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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
There's enough truthful information throughout TOL about The Grace Gospel and The Doctrine of MAD, to lead someone to eternal life in Heaven, with God.

Unfortunately, there's enough untruthful information on TOL to confuse and lead posters away from entering eternal life. It's the same way throughout this world of ours. Your best bet is to pray to God in earnest that, He will, through the Holy Spirit, show you the truth and help you to accept it. The other thing I would recommend someone who has uncertainty is, to get ahold of a King James or New King James Bible and begin reading Romans through Philemon. However, before you begin reading, say a little prayer that God will give you the wisdom and knowledge to understand and accept what you're about to read. You can read a chapter at a time or whatever you have time for.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
The question was do all Madist believe Paul is God. NO where did I accuse all Madist of believing Paul was God. Your dishonesty is showing again.
You keep forgeting that your posts are all still here for everyone to read, dodge. I know what you said and I know what your point was in saying it.

The point was the error of MAD leads to other errors.
You don't even understand what Mid-Acts Dispensationalism teaches! Who cares what "other errors" you think it leads to?

Hold the phone YOU said I was a liar or misunderstood and no one made that statement that Paul was the "I AM ". So which way is it ? Your dishonesty is showing itself AGAIN.
Nope! Never said that. Maybe you should learn to read before continuing your participation in a text based debate forum.

IF you feel the burning desire to ask questions start a thread don't derail every thread with your questions that you use to try to lead others into the lie called MAD. You cannot prove MAD is scriptural because it is NOT.
I'll make whatever arguments I want, in whatever form I want, whenever I want, whereever I want. You can choose to respond to them or run away because of fear of where they will lead. The arguments I made where in the form of a question on purpose. Asking counter questions is a perfectly valid form of argument. They demonstrate where your own premises lead, which, of course, is the reason you don't like them. You'd rather wastte band-width by posting one new thread a day with a different stand alone accusation against Mid-Acts Dispensationalism that doesn't prove anything except that you don't know what you're talking about and that you're unwilling to defend even the spurrious accusations you've made!

If you want to see an intellectually lazy, childish hack, fool,lying idiot,one who has no clue what he is talking about, and a moron look in a mirror there you will see all of the above.
I'll happily allow my posts to be the only testimoney necissary on that score.

It is not to hard to see that you are a legend in your own mind. NO matter as I said you remain a jerk.
I'm an intentional jerk to those who seek to waste, not only my time, but everyone else's including their own. You're a defensive, pensive, scared to death hack; don't ever expect anything from me besides ridicule, unless and until you repent, which I have no expectation that you will ever do.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Dodge is one of those type people who, fear what they don't understand. He's not even aware of what "MADDESTs" believe, yet, like a Cobra attacking out of fear, Dodge, strikes! Ignorance brings forth fear, which begets anger, which begets hatred, which, in turn, begets retaliation!


New member
You keep forgeting that your posts are all still here for everyone to read, dodge. I know what you said and I know what your point was in saying it.

You don't even understand what Mid-Acts Dispensationalism teaches! Who cares what "other errors" you think it leads to?

Nope! Never said that. Maybe you should learn to read before continuing your participation in a text based debate forum.

I'll make whatever arguments I want, in whatever form I want, whenever I want, whereever I want. You can choose to respond to them or run away because of fear of where they will lead. The arguments I made where in the form of a question on purpose. Asking counter questions is a perfectly valid form of argument. They demonstrate where your own premises lead, which, of course, is the reason you don't like them. You'd rather wastte band-width by posting one new thread a day with a different stand alone accusation against Mid-Acts Dispensationalism that doesn't prove anything except that you don't know what you're talking about and that you're unwilling to defend even the spurrious accusations you've made!

I'll happily allow my posts to be the only testimoney necissary on that score.

I'm an intentional jerk to those who seek to waste, not only my time, but everyone else's including their own. You're a defensive, pensive, scared to death hack; don't ever expect anything from me besides ridicule, unless and until you repent, which I have no expectation that you will ever do.

You have never been a person that wants to debate you want to dominate with your stupidity and arrogance.

Guess what you are the type of person ignore was made for.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As I've stated before, Dodge and Danoh have been known to combine their efforts to disrupt certain threads. That's why a number of days ago, I placed both of them on "Permanent Ignore." I find it unprofitable having conversations with either of them. They both deal in argumentation, hatred, and disruption. Dodge has a bad habit of accusing others of "LYING!"


New member

I guess the Saviour having more than one title also suggests more than one Saviour?

Morning STP, having more than 1 title suggest nothing having more than 1 Gospel suggest Jesus' DBR ,sinless life,performed miracles, and ministry was INCOMPLETE, which scripture does NOT teach.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'd rather have both of them stay away from this thread, because, when they're not around, it's a fairly civil thread where posters can come to learn and share. However, both of them add a wee bit of spice and entertainment.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Once one has a clear understanding of the Grace Gospel and the Doctrine of MAD as a tool, it all falls into place quite nicely. The pieces of the puzzle come together and one can see past the contradictions they might have seen previously. Such as James teachings compared to the teachings of Paul. It's a total shame that ignorance makes certain people fearful of the MAD Doctrine. Which is an excellent tool to be used to fully comprehend the Scriptures.


New member

There is indeed only one Savior, but you really don't know what gospel means, brother dodge.

STP, Gospel=good news. Where salvation is concerned please inform me where there are more than one good news.

The good news is that God provided a means to become His adopted child through the Sacrifice of His only begotten Son. Now where in scripture is there another way to God other than through Jesus ? If you can provide another way to obtain salvation then I would concede to TWO good news; otherwise, there is only one good news.

I see only ONE Gospel in scripture as far as salvation is concerned and His name is Jesus.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Frankly, I don't understand how people can fully comprehend the Scriptures without the MAD Doctrine? One must learn to rationalize and imagine what the seeming contradictions mean? Mad Doctrine is an intricate tool that allows us to see which inspired writer is speaking to which group of people at any given time. For example; sometimes some of the writers are speaking to the House of Israel and things relating only to them. Other times the writer is speaking to things pertaining only to the Gentiles. For instance, Matthew through John (The four Gospels) are speaking specifically to The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Gentiles are pretty much, out of the loop, except on rare instances. The Woman at the well comes to mind as one of those rare encounters.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I remember a time back about 35 years or so when I was trying to figure out something James was saying. I had to work through it by rationalizing and using my imagination in order to try and comprehend it? Once I came across the "MAD Doctrine", it was smooth sailing.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
MAD Doctrine is one of those Doctrine's that is, extremely useful in understanding what God is telling us, and who He is pertaining to when He speaks through His Holy written Word. Whether it be to the House of Israel or the Gentiles. Today, we live in what Paul called/calls "The Dispensation of the Grace of God."

Both Jew and Gentile alike are included in the Grace Gospel. Both become members of The Body of Christ through the Grace Gospel, today.


New member
The good news is that God provided a means to become His adopted child...

The word "adopted" is a faulty translation of the Greek huiothesia. Jesus said we must be born of the Spirit, not adopted by him.
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