Is America great?


New member
you ask any pregnant woman whether she refers to the child she's carrying as a "fetus" or a "baby"

you are unaware that Jefferson (the super moderator) uses a very similar image as his avatar?


Can you share what the picture is of?

Thank you kindly.


New member
Hall of Fame
In their apparent "zeal" to expose what is already known, they are willing to post offensive pictures in the name "obedience to their God". And if the left is concerned about children from parents incapable of supporting children, they just walk away saying "It's their own fault!" The hypocrisy is so obvious and blatant, yet they still want to be taken seriously.

I've never cared for zealots on any side of any issue. When it comes to this both sides seem to feed off and deserve each other.


Well-known member
The Germans, as a nation, exterminated "others" (in the form Jews and other "undesirables") for the stated [false] reason of their own survival.

We, as a nation, are allowing the harvesting the organs of our own babies, for money.

Which is morally worse?


Well-known member
The Germans, as a nation, exterminated "others" (in the form Jews and other "undesirables") for the stated [false] reason of their own survival.

We, as a nation, are allowing the harvesting the organs of our own babies, for money.

Which is morally worse?

Perhaps you ought to be a little more thorough in your research, and not just take the word of someone because they claim to be "conservative".

Fetal tissue research


Well-known member
I've never cared for zealots on any side of any issue. When it comes to this both sides seem to feed off and deserve each other.

I agree. Whenever people allow an irrational emotional reaction to override the use of reason, then arguments often become inaccurate, logically unsound and impervious to reason. Both extremes are guilty of this.


New member
It is quite reasonable to kill children and even sell their body parts. After all the highest law in the land says they have no rights so they must be right. EPIC FAIL.

No wonder America is falling so fast. We are a disgrace as a "Christian" nation.


New member
It is quite reasonable to kill children and even sell their body parts. After all the highest law in the land says they have no rights so they must be right. EPIC FAIL.

No wonder America is falling so fast. We are a disgrace as a "Christian" nation.

So what are you doing about it, beyond posting on a forum?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So what are you doing about it, beyond posting on a forum?
Apparently living abroad. :plain: Which is one way to change things.

I don't think America has ever been great, but we have greatness in our principles and we make the mark now and again. We're a bit like a person in that respect. There's the thing we aspire to be and the reality of it.


New member
The level of how much the US has fallen can be summed up in this "logic".

Children that are not wanted, even by Christian groups, should be killed so as not to be a burden on society.


New member
So what are you doing about it, beyond posting on a forum?

Actually I have a meeting with a dean of a local Catholic Church to start a Human Rights Center to, among other things, call attention to the fact that the legal argument of abortion as a justifiable homicide is gaining ground in LA in spite of Human Life laws in place, thus undermining the US's own Human Life legislation movement. I am sending a letter to the leader of the Catholic Pro life movement in the US to make them aware of the situation and what we can do to prevent the abortionists success in Latin America and thus undermine any legal challenges to Human Life legislation in the US.


Well-known member
I agree. Whenever people allow an irrational emotional reaction to override the use of reason, then arguments often become inaccurate, logically unsound and impervious to reason. Both extremes are guilty of this.

Our arguments are not diminished by our emotions and if you're not rendered emotional by seeing babies cut up and sold for parts like an auto chop shop -- with pricing menus, for the love of God! -- then the problem is not with us but with you, for you are very, very frightening.


New member
Hall of Fame
Our arguments are not diminished by our emotions and if you're not rendered emotional by seeing babies cut up for scrap parts, then the problem is not with us but with you, for you are very, very frightening.

Posing their bodies for photo ops designed for shock value is, to me, highly questionable. Pretty ghoulish, actually.


New member
Actually I have a meeting with a dean of a local Catholic Church to start a Human Rights Center to, among other things, call attention to the fact that the legal argument of abortion as a justifiable homicide is gaining ground due to it's magnitude in spite of Human Life laws in place, thus undermining the US's own Human Life legislation movement. I am sending a letter to the leader of the Catholic Pro life movement in the US to make them aware of the situation and what we can do to prevent the abortionists success in Latin America and thus undermine any legal challenges to Human Life legislation in the US.

If you think that abortion clinics are the modern equivalent of the Belsen gas chambers, are you sure that 'calling attention' to something that is widely known about is a sufficient action for an ethical Christian? Why haven't got joined a militia and stormed the government buildings to remove the evil murderers?

Oh, you wrote a letter. My bad. Carry on.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Why is it that so many here assume they know so much about people?
It's probably the "Location" designation you set out to locate you. Unless there's a Santiago, Georgia...which given how things go in Georgia is possible, I suppose.

Whatever happened to the Christian principle of giving people the benefit of doubt?
Benefit of what doubt? I trusted your designation. That's how we got started on the Chile thing. Then you said you weren't in Chile without saying where you were and went on to talk about the DR like you were there...maybe the problem is you.


New member
If you think that abortion clinics are the modern equivalent of the Belsen gas chambers, are you sure that 'calling attention' to something that is widely known about is a sufficient action for an ethical Christian? Why haven't got joined a militia and stormed the government buildings to remove the evil murderers?

Oh, you wrote a letter. My bad. Carry on.

I am writing a book as well. Here is a possible title:

"Prostituted again - America's proxy war on children in Latin America"

This will be in Spanish as well promoted through the Catholic Universities throughout Latin America.


Well-known member
Our arguments are not diminished by our emotions and if you're not rendered emotional by seeing babies cut up and sold for parts like an auto chop shop -- with pricing menus, for the love of God! -- then the problem is not with us but with you, for you are very, very frightening.

I did not post that. And the fact that you equate that with what I posted demonstrates the instability of your emotional state. You are trying to manipulate others in the same way your were manipulated. By irrational emotionally overcharged arguments. You are seduced by such arguments, so you assume it should work on others as well. Hence your support for posting that pic. We all know what "abortion" means and the reality of these fetuses. The only reason to post a pic of that is to attempt to manipulate others through an irrational and emotionally overcharged argument. I see you did not accurately address my real point, and you diverted attention by misrepresenting what I did post.

Did you actually read the link I included or do any further research than what you initially seized from your so called "conservative" site?

Whose view is more accurate here, yours or mine?