Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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deardelmar said:
Why would it be a surprise that people who return to their past sin would call a Exodus a sham.
It is a very powerful technique for discrediting a group. It is a little like "poisoning the well", ie, you can say that "I tried that and it did not work" "or I knew someone that it did not work for" as a way of defeating the approach without ever actually entering to a true debate over its merits.


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Nin...I did go back and read what Paul said. Apparently he had a great deal of trouble with that particular subject. I still don't see where Jesus himself gave a command to insult and hate homosexuals. If I rcall correctly he said to his disciples "A NEW commandment I give you - Love your God with all your mind, heart and soul and you Neighbor as yourself." Do you observe all of the O/T laws or do you pick and choose?


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Agape4Robin said:
I don't buy it.
Why would Jesus call Peter, "adversary" when He knew that He would begin His church with him, and yet call Judas, "friend" on the very night He knew Judas would betray Him?
The answer is only seen through spiritual eyes. Jesus had to be speaking directly to satan through Peter otherwise, he may have discouraged Peter. I think Peter understood this. However, Peter was in fact rebuking Jesus and Jesus was reminding him who he was talking to.
The very Creator of the universe!
Not "the Adversary, but adversary. As in, Peter was in opposition to Christ, at that time. Not at all times.:doh:


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God_Is_Truth said:
obviously a metaphor, unless you think we are expressly forbidden from literally putting pearls before pigs.
I know it was a metaphor, but it still likens the proud, unrepentant sinners to swine.

from name calling? angry, upset, and mad. it did not lead to repentence, only to thoughts of revenge.
If someone told you you were being a child, would you be upset, or assess your actions, to see if the person might be right?

The people Jesus called names were most often offended, because they were too proud to consider that He might be right. Sometimes, however, they did step back, and take a look. Those that did submitted to Him.

the fact that they don't die immediately after commiting the sin shows that God has at least some tolernace for it. do i need to quote Romans 2:4 again?
Not what I meant, brother. God may indeed let them live, but that does not mean He "tolerates" them, or their sin.

which post?
Actually, I think it's a couple pages back. I might look it up, later...


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Clete said:
A Christian attitude toward homoism should be focused in three areas...

  1. Christians should press for the recriminalization of homos; they should be executed upon conviction.
  2. There should be a very staunch social stigma attached to being a homo.
  3. Homos should repent of their preversion.

This will never happen if you count Roman Catholics as Christians. We all know how strict they are about homosexual child molesters in their own ranks. :nono:


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God_Is_Truth said:
Matthew 7
1"Do not judge so that you will not be judged.
2"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.
3"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
4"Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye?
5"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
6"Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Prayer and the Golden Rule
7"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

i think the context of any verse is important. the verses before the pearls and swine speak of judgement. the ones after it speak of having the door opened to us if we knock. i would think it odd that this one verse would have a completely different point than both the verses before it and after it.

i think that the "pearls" Jesus is speaking of is judging among us. he is saying that we should not take our differences and let ourselves be judged by those who are corrupt in governments. if we take it to them when it should be settled among us, they will trample over us and tear us to pieces. when that happens, nobody wins, so we are to make right judgements amongst ourselves.
This is why they really should have left the formats alone. Verse six is a seperate paragraph from verses 1-5, and from verses 7-12. It's similar to Proverbs, where each point didn't always have anything to do with the point before, or after it.


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julie21 said:
Nice to have a loving heart to heart with Dad. with a little 'post' name referencing, isn't it? Long after the point is no longer valid, I should imagine that it makes it fine now to say, "Dad, when you were a homosexual, I think you were a faggot." Compared to telling him in a manner of disgust at the time he was one. Reactions might have been very different then.
Yes, they might have been. But I didn't know what homosexuality was when he was one. And he never committed any such acts when I was at his house, so I never would have caught him. And if I had, I wouldn't have known the word "faggot," but I would have been seriously scarred [not, not scared, although I might have been]. And I would have run away, and felt naseous, much as I did when I first heard of homosexuality. Seeing it might have actually made me wretch, and lose my lunch.

As I said previously, Rep points don't bother me. :) Could be you do know more, could be you know less. A lot of atheists know a lot about Christianity too, so do you want to be measured against them?
You'dew be surprised how much I know.

Sorry, but I have to laugh at that one...considering some of the posts I have read you post since coming to TOL, I would say that you do not have a clue about people most of the time. :) Maybe if you tried the other side of the couch it could help. ;)
And sorry about not your not pulling Gas anymore...I honestly thought you were still dispensing it. ;)
Face to face is easier, and I haven't had anyone tell me I'm wrong, yet [when I do it face to face].

Buzzzzzzz....Nope, still got it wrong there mate. :) Still not happy 'cos you still are sprouting utter rubbish lad. ;)
the fact that I think you do is correct, because I do think that. Whether what I think or not is correct was not the point of my statement. Pay attention. And get over yourself.

Still trying to work out what gift of the spirit you, got nothing yet. Must be something, but it's not really clear to see. ;)
Doesn't really matter what you think, does it. God gives as He sees fit.

