. And, it works both ways.

The only thing 'illuminating' is the social idolatry of the women's body in which it is a stand alone entity even in marriage- directly against the religion of God. The same people who invented your sad ideology also pushed for birth control and abortion, as it is all one demon. Which means that you don't do well for either Eve or Jezebel, you're stuck right there in the purgatory, being a loudmouthed idiot.

Rape is EVIL and anyone raping a woman or a man should be imprisoned for a very long time. Marital rape is illegal in the UK fortunately. No one should be forced to have sex if they don't want it, married or not.


New member
What's indefensible is women crying rape against their husbands. As if you all haven't completely ruined the sanctity of marriage, fairness, and made men rue the day they gave you 'equality' in the habitat they built for you- you go and make yourself a lousy rebel and troublesome entity to men.

There is no such thing as 'marital rape', just women who make up for their lack of physical strength in sheistiness. If a man doesn't want to have sex with his wife and she coerces and forces herself upon him, is it rape?
The answer is HELL NO, it's his wife. And, it works both ways.

The only thing 'illuminating' is the social idolatry of the women's body in which it is a stand alone entity even in marriage- directly against the religion of God. The same people who invented your sad ideology also pushed for birth control and abortion, as it is all one demon. Which means that you don't do well for either Eve or Jezebel, you're stuck right there in the purgatory, being a loudmouthed idiot.

If you are married... I pity your wife.


New member
They take it seriously, they just act like they don't and will lie about it if asked. I'm a threat and this is why this thread was ever made in the first place.

I'm not surprised with the reception I get from ugly wolves in wool, I expect nothing less than what I am on the receiving end of. How is it worked for you? You've bargained with them, talked to them calmly- they aren't taking you seriously, they are just feeding off of you to get whatever can boost their subtle misandry.

Then buck up and roll with the punches. There is plenty more where it came from. Just make sure you follow forum rules and don't be unnecessarily disruptive. They are going to focus like a laser beam on getting you banned. Try to give TOL a one or two day break when the attacks are relentless. It will throw them off and let you cool down.


Good point. He is objecting to non Christian behavior from non Christians. He should realize the non Christians are allowed full expression here. Its what makes TOL what it is. The sites who follow the old paradigm come and go many times while TOL has been here almost 18 years.

Ahh, and here i was thinking you were one being objective on all this. I suppose this is where you deny that this thread wasn't an expression but a disparaging of a couple posters from somebody who can't address anything stated to her. She called upon you all to come on here and do her work for her, and support her childishness.

That's cool though, because that opened up a big opportunity for me to not care about what you or anyone else has to say. Feel strongly about something? Well, join the club I just left, seriously.


New member
Rape is EVIL and anyone raping a woman or a man should be imprisoned for a very long time. Marital rape is illegal in the UK fortunately. No one should be forced to have sex if they don't want it, married or not.

There is no such thing as marital rape. If a woman is withholding sex without cause, the marriage is already dissolved.


New member
Ahh, and here i was thinking you were one being objective on all this. I suppose this is where you deny that this thread wasn't an expression but a disparaging of a couple posters from somebody who can't address anything stated to her. She called upon you all to come on here and do her work for her, and support her childishness.

That's cool though, because that opened up a big opportunity for me to not care about what you or anyone else has to say.

I am trying to help you. Cut the hostility. You need all the friends you can get. I do not engage the author of the OP for reasons I will not share. I will suffice to say you are right on target there.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
defining characteristic
A property held by all members of a class of object that is so distinctive that it is sufficient to determine membership in that class. A property that defines that which possesses it.

The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity.

Maybe your wife can explain to you what "definition" means.
You haven't improved your case. Your defining characteristics do not make for a strong and lasting no God honoring marriage.


New member
There is no such thing as marital rape. If a woman is withholding sex without cause, the marriage is already dissolved.

Sex at no point in history has defined marriage.... ever.

It seems to be an invention of ignorant 'bible thumping' fundamentalists that have dreamed up this heresy.

We are to be servants in our marriage.. to serve the others needs and lead that way. Claiming something and forcing someone to do something they do not want to do is not Christ like in any way shape or form.


New member
There is no such thing as marital rape. If a woman is withholding sex without cause, the marriage is already dissolved.

Of course there is such a thing as marital rape, and any man who forces himself on a woman, is WRONG and should be jailed. Besides which sex is not the only or the most important component of a marriage. If a man demands sex a woman should divorce him!


New member
Sex at no point in history has defined marriage.... ever.

It seems to be an invention of ignorant 'bible thumping' fundamentalists that have dreamed up this heresy.

We are to be servants in our marriage.. to serve the others needs and lead that way. Claiming something and forcing someone to do something they do not want to do is not Christ like in any way shape or form.



I am trying to help you. Cut the hostility. You need all the friends you can get. I do not engage the author of the OP for reasons I will not share. I will suffice to say you are right on target there.


Well, she made a list that she was updating just to pin me and the other poster against those agreeing with her. I have a right to be irritated and speak my mind on that nonsense if that kind of ridiculousness is condoned around here.

You don't even have to tell me why you don't talk to that woman, imagine being married to that. Just to throw an irony out there- unmarriageable women laying ground rules of marriage.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Well, she made a list that she was updating just to pin me and the other poster against those agreeing with her.


she does it all the time

just consider it a manifestation of her Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and realize she can't control it


New member
There is no such thing as 'marital rape', just women who make up for their lack of physical strength in sheistiness. If a man doesn't want to have sex with his wife and she coerces and forces herself upon him, is it rape?
The answer is HELL NO, it's his wife. And, it works both ways.

There is no such thing as marital rape. If a woman is withholding sex without cause, the marriage is already dissolved.

Let's say that the wife has taken the kids to the zoo while the husband was working. She walks miles and miles and is just exhausted. After the kids are in bed the husband initiates sex and she says 'no' that she's just too tired and really not in the mood. He forces himself upon her anyway and forces her to have sex with him despite her objection.

Let's say the wife has the flu and it lasts for a week or more. The last thing on her mind is sex as she just feels horrible. But, the husband is in the mood and after she says 'no' he forces her to have sex with him anyway.

How is this not rape, who is in the wrong and why? :popcorn:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.

A lot of them men here have been rolling out this verse to prove that a woman must submit to his demands for sex. Typically, they only look at the first half of the verse. The second half of the verse says that a woman has the same authority over her husbands body as he has over hers. A wife has the authority to tell her husband "not tonight dear" and he must honor that.

Interesting situation, two people each with equal authority over each other's bodies. What was God thinking? Its almost as if God set it up so that husband and wife can't use legalism to manipulate each other. It looks like God set things up so that husbands and wives need to honor each other by respecting each other. God is truly wise!
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