Is America great?


New member
I wasn't being literal, but noting that if the DR can balk on the U.S. attitude toward abortion it is then as capable of doing so in any particular and culpable where it doesn't and a harm ensues.

Right. Demonstrate the U.S. doing that as a part of any program within the DR. It just seems the more you're pressed the more this becomes something else.

And a lot of what you were speaking of was in the speculative future, but the DR's problems are rather current when it comes to teenagers.

That's a very different thing from promoting teenage promiscuity within the DR.

You provided links that didn't address your charge against the U.S. The first one covered a great deal of unrelated ground. I commented on each.

I believe you have a problem with the U.S. I believe you have concerns, some of which I share...I know you made a series of charges and that you haven't sustained the first one I looked at.

A person who can't sustain a charge with facts that make the case should consider the possibility that he's over reaching. I've spoken the truth. When you can cull the desire to over reach and make measured, factual claims and not resort to hyperbole and speculation on future events as currently assignable blame you can lecture me on the value of the truth. My faith isn't something you're a fit judge of, nor I of yours. That's above our pay grade.

I have given you links and references and minimize their significance. However, this hardly changes what the US is doing in Latina America as the truth has never been dependent on perception, ability to make an argument are ability to undermine an argument. Conspicuously this deflecting is what we get from the godless US officials and NGO's who dismiss our concerns.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have given you links and references and minimize their significance.
Sorry, but you gave me a link to a government executive consideration that I read and read without getting to anything that ever supported your charge that the U.S. was promoting teenage promiscuity in the DR.

Then you went into things you thought might or would but hadn't happened yet. That's not making the point.

However, this hardly changes what the US is doing in Latina America as the truth has never been dependent on perception, ability to make an argument are ability to undermine an argument.
How is that different from, "In my imagination..."?

Conspicuously this deflecting is what we get from the godless US officials and NGO's who dismiss our concerns.
You'll have to present some of both. I think it couldn't hurt.

Well, when you return then. :e4e:


New member
Many of us are obese, rude, and can barely speak our lingua franca (to say nothing of whatever language the locals use wherever we visit). I sympathize, to a degree. Probably doesn't help I live in a very popular destination for tourists pretty much year round. As the bumper sticker asks: "If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?"

Yet, I do not care to be told that I must conform to Shariah Law.


New member
Sorry, but you gave me a link to a government executive consideration that I read and read without getting to anything that ever supported your charge that the U.S. was promoting teenage promiscuity in the DR.

Then you went into things you thought might or would but hadn't happened yet. That's not making the point.

How is that different from, "In my imagination..."?

You'll have to present some of both. I think it couldn't hurt.

Well, when you return then. :e4e:

With all due respect I have given all the information you need. You could easily translate the page in Google Translate. At any rate I can no longer post any references in Spanish or I will be banned from the forum.

Just remember that the truth is not dependent on my ability to make an argument or your ability to undermine my argument either. You have enough information to seek the truth if you so desire. Peace.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
With all due respect I have given all the information you need. You could easily translate the page in Google Translate.
Well, my Spanish is passable, but so much of what you linked to, especially in the first Executive bit, had so little to do with my inquiry that I eventually felt it was doing more as a refresher than as an instrument of edification.

At any rate I can no longer post any references in Spanish or I will be banned from the forum.
When in Rome, it's polite (and more to the point) to speak Italian if you want anyone to understand you. And if you don't, don't speak or run for office.

Just remember that the truth is not dependent on my ability to make an argument or your ability to undermine my argument either.
I agree the truth is independent of us, but if we mean to communicate it then we obligate ourselves along certain lines. If we're unwilling or unable to meet those obligations we do no real service to the truth.

You have enough information to seek the truth if you so desire. Peace.
I agree, though we don't at a number of points. And therein is the problem



New member
I agree, though we don't at a number of points. And therein is the problem


The US is promoting abortion and sex education in Latina America.

They openly promote abortion and criticize countries for their "high teenage pregnancy rate" and of course are proposing the American solution of allowing abortion, giving kids condoms and telling them their parent have no control over their sex life. If you have any doubt about what is being taught in the US in liberal school districts look it up yourself. The US gov't is promoting these liberal ideas throughout the world because of it's Democrat president. This should have been obvious by now because he sent a gay rights activist to the Dr to promote homosexuality every chance he gets.