Ha! Ha! Ha!...that really gets me! Ooh! Ow! That hurts me sooooooo much LH!
And you are - - - - - - -- - - - ?
I will let others get their crayons and fill in the rest with what they like. :)
I'm quite rude, and abrasive. And many other things. Someone once said I was the rudest person on TOL. Of course, they had only been here a number of days, and had not yet met Sozo.

And your perception son, is utter :cow: :) That is what I will deny...your perception which is so way off! ;)
Whatever you wish.

I am not 'anything' more than God. Never professed to be, never will...but you go ahead and put whatever slant on it that you like, as you will no doubt do.
You're definitely not meaner than God.:nono:

Tell you what Lighthouse. Go up to a homosexual and call him a faggot...note the reaction.
beanieboy, you're a faggot.

Go up to a homosexual and call him a turkey...note the reaction.
beanieboy, you're a turkey.

Odds tell me that the faggot will not be met with the same reaction as turkey.

Note to self...practice what I not call Lighthouse names.
Actually, the whole point of this argument wiht you was to see if you would eventually call me a name. I aws being much more annoying than usual, on purpose. And you did. Which shows that you aren't as against it as you would like us to believe. Thus, you are a hypocrite, and need to re-assess something. It seems that maybe you have, but that doesn't mean you're right. Jesus called names, and we can too.

Note to Lighthouse...practice what you preach...Jesus wants us to love others as ourselves.
When have you ever seen me practice something I don't preach?

Faggot is not a loving name in this world Lighthouse. It has hateful tones implied to what was once an innocent meaning.
Hateful is not loving. Jesus wants us to be loving...therefore use loving words.
You are a hypocrite...snap! :)
Hate and love can work together. God hates all workers of iniquity, and loves them too. And He calls them on their sinm, or has us do it, as we are His body.

Show me something hypocritical I have done...

I am off to classes for now. Hopefully you will not miss me too much. :)
Not at all.


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Agape4Robin said:
I think that is exactly what is happening. Because there are those of us who disagree with the name calling issue, it is being mistaken for tolerance. Anyone who has read my posts concerning wickwoman's neice, would soon find out that I am not condoning homosexuality. But in this thread, that seems to be the case.
It hurts to think that my brothers and sisters in Christ have turned on me. I feel ostracised by the likes of lighthouse, Poly, Turbo, deardelmar and those that I like and respect.
But I don't think so much name calling is effective in reaching out to the lost, and I will not say that it is. Sometimes the right thing to do is not the popular thing, but no one ever promised me that being a christian would be easy.
There is no reason to feel ostracized by me. And I know you don't tolerate it. I just wonder why you don't think it is right, or Christ-like to call names, when Jesus did.


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julie21 said:
Lighthouse...You have shown that you cannot go very far with a logical approach to an argument without getting yourself .tied in a pitiful knot and going for the digging up peoples ' perverted past' card.

I didn't do it to dig up your past. The point is that you don't feel good about your past, and you shouldn't. As it should be for all who sin. They should not feel good about their sin. And in that they should know that God can, and will set them free, so they can live feeling good about themselves. And be all the more joyful about what God did for them. Because of what God set me free from, I know exactly what Paul meant when he said it was like a fire shut up in his bones.

I am glad you know that freedom, and that you are not still ashamed, and no longer feel uilty, about your past. You have been set free, and there is now no condemnation for you. Praise the Lord! But one should never feel comfortable about their sin, or in their sin.:nono:

BRAVO son...hope it made you feel all warm and fuzzy...because it certainly showed me that you boy, are FAR FROM CHRIST-LIKE.
How so? Because I attempted to make a point, by using your own life as an illustration? I merely wanted to help you understand. And there was no intention of making you feel guilty. In fact, I was trying to show you that there is no reason to feel guilty, or fear being judged, because the Judge of all has declared you innocent. And those who have not had the luxury will be judged by Him, ultimately, if they do not turn from their wicked ways. And for them to turn from those wicked ways, they should know that those ways are wicked. And when we tell beanieboy his ways are wicked, he tells us we are wrong, and ignores us. And when we call him a faggot, he reacts. He disagrees that he is wicked, but hates being called a faggot. He doesn't like it. And frankly he needs to get to the point where he no longer likes being a faggot. He needs to hate himself, and cry out to God for freedom. But that will never happen if he doesn't realize that he is a faggot. All of the words Jesus did use towards sinners have not worked. And if this doesn't, maybe we should all just shake the dust from our feet, and ignore him. And just pray, that someday, he will find God. That someone will reach him.

Just so as you know...#1 You cannot tell how I feel about anything - past or present and you are just proving yourself to be grasping at foolish straws when you do, and.... #2...My whole family has had a good night's entertainment reading your attempt to tell me hoe I am feeling re my adulterous past. For I have put on my helmet of salvation and know whom I have's that for you?
I would hope so. But you aren't glad that you did that, are you? You aren't proud of yourself, are you? Since you seem so adamant that I don't know how you fell, I'll let you answer.

