In Other News Today.....


New member
If it's good enough for the God-hating lying moral relativist Anderson Cooper, it should be good enough for you Arthur.

I didn't know who Anderson Cooper was until today. From what I read here on the Daily Beast for example he seems like a decent and honest guy who has simply always been gay.
I think I would rather trust him with children more than someone with a homophobic agenda who apparently likes to trawl the internet for all things salacious that aid it. :plain:


I didn't know who Anderson Cooper was [a homosexual] until today. From what I read here on the Daily Beast for example he seems like a decent and honest guy who has simply always been gay.

That shows how out of touch from reality you really are alwight.

I think I would rather trust him with children more than someone with a homophobic agenda who apparently likes to trawl the internet for all things salacious that aid it. :plain:

Being that you're most likely not married, never will be, hence never will father a child, specifically a little boy, that's easy for you to say.

Anyone that has watched Andy's "360" show that has an ounce of brain matter, knows that he's a biased little fag. But then if buggery isn't wrong in the eyes of a homosexual like Andy Cooper, why would lying be?

I won't link the lies that Andy allegedly told about The Church of Scientology, as I don't want to get involved in a dispute between a fag and a nutcase "religion" that L. Ron Hubbard invented.


New member
He paid into it, why shouldn't he collect?

Because it's evil wealth redistribution. And if we end social security, anyone who has paid into it will end up getting nothing for their efforts. It's not as if it's this pot of money that can simply be given back.


New member
That shows how out of touch from reality you really are alwight.

Being that you're most likely not married, never will be, hence never will father a child, specifically a little boy, that's easy for you to say.

Anyone that has watched Andy's "360" show that has an ounce of brain matter, knows that he's a biased little fag. But then if buggery isn't wrong in the eyes of a homosexual like Andy Cooper, why would lying be?

I won't link the lies that Andy allegedly told about The Church of Scientology, as I don't want to get involved in a dispute between a fag and a nutcase "religion" that L. Ron Hubbard invented.
:liberals: "L. Ron Hubbard" how did Scientology get into this?
Is Tom Cruise secretly gay perhaps?

Here in the UK I don't recall ever seeing Andy, perhaps I'll keep an eye out on the American channels for him now, well, since he has your seal of disapproval he can't be all bad.

Why don't you simply do what Andy Cooper did aCW, come out, just admit that you're gay and stop with all the self loathing, you'll feel so much better I'm sure? :jessilu:
You never know, even you might get lucky. :hetro:


New member
I didn't know who Anderson Cooper was until today. From what I read here on the Daily Beast for example he seems like a decent and honest guy who has simply always been gay.
I think I would rather trust him with children more than someone with a homophobic agenda who apparently likes to trawl the internet for all things salacious that aid it. :plain:

He's a pretty well-known newsman in the US. I think he's already perceived pretty widely as a bit on the liberal side (or in these parts as Satan himself), so I don't know that this is going to create a lot of stir, but for the 0.01% (my personal WAG** of the number) of his audience who liked him and still harbored some anti-gay sentiment, maybe it'll make some difference.

**WAG: Wild-Awesome Guess.


New member
He's a pretty well-known newsman in the US. I think he's already perceived pretty widely as a bit on the liberal side (or in these parts as Satan himself), so I don't know that this is going to create a lot of stir, but for the 0.01% (my personal WAG** of the number) of his audience who liked him and still harbored some anti-gay sentiment, maybe it'll make some difference.

**WAG: Wild-Awesome Guess.

BTW WAGs are the Wives and Girlfriends of rich sports stars here in the UK.


New member

BTW WAGs are the Wives and Girlfriends of rich sports stars here in the UK.

Well then, I'm glad I clarified what I was talking about. I'm not sure how common the abbreviation is here. My last boss used it all the time asking for estimated completion times.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You act like being a homosexual is a bad thing Arthur.

I prefer to use the word "homosexualist" when addressing the likes of you Arthur.

"A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."

(RIP Alan Stang)

And I prefer to use the word "gimp" when addressing obsessive fixated loons like yourself. I don't need nor even wish to 'advance' homosexuality as it's simply here whether you, me or anyone else likes it or not.

A "homosexualist" is simply a dumb word of your own *invention* and any '?' over orientation hangs over those who make lurid fantasies about others being gay and constantly searches out such content on the net.



Hall of Fame
You act like being a homosexual is a bad thing Arthur.

I prefer to use the word "homosexualist" when addressing the likes of you Arthur.

"A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."

(RIP Alan Stang)

So not only do you spend your time scouring the internet for pictures of homosexuals (which you *claim* disgust you), but you also make up special words for anything homosexual.


You need a hobby.


So not only do you spend your time scouring the internet for pictures of homosexuals (which you *claim* disgust you), but you also make up special words for anything homosexual.


You need a hobby.

You have my "consent" to read this article. It will educate you on the word "homosexualist" and bluntly describe the filthy lifestyle that you endorse.

"As we now know for sure, Larry Craig is a homosexual. What ties them together is the fact that Mitt Romney is a homosexualist. In fact, Mitt is a flaming homosexualist. The term “homosexualist” satisfies an important need in nomenclature. Credit for devising it goes to Scott Lively, a California lawyer, whose book is Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, which suggests that Hitler was a homosexual prostitute in Vienna, and that homosexuality and Nazism are almost the same thing...

A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."


And I prefer to use the word "gimp" when addressing obsessive fixated loons like yourself. I don't need nor even wish to 'advance' homosexuality as it's simply here whether you, me or anyone else likes it or not.

Yes Arthur, evil behavior always has been around and always will be (until Jesus returns).

The difference between you and me is that I want to do something about it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You have my "consent" to read this article. It will educate you on the word "homosexualist" and bluntly describe the filthy lifestyle that you endorse.

"As we now know for sure, Larry Craig is a homosexual. What ties them together is the fact that Mitt Romney is a homosexualist. In fact, Mitt is a flaming homosexualist. The term “homosexualist” satisfies an important need in nomenclature. Credit for devising it goes to Scott Lively, a California lawyer, whose book is Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, which suggests that Hitler was a homosexual prostitute in Vienna, and that homosexuality and Nazism are almost the same thing...

A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."

Oh here we go again...."credit" goes to Lively for being another obsessed nut who I wouldn't be surprised to find lives in the closet himself.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes Arthur, evil behavior always has been around and always will be (until Jesus returns).

The difference between you and me is that I want to do something about it.

No you don't. You just want to drone on about your own pet obsession. You don't give a darn about anyone frankly.


Oh here we go again...."credit" goes to Lively for being another obsessed nut who I wouldn't be surprised to find lives in the closet himself.


Basically what Arthur Brain is telling us is that all those that stand up for the word of God are fags.

I didn't take a whole bunch of psychology in school Arthur, but if that's the case, shouldn't you and your other homosexualists be patting us on the back for being what you incessantly defend?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Basically what Arthur Brain is telling us is that all those that stand up for the word of God are fags.

I didn't take a whole bunch of psychology in school Arthur, but if that's the case, shouldn't you and your other homosexualists be patting us on the back for being what you incessantly defend?

Er, nope, I put a question mark over your sexuality and those equally pathologically obsessed (nor would I use the term 'fag' anyway) as it's simply abnormal heterosexual behaviour to invent lurid fantasies about other posters in gay encounters along with incessantly searching out graphic gay content on the net and inventing data to fit an agenda. Doesn't follow at all.

It's blatantly obvious you haven't taken any sort of course in psychology either doofus. :chuckle:


Er, nope, I put a question mark over your sexuality and those equally pathologically obsessed (nor would I use the term 'fag' anyway) as it's simply abnormal heterosexual behaviour to invent lurid fantasies about other posters in gay encounters along with incessantly searching out graphic gay content on the net and inventing data to fit an agenda. Doesn't follow at all.

It's blatantly obvious you haven't taken any sort of course in psychology either doofus. :chuckle:

Like your fellow homosexualist Rusha, you continue to attack the messenger. How about for once you attempt to defend the lifestyle and agenda that I and other Christian conservatives are exposing?

You'll get plenty of opportunity soon Arthur, plenty.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Like your fellow homosexualist Rusha, you continue to attack the messenger. How about for once you attempt to defend the lifestyle and agenda that I and other Christian conservatives are exposing?

You'll get plenty of opportunity soon Arthur, plenty.

There's no such thing as a 'homosexualist' Connie. It's just a stupid term invented by obsessive whack jobs. Besides which, according to you I already am 'defending the lifestyle' and "agenda" simply by not agreeing with you and your equally fixated 'friends' on the matter. Confused much? :chuckle:

Of course such doesn't equate at all but that will likely just further confuse you....


There's no such thing as a 'homosexualist' Connie. It's just a stupid term invented by obsessive whack jobs. Besides which, according to you I already am 'defending the lifestyle' and "agenda" simply by not agreeing with you and your equally fixated 'friends' on the matter. Confused much? :chuckle:

Of course such doesn't equate at all but that will likely just further confuse you....

Get with the times Arthur, the sodomites invented the term long before Scott Lively did, they just used an acronym:

LGBTQQ&A (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Questioning and Allies)

"Straight ally is a colloquial term that describes a heterosexual person who supports equal civil rights, gender equality, LGBTQ social movements, and challenges homophobia and transphobia. A straight ally believes that LGBT people face discrimination and thus are socially and economically disadvantaged. They aim to use their position as heterosexual and/or [cisgender] individuals in a society focused on heteronormativity to fight homophobia and transphobia.

Most LGBT organizations have straight members involved, others actively encourage straight participation. Gay-straight alliance is a student-run club that brings together LGBT and straight students to create a platform for activism to fight homophobia and transphobia.[1] There are also some groups that only partially include the LGBT, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays is a US based organization that works specifically to bring straight allies into the LGBT rights movement. In 2007, the organization launched a new project, Straight for Equality, to help more straight allies become engaged in the LGBT movement. Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) is another organization specifically formed to group allies of this cause."

Needless to say Arthur, even though their allies are perverts as well (what else can you call someone who promotes a perverted cause but a pervert?) homosexuals wouldn't have gotten to where they're at today (besides in the graveyard at young ages) without their "straight" allies.