In Acts 1:18."Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out." and in Mark 27:5.."And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself." Notice that in Mark's verse we have a time and date that He hanged himself.....In Acts 1:18 happened around 40-50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus. The question there is: Could not the rope that hung him broke for some spilling him on the ground face first ? The scripture of GOD tells these things happened. You either believe God's Words or you do not...I take it that you do not Believe in God's Word as you have labored the Bible is in err. Many of the contradictions above are the regular talking points for a Atheist. I understand them, I don't understand why you believe the Bible is in err but you also believe the Mid Acts, Paul and Jesus has or will save you? Mind boggling!