I will also ask you this, were you, or were you not, a slut, at that time?

And another thing Brandon:
Instead of trying to find a new church..try finding what it is that is Christ-like first.

EPHESIANS 4:29....Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs,
that it may benefit those who listen

You may very well say, as I should imagine many of the 'faggot as being Christ-like group will, that Beanieboy or others like him are not listening, but there is the ever knows if someone is truly listening or not. :)
No. I will say that beanieboy is not in the Body of Christ, and that verse is speaking of the Body of Christ.


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lulu said:
the title of this thread is---
"Is calling Beanieboy a faggot a Christ-like thing to do?"
Can you imagine Christ calling this man a faggot? i hope not, i certainly can't.
I can.


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Caille said:
And if you were genuinely "of the spirit", you wouldn't be an obnoxious, abrasive jerk.

You're a poor witness for the fruits of the spirit


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beanieboy said:
Who are the "least of these", those in the lowest position?
The hungry, the naked...

There is a list in those verses. And I have no qualms about feeding the hungry, no matter their sexual orientation. Doesn't mean I won't confront them with their sin, and call them to repentance.


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Caledvwlch said:
And the majority of those 34 [now 35] don't even claim to be Christians. If you compared how many Christians voted no, to how many voted yes, the yeses would be in the lead.


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On Fire said:
Beanieboy continues to complain that the so-called Christians here are not very Christ-like when they call him names like "faggot". I think he's right. I also think he asks for it by continuing to claim that homosexuality is not a sin. Maybe if we agree with him about the name calling we could get him to stop complaingin about the SYMPTOMS and look at the CAUSE.

ye shall not judge lest ye be judged thyself.


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beanieboy said:
I believe that it becomes conveniently side tracked.

When questioned about whether one's actions are fitting with Christ's call to love your enemies, to turn the other cheek, etc., it is much easier to simply say, "Yeah? Well, the bible says homosexuality is wrong!!!"
The question of this thread not only needed an answer, but a reason for the answer. If one thinks it is Christ-like, they should give a reason. So of course the thread is going to delve into homosexuality. That is not a sidetrack, but merely an elaboration of the answers to the question.

At the vey least, I think one would contemplate that, hey, maybe there is some truth in what a fellow christian is calling me on. But most of it, from what I have observed is met with dodging, denial, or pointing the finger at the other.
When I confronted people on the usage of the word faggot, in reference to homosexuals, I was met with honest answers, and good reasons. So my mind was changed on the subject.

So, do I leave here learning that Christians can dish it out but not take it?
I can take it. In fact, the ones I see dishing out, but not taking it are people like you.

No. I leave from this situation learning that Christians are as human as anyone else, are resistant to correction as anyone else, and taken off the pedastal of expectation, I suppose.
If I wasn't open to correction, I wouldn't have voted yes.

But even more so, I should be open to suggestion, but weigh it very carefully, for even the most well intentioned are often misled. I should face my imperfections, face them and not fear them, consider myself faulty, and because of that, able to own any fault that I have, able to work on any fault that I have, and to look at my fault, and through it, find compassion and forgiveness toward another.
What you need to do is face your sin, and find forgiveness and compassion in Holy God.


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The Edge said:
From what little I've actually read of Dave Miller, I have no problem. He at least knows how to treat kids. But the main person I am thinking of is not Dave Miller.
Dave Miller doesn't think homosexuality is a sin. He thinks that fornication is, but if a homo couple get "married," and stay monogamous, then God is pleased with them.:rolleyes:

Well, standing against our brothers is good Christian behavior, isn't it?
Yes. Wanna read what Paul had to say about it?

It's exactly the behavior I see from certain people on this board who follow men, not God.
Paul called us to follow him, as he followed Jesus. And since the words he penned were inspired of the Lord Almighty, I have no qualms about that. I trust God, and He leads me to all truth. And when someone denies God's word, while calling themself a Christian, I will say something about that. And it won't be very nice. Why, because I love them, and don't want them to go on in error, and I love God, even more than I love them.


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Caille said:
Yes Nin - that's why so many people are coming down on you....


Maybe you should think about it ...
How about you quit referring to masturbation? And don't forget that Nineveh is a woman.


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Caille said:
Quick question, straight answer - did Christ directly and confrontationally insult any sinners besides those that were misrepresenting scripture ?
Yes. The woman at the well.

Also, beanieboy, and many others, misrepresent Scripture. So what's your point?


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temple 2000 said:
I still don't see where Jesus himself gave a command to insult and hate homosexuals. If I rcall correctly he said to his disciples "A NEW commandment I give you - Love your God with all your mind, heart and soul and you Neighbor as yourself."
That is not what Jesus said.:nono:

And what do you think loving your neighbor as yourself entails? True love hates wickedness. I hate my sin, just like I hate the sin of others. I hate what I was before Christ set me free. As I hate what others are when they don't come to Christ to be set free. I hate the old me, the me that was crucified. Just as I hate those who have not been crucified. I love them, exactly the way I love myself.