In Other News Today.....


More news of the day:

I like to call this one "If dope were legal, then 16 and 14 year old brothers wouldn't have to brutally murder a 15 year old for his stash, but instead they could go to "Teen Dopers R Us" and buy it over the counter."

(Hey, at least they recycle).

So Ralphie, Mr. "Legalize Marijuana", do we need more deregulation of drugs in our society, or do we need more of God?


New member

Andrew M. Cuomo (D) announced this month that he will push for a new marijuana policy in the Empire State, reducing public possession of small amounts of pot from a criminal misdemeanor to a violation carrying a $100 fine. California, Connecticut and a handful of other states already have similar laws, and legislators in New Jersey began considering a version of the policy last month.

Last year, New York City police arrested 50,000 people — half under 25 and 82 percent black or Latino — on public pot possession, many picked up under the city’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” policy. Though prosecutors don’t always charge those brought in, a marijuana arrest, even for possessing a small amount of the drug, can taint a young person’s record, making it more difficult to get a job and turn away from larger-scale crime. That hardly seems fair, or otherwise desirable.

Yet many of the ways some state and local officials — or, in some cases, voters — have tried to ease marijuana restrictions haven’t been wise, either. In the 1970s, cities such as Berkeley, Calif., explicitly barred police from enforcing state marijuana ordinances, which undermined basic respect for law. More recently, some states have experimented with “medical marijuana” as a sort of thinly veiled back-door legalization. Colorado and Washington state will consider outright legalization in November, which could drastically increase use of the drug and would directly conflict with federal policy.

Maybe the answer, then, is for police departments or individual officers to let more pot crimes slide instead of arresting every young person with a joint? That could lead to arbitrary enforcement and racial disparity in those who are arrested.

Mr. Cuomo’s approach recognizes the challenge of maintaining respect for the law without sending large numbers of young people to prison for small-time marijuana violations. The governor would still demand a penalty — that $100 fine — and police would be more likely to apply the law consistently. That could improve enforcement and increase acceptance of New York’s “broken windows” policy, which relies on the notion that police shouldn’t let small-time lawbreakers off the hook.

Public opinion seems to be moving in the direction of easing marijuana restrictions, perhaps eventually legalizing the drug. As leaders react, they must also remain sensitive to the legitimate claims on the other side of the debate — about public safety, the harms of drug use, honesty in policymaking and respect for the law.


Interesting approach by Cuomo and good points to ponder, raised in this editorial :think:



Andrew M. Cuomo (D) announced this month that he will push for a new marijuana policy in the Empire State, reducing public possession of small amounts of pot from a criminal misdemeanor to a violation carrying a $100 fine.

"Faced with a spiking murder rate, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel finally OK’d decriminalizing marijuana possession.

Last October, Ald. Danny Solis and several other aldermen proposed giving a $200 ticket to those caught with small amounts of pot. The proposal stalled, waiting for the political nod from the mayor. That nod came today in the form of a press release, as Emanuel travels to Europe.

The mayor said writing tickets “allows us to observe the law while reducing the processing time for minor possession of marijuana — ultimately freeing up police officers for the street.”

If it's good enough for baby killers/homosexualists like Andrew Cuomo, Rahm Emanuel and Ron Paul, then by golly gee it's good enough for Ralphie (the pusher).



LOS ANGELES (AP) — Rodney King, the black motorist whose 1991 videotaped beating by Los Angeles police officers was the touchstone for one of the most destructive race riots in U.S. history, was found at the bottom of his swimming pool early Sunday and later pronounced dead. He was 47.

King's fiancée called police at 5:25 a.m. to report that she found him in the pool at their home in Rialto, California, police Lt. Dean Hardin said.

Officers arrived to find King in the deep end of the pool and pulled him out."

A fulfilling life of drug and alcohol abuse cut short at age 47.

"Decades of Alcohol and Drug Problems

In the 22 years since the widely publicized beating, Rodney King led a troubled life. He spent time in jail and rehabilitation centers for alcohol and drug abuse, including televised appearances on Celebrity Rehab and Sober Living, both on VH1. He was arrested many times for driving under the influence and even spent time in jail during the late 1990s for assaulting his now ex-wife and daughter. At the time of the beating, Mr. King was on parole for a 1989 robbery conviction [and was high on PCP]. He attempted to explain the reasons for which he ran from the police, acknowledging that he knew that he violated his parole by drinking.

Throughout the years after his arrest, he had multiple relapses and returned to alcohol and drug abuse. Mr. King's memoir also explained that the pressure he felt because of his celebrity status was also difficult for him. Given that he relapsed after many stints in rehab, his suggestion that pressures of being a celebrity were partly responsible for his problems seem baseless.