Your claim that I haven't proven anything only demonstrates you lack of interest in doing any of your own research. I on the other hand don't take the atheist approach to every argument (burden of proof) and investigate claims on my own because I am not interested in how good an argument is rather only if it is valid.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Your claim that I haven't proven anything only demonstrates you lack of interest in doing any of your own research.
No, it mostly has to do with you not backing up the first claim I've started the discussion with.

I on the other hand don't take the atheist approach to every argument (burden of proof)
That's not an "atheistic" standard, it's a rational one. Else, you'd believe anything anyone told you if they sounded sincere.

and investigate claims on my own because I am not interested in how good an argument is rather only if it is valid.
You don't really understand how an argument works then. You're confusing it with rhetoric.

The fact that your Spanish isn't good enough
Well, it's beating the heck out of your English usage.

Or, your argument isn't (good enough) mostly because I haven't gotten to the part where you stop declaring thesis and start putting up verifiable points in support. Posting a link to an executive summary on human rights that goes on and on without reaching anything like a point on your contention that the U.S. promotes promiscuity, by way of example, isn't an example of you connecting dots, fact and contention/conclusion.

If some latter portion of it managed you should have quoted it. After a few dozen paragraphs of translating with no support in sight I tend to move on. I'm not here to do your work for you.


New member
No, it mostly has to do with you not backing up the first claim I've started the discussion with.

That's not an "atheistic" standard, it's a rational one. Else, you'd believe anything anyone told you if they sounded sincere.

You don't really understand how an argument works then. You're confusing it with rhetoric.

Well, it's beating the heck out of your English usage.

Or, your argument isn't (good enough) mostly because I haven't gotten to the part where you stop declaring thesis and start putting up verifiable points in support. Posting a link to an executive summary on human rights that goes on and on without reaching anything like a point on your contention that the U.S. promotes promiscuity, by way of example, isn't an example of you connecting dots, fact and contention/conclusion.

If some latter portion of it managed you should have quoted it. After a few dozen paragraphs of translating with no support in sight I tend to move on. I'm not here to do your work for you.

Atheists believe the truth is that which can only be defended at any given moment. Shoot for a higher standard.

The Barbarian

Atheists believe the truth is that which can only be defended at any given moment.

Don't you think Bertrand Russel was an atheist? Read Principa Mathematica and learn. Suffice to say, you don't know what you're talking about.

Shoot for a higher standard.

Say, by citing evidence, instead of just making random assertions?


Is America still great?

let's ask this little guy:



Well-known member
let's ask this little guy:


gcthomas, if I'm not mistaken don't you support abortion? If so, why did you report this photo? It's shows nothing more than what you support -- one of the "tidier" incidents, in fact. In any case, that is the face of abortion. So what's the problem? Serious question. And if I am mistaken about your position on abortion, please pardon my error.


New member
gcthomas, if I'm not mistaken don't you support abortion? If so, why did you report this photo? It's shows nothing more than what you support -- one of the "tidier" incidents, in fact. In any case, that is the face of abortion. So what's the problem? Serious question. And if I am mistaken about your position on abortion, please pardon my error.

I support the right of people to kill in self defence and to have sex in private and to get sick from too much alcohol, but I don't want to see undignified images of those things either.

If you consider the foetus in the image to have been a person, should it not have some dignity in death and the right not to be used anonomyously to bolster a web forum discussion?

Is it your position that TOL should host images of the dismembered corpses of victims of terrorist incidents or military attacks? Or are foetuses different?


Well-known member
I support the right of people to kill in self defence and to have sex in private and to get sick from too much alcohol, but I don't want to see undignified images of those things either.

So if you have abortion in your mind's eye at all, you prefer it be just some formless abstraction...probably comprised mostly of just noble-sounding words and platitudes. Just as long as it doesn't have a face. Got it.

If you consider the foetus

in the image to have been a person, should it not have some dignity in death and the right not to be used anonomyously to bolster a web forum discussion?
Should it not have first been granted the dignity to have not been murdered?

Is it your position that TOL should host images of the dismembered corpses of victims of terrorist incidents or military attacks? Or are foetuses different?
Nope, it's all the same. I think the 9/11 jumper videos, with the full sound of bodies slamming into roofs and footage of recovery teams finding fingers and teeth from the airplane passengers, should have been regularly run for years after the attacks, just to keep people from forgetting what evil can and will do. But it was immediately sanitized and scrubbed from all networks and so people have largely forgotten, exactly as intended. Luckily I have it saved to show my girls someday when the topic comes up. Same with abortion photos which upset you so, poor dear (which is really odd, given you support abortion).