Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Merely Christian
Caledvwlch said:
Of course Christ wasn't wrong.

Then there must be some standard to go by.

The problem is, one can never remove the mote, or the speck, or the beam, or whatever it's called. There will always be a speck.

Then in essence your first sentence is in error. Because Christ told us to remove the speck so we could see cearly. IE If I were practicing sodomy, I would be in error to judge beanie for the same thing. I'm not a homosexual, that is a speck I do not have, I am able to see clearly.

Leave judgement up to God, in other words.

And God told us to judge rightly.


The Dark Knight
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Caledvwlch said:
The latter, I suppose. But think about it this way. Israel was God's chosen people. The Church is now God's chosen people, right? Do not the same principles apply? Minus the ceremonial stuff, of course. There's got to be a reason this chapter is in the Bible. God's people have NO right to judge their neighbors, because their sin is far worse:
Not "because," but "if." When the "sins" of the member of the Body of Christ are not worse, or even the same, as the sins of those they confront, and if they confront their own sins, they have every right to judge.


The Dark Knight
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beanieboy said:
1 Cor 13

1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Here's one of those examples you wanted...


New member
Caledvwlch said:
Of course Christ wasn't wrong. The problem is, one can never remove the mote, or the speck, or the beam, or whatever it's called. There will always be a speck. Leave judgement up to God, in other words.

but hypocrites never recognize themselves as such...


New member
Nineveh said:
Then in essence your first sentence is in error. Because Christ told us to remove the speck so we could see cearly. IE If I were practicing sodomy, I would be in error to judge beanie for the same thing. I'm not a homosexual, that is a speck I do not have, I am able to see clearly.

and herein lies the confusion of the self-righteous. Partial salvation through leaving behind of selected sins.


New member
Nineveh said:
Then there must be some standard to go by.

Then in essence your first sentence is in error. Because Christ told us to remove the speck so we could see cearly. IE If I were practicing sodomy, I would be in error to judge beanie for the same thing. I'm not a homosexual, that is a speck I do not have, I am able to see clearly.

And God told us to judge rightly.

Actually, I believe that it says to remove the beam from your own, before trying to remove the speck from your own.

In other words, if all you do is focus on other people, you are going to have a tree growing out of your eye, and in trying to remove the dust mite from another, end up poking their eye out.

Is it really being honest with yourself to go out on a Friday, get drunk, go home and watch stolen cable, lie to the phone company about the check being lot in the mail, and then Saturday afternoon, go to the Red Light district with your bible and say, "You are a skanky whore! You are disgusting! You are a sinner!"

Just because you aren't guilty of a particular sin doesn't mean you are sinless.

By the mercy, understanding and forgiveness you give to others, so will you be judged.


Merely Christian
Caille said:
and herein lies the confusion of the self-righteous.

As a Christian, you should know from whence your righteousness comes. If it's yourself, perhaps you should rethink "-Protestant Christian".

Partial salvation through leaving behind of selected sins.

You were only forgiven for a few? Which ones did you want to keep?


New member
Lighthouse said:
Here's one of those examples you wanted...

How did I misuse the bible?

The passage says that if I have all faith, and can work miracles, but have not love, I have nothing.


New member
Lighthouse said:
What was the question, numbnuts?

Hey - great language for a "family oriented website."

OK - I'll make it easy for you :loser: , try to pay closer attention next time

Originally Posted by Caille

Quick question, straight answer - did Christ directly and confrontationally insult any sinners besides those that were misrepresenting scripture ?

DimBulb Yes. The woman at the well.


New member
beanieboy said:
Is it really being honest with yourself to go out on a Friday, get drunk, go home and watch stolen cable, lie to the phone company about the check being lot in the mail, and then Saturday afternoon, go to the Red Light district with your bible and say, "You are a skanky whore! You are disgusting! You are a sinner!"
Do actually think this is what we're doing?

Just because you aren't guilty of a particular sin doesn't mean you are sinless.
All sins are not the same. Stealing a candy bar is not on the same level as cannibalizing your girlfriend. Neither is it the same level as Homosexuality.

I have sinned but I am not a sinner. Christ has covered my sins, and washed them away.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Actually, I believe that it says to remove the beam from your own, before trying to remove the speck from your own.

Um, no. It says remove the beam so you can see clearly to help your brother with his speck.

In other words, if all you do is focus on other people, you are going to have a tree growing out of your eye, and in trying to remove the dust mite from another, end up poking their eye out.

Um.. no.

It means clean your own house so you can help your brother clean his. The point is helping each other live in a Godly fashion opposed to wallowing in self-serving harmful sin.

Is it really being honest with yourself to go out on a Friday, get drunk, go home and watch stolen cable, lie to the phone company about the check being lot in the mail, and then Saturday afternoon, go to the Red Light district with your bible and say, "You are a skanky whore! You are disgusting! You are a sinner!"

You suggest people should do this? Shame on you.

Just because you aren't guilty of a particular sin doesn't mean you are sinless.

By the mercy, understanding and forgiveness you give to others, so will you be judged.

Beanie, you will be judged according to your works. Honestly compare your works with God's standard. If you don't meet His standard, repent and accept Christ.


New member
Nincompoop said:
As a Christian, you should know from whence your righteousness comes. If it's yourself, perhaps you should rethink "-Protestant Christian".

I'm confused. Is "-Protestant Christian" supposed to be a dig ?

You were only forgiven for a few? Which ones did you want to keep?

man you are confused - try to pay attention. I was referring to your claim that you are free to judge others of sins you consider yourself to be free of. Not sure I'm going to respond to you again, Ninny, it's too hard to keep track of your confusion and try to bring clarity to you. Besides, your mind's made up.


The Dark Knight
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Caledvwlch said:
Of course Christ wasn't wrong. The problem is, one can never remove the mote, or the speck, or the beam, or whatever it's called. There will always be a speck. Leave judgement up to God, in other words.
That's a load of crap, if ever I heard one.


New member
Dread Helm said:
All sins are not the same. Stealing a candy bar is not on the same level as cannibalizing your girlfriend. Neither is it the same level as Homosexuality.

all sin leads to death

I have sinned but I am not a sinner. Christ has covered my sins, and washed them away.

and if you continue to sin ? can you avoid sinning ?


New member
Lighthouse said:
That's a load of crap, if ever I heard one.
A fine retort, I must say. You sure showed me. Gosh we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you!

How is that a load of crap? Isn't Christ the one that removes sin? We are not able to remove the beam from our own eye, and as long as we are here on earth, we will be daily dealing with our own sin, which is why I said we could never remove the beam, therefore, leave the judging to God.


The Dark Knight
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beanieboy said:
How did I misuse the bible?

The passage says that if I have all faith, and can work miracles, but have not love, I have nothing.
You are misrepresenting God's love, thinking Christians should "love" you the way you think love is.


New member
Lighthouse said:
That's a load of crap, if ever I heard one.

Of course it is ! Because it doesn't conform to your understanding, which must be right !

BTW - better watch the language on this "family oriented website", :loser: boy