Intelligent Design

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
Good point logos!
What Knight is saying is that if I show him a video of an eagles nest falling from a tree, and landing upside down, and a beaver using it as a base for a dam, that catchs on fire, that it would matter not, because I haven't shown where Eagles and beavers and fire and trees come from. It's called moving the goal post.
And similarly shaped round stones just happen to roll up in a circle all around the birds nest that caught on fire?

You left that part out. :)


New member
If you don't know your own point
I'm well aware of my own point. That was an empty claim.

how are all of us supposed to know your point?
The funny thing is, Knight, you must have believed you know enough about my point to call it wrong. So what were you calling wrong?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Did the tree stumps have teeth or axe chop marks in them?
No, they were snapped, neatly, which led me to imagine a tree snapping machine, which made more sense than wind cause in my experience with wind falls they usually pull the root ball and fall over. But in the local case of a tornado, different result.
I have seen tree stumps left by beavers and there is no mistaking them.
Your right! they're actually cut much neater than a man would do with an axe!
So if you didn't know about beavers, and could'nt imagine their existence, you would make an argument from ignorance that there was an extremely detail minded woodsman that took great care to leave his stumps in perfect little points.
But hey, that's just me being rational who am I to argue with a guy who believes aliens, beavers, big-foots and birds might start camp fires. :kookoo:
And who am I to argue with a guy who believes that the Earth was created 6,000 yrs. ago by an unpoofed poofer named Yaweh who likes the smell of burning goat flesh, enjoyed riding around the desert on a box carried by the Hebrews, and wants us to execute all the homos.


New member
Knight said:
Not to answer for Mr. 5020 but... if God designed the process in which snowflakes form, the snowflakes are designed!

Even though God doesn't create each and every snowflake in a "snowflake generator" the snowflakes are designed none the less.

God designs the way in which small droplets of water crystalize and therefore snowflakes are designed.

So even if evolution is 100% correct, it is still intelligent design, since God designed evolution. How about we get to learning about the processes, since that has actual use. If you want to attribute the origin of the processes to God, Zues, or The Flying Spaghetti Monster, do so at your own peril. It is just a God-of-the-gaps, and those gaps have historically shrinked with every new discovery.

Our major beef with ID is that it is an explanation that doesn't explain anything. You can derive any conclusion you want with ID as your base. A fire breathing, flying monkey fossil found in pre-cambrian strata is easily explained by ID. In fact, anything and everything can easily be explained by ID. ID adds zero new information, so learning about it is pointless. Calling it science is silly.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
And similarly shaped round stones just happen to roll up in a circle all around the birds nest that caught on fire?

You left that part out. :)
No problem,
Round stones occur near rivers, and are sorted by such forces as glaciers, perhaps it's all stones and you can't see the ones in the middle cause of the fire that's on it.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
No problem,
Round stones occur near rivers, and are sorted by such forces as glaciers, perhaps it's all stones and you can't see the ones in the middle cause of the fire that's on it.
That would be a description of a different location. One that wasn't the one I described.


I think Knight unwittingly brought up an interesting point.

Let's take his campfire example:

I have made a fire, I have seen people make fires. Therefore if I see a campfire in the woods, I can say that a human had to have made it, because I've never seen anything else make one.

Now let's say scientists can create simple multi-celled organisms. By Knight's own reasoning then I would have to assume that life was created by a human. Since the only one I've ever seen create life is a human!


New member
Which you have since conceded was in error.
No, I have not. Knight, you need to read more carefully. Read what fool is saying. Do you think fool honestly believes that aliens or beavers built the campfire? Probably not. So what is fool saying then? I'll leave that as a mental excercise for you. You need it.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
And who am I to argue with a guy who believes that the Earth was created 6,000 yrs. ago by an unpoofed poofer named Yaweh who likes the smell of burning goat flesh, enjoyed riding around the desert on a box carried by the Hebrews, and wants us to execute all the homos.
Who are you? A self described fool.

Nathon Detroit

TheBard said:
Now let's say scientists can create simple multi-celled organisms. By Knight's own reasoning then I would have to assume that life was created by a human. Since the only one I've ever seen create life is a human!
Let me know when that happens and we will talk. :kookoo:


New member
fool said:
No problem,
Round stones occur near rivers, and are sorted by such forces as glaciers, perhaps it's all stones and you can't see the ones in the middle cause of the fire that's on it.

There should be a movie about you!

You could be an investigator for the Dept. of Forestry!

Bill: "Well Jim, we've lost half the mountain to this fire, what do you think may have caused it?"

Jim (played by fool): "First, we have to rule out Yogi and Boo-Boo"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
fool said:
No problem,
Round stones occur near rivers, and are sorted by such forces as glaciers, perhaps it's all stones and you can't see the ones in the middle cause of the fire that's on it.
OR, a small land slide that incuded a big chunk of ice fell and the rocks were around the chunk until it melted, leaving a spot in the middle. The point isn't to keep making up scenarios, the point is that you'll never be able to consider all possible scenarios. Hence "I can't see how" is an argument from ignorance. The fact the you make an argument from ignorance dosen't mean the thing you make it about isn't true. The fire could be man made. But the fact that you can't think of another explaination dosen't mean that it is man made.

Nathon Detroit

TheBard said:
It's bound to happen eventually. Will you entertain the idea or do you believe it is impossible?
You obviously know nothing about "simple multi-celled organisms" as they are anything but "simple".

Man will never create life from non-living matter. Not now, not then, not ever! And only the tragically ignorant will believe otherwise.

But you are free to believe whatever you like.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sozo said:
There should be a movie about you!

You could be an investigator for the Dept. of Forestry!

Bill: "Well Jim, we've lost half the mountain to this fire, what do you think may have caused it?"

Jim (played by fool): "First, we have to rule out Yogi and Boo-Boo"
Lightning, you forgot about that.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
The point isn't to keep making up scenarios,
Who is the one who keeps "making up scenarios"? Me or you?

I made up one single scenario and you have been living up to your username ever since.

The fire could be man made. But the fact that you can't think of another explaination dosen't mean that it is man made.
And there we have it!

One of us will quickly recognize the camp fire as man made and move on. The other will waste a bunch of time living in the fantasy world thinking that maybe big-foot or a beaver or a alien started the camp fire.

You can be a fool with little effort but why? Why not be smart and rational?