Intelligent Design


New member
It seems to me that creationism or ID are at their heart, ideas based on cheating.

The whole point of creationism is that the universe must have a creator because everything we know about complex things requires a creator. A campfire in the woods must have a creator because there is no other reasonable explanation for how it got there.

Yet, when theists offer God as the creator, they don't take their own logical step and say, "Well God is obviously complex, he must also have a creator."

That is a cheat. You do not apply the very basis of your reasoning to the end result of that reasoning.


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aharvey said:
What noguru said: For an intelligent designer to say that birds are intelligent means that the intelligent designer of the bird's nest is quite demonstrably the bird. Are you sure that's where you want to go?
I'll bite. Yes. The only qualifier being that a human could also make a birds nest well enough that an idependent observer would not be able to tell if it were a bird or a human. However, experience would dictate a bird.


To whoever brought up humans making life from non-life; We just might pull it off someday. However, I will make the prediction that when that when that day comes evo will be nothing more than a painful memory, at best, in anyone's mind.


New member
Yorzhik said:
To whoever brought up humans making life from non-life; We just might pull it off someday. However, I will make the prediction that when that when that day comes evo will be nothing more than a painful memory, at best, in anyone's mind.

To be replaced by what?


New member
Life on this planet is unique. Life exists no where else that we know of. How can we draw any comparison to what is, for us at the moment anyway, a completely one time only event.

Could God have come down and made everything? Yes, that is a possibility. But it does not follow that he had to just because everything we know of that is complex was made with a purpose.

When some look at the Grand Canyon, they are amazed at the power of God. When I look at it, I am amazed at the power of water.

Could evolution be wrong? Sure. But the evidence would have to point to something else. Right now, it does not point to biblical creation.


New member
Unbeliever said:
Life on this planet is unique. Life exists no where else that we know of.

How many other places in the universe do we know with enough familiarity to say that no other life exists?

We've explored a tiny fraction of the moon, we've explored the tiniest particle of Mars.

Heck, we keep finding amazing discoveries in the strangest places here on earth, still.


Hold on a second are you saying water created the Grand Canyon, you ignorant fool , how could water create that in 6,000 years?

God got all up in dat.

Unbeliever said:
When some look at the Grand Canyon, they are amazed at the power of God. When I look at it, I am amazed at the power of water.

Mr. 5020

New member
TheBard said:
Hold on a second are you saying water created the Grand Canyon, you ignorant fool , how could water create that in 6,000 years?
What if water covered the entire world? Then could it be done?


He all got up in it and made a canyon!

God was all like:
Yo! Souf Dakota be borin y'all , check dis! BAM! Canyon!! Rah-spect mah glory y'all free willed creations let's see you make sumfin like dat -- ya can't cuz i be the main man - G to the O to the Dizzle , BIG UPS!

My god is an awesome god. word.

Knight said:
What was that comment supposed to mean?

Nathon Detroit

TheBard said:
He all got up in it and made a canyon!

God was all like:
Yo! Souf Dakota be borin y'all , check dis! BAM! Canyon!! Rah-spect mah glory y'all free willed creations let's see you make sumfin like dat -- ya can't cuz i be the main man - G to the O to the Dizzle , BIG UPS!

My god is an awesome god. word.
Yeah... that's what I thought you meant. :wave2:


New member
Knight said:
:up: We have to keep the IQ level of these conversations at least at a reasonable level.

Aww C'mon - that was hilarious!

Sacreligious as all heck, but hilarious! God as a homey? :darwinsm:

It's your site and you can ban whomever you like, but this guy doesn't hold a candle to some annoying Muslims and Aussies I've seen around here lately.

just my two cents

Mr. 5020

New member
I could have sworn there was another post here...

Oh, the poster's name is in red now! :darwinsm:

:wave2: :troll:


Well-known member
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TheBard said:
He all got up in it and made a canyon!

God was all like:
Yo! Souf Dakota be borin y'all , check dis! BAM! Canyon!! Rah-spect mah glory y'all free willed creations let's see you make sumfin like dat -- ya can't cuz i be the main man - G to the O to the Dizzle , BIG UPS!

My god is an awesome god. word.
The Grand Canyon is in Arizona.


New member
Hall of Fame
koban said:
Aww C'mon - that was hilarious!

Sacreligious as all heck, but hilarious! God as a homey? :darwinsm:

It's your site and you can ban whomever you like, but this guy doesn't hold a candle to some annoying Muslims and Aussies I've seen around here lately.

just my two cents
yo, he didn't rah-spect the rules. Knight ain't gonna have dat yo! He be banned. B to the A to the Nizzle