Although the cause of Rodney King's death remains unknown, it's hard not to suspect that drugs and alcohol were involved, given his lengthy history with addiction and abuse problems."

The arrest record of Rodney King:

If only drugs were legal and easily accessible, then Rodney King wouldn't have had to beat his wife and daughter, try to run over police officers with his car, have sex with transvestites, and indecently expose himself while in public.

Yep, if only drugs were legal and easily accessible, Rodney King would still be alive today.

Right Ralphie (the pusher)?
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh dear. It looks like ACC is still smarting from being shown up for failing to read his own sources properly. There there Connie, we all make mistakes. Just learn to check em' next time. :thumb:


Chicago's unreported race war

Tribune argues it's irrelevant in news

"According to a statement in the Chicago Tribune, reporting on the race of individuals involved in news events, such as mobs attacking, robbing and vandalizing, is irrelevant.
A news anchor at the ABC affiliate in Chicago goes even further: Anyone who reads or writes about the epidemic of racial violence in Chicago is an “idiot” who engages in “meaningless … race baiting,” says Ravi Baichwal.

City officials and the media might be the only two places left where people still deny Chicago is under assault from more than 50 episodes of black mobs attacking, beating, robbing and vandalizing over the last three years in and around downtown. Many of them are on display at YouTube.

Some call it the “Chicago Intifada.”

Over just the last two weeks, black mobs are under investigation in at least five new violent incidents in downtown Chicago.

And according to the award-winning police blog Second City Cop, there may be 25 more incidents of mob violence and lawlessness in that weekend alone that were never reported.

“As someone who worked in downtown Chicago for many years, I am horrified that residents are not only not being protected by the police, but that the city and media are actively denying the public the facts they need to fulfill the most basic of human rights; protecting themselves,” said Michelle Jacobsen. “The police and media have three basic purposes; serve, protect, inform. Their purposely miserable failure is putting lives in danger.”

The latest epidemic of violence was centered around the Blues Festival on June 9. Shortly after a concert ended at 9:30 p.m., a mob attacked an out-of-town visitor and left him with a broken jaw. Six juveniles and one adult – all black – have been charged in connection with the assault.

Thirty minutes later, another mob in a nearby subway attacked a man trying to protect his wife from theft and assault. The Chicago Tribune said he suffered a “concussion, a fractured orbital bone under his left eye, two cracked teeth and a cut over his left eye that required six stitches.”

The paper published pictures of the assailants, none of whom has been arrested or identified.

The next night, a doctor at Chicago’s Northwestern hospital was beaten by a mob, the second attack on a doctor in that area in 10 days, says the CBS affiliate in Chicago. All the suspects are black.

Meanwhile, the Second City Cop web site says mob violence in the downtown precincts is massively under-reported:

“And for the record, the ‘three’ ‘muggings’ that are being ‘investigated?’ Add a zero to that for incidents occurring last night in 018 (the downtown precinct.) Crime is down and if no one reports it or the media doesn’t get a hold of it? It never happened.”...

Meanwhile, 10 Special Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are scourering the State of Florida to see if they can find anyone that overheard a "White Hispanic" that shot a black teenage thug in self defense, using a racial slur so that they can send him away for life for a "Hate Crime".


Let's file this one under "Libertarian hypocrisy" (or "Ron Paul doesn't have a brain cell left in his head after all of those years breathing in 2nd hand dope smoke at Libertarian rallies")

Ron Paul Admits He's On Social Security, Even Though He Believes It's Unconstitutional

"Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) may rail against Social Security insolvency in the public eye, but that hasn't stopped him from accepting the government checks.

The libertarian-leaning Republican and former presidential candidate admitted Wednesday that he accepts Social Security checks just minutes after he called for younger generations to wean themselves off the program, in an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Granted, he's only making $174,000 a year as a US Congressman (not including his dope peddling business on the side).

How can someone live off of $174,000 a year these days?

Right Ralphie?


New member
Now this is grisly:

"This is the first look at the naked homeless man who ate another man's face while high on a new potent form of LSD.
Rudy Eugene, 31, pictured in an old police mugshot was shot dead in Miami, Florida yesterday following the horrific attack where he ripped pieces of flesh from his victim.

His victim, another naked homeless man, was in a serious condition in a Miami hospital today suffering from 'some of the worst injuries staff had ever encountered'."

What's this world coming to? A man can't even lie naked with another man without worrying about getting his face eaten.

(Yet another reason to recriminalize homoseuxality...yes, it will be...ahem..."exposed" as a homosexual encounter).

Rudy Eugene, the so-called Causeway Cannibal, was not on 'bath salts' or any other exotic drug when he chewed off the face of a homeless man last month, according to toxicology results released Wednesday.

Turns out the only thing in his system was marijuana. Did the pot make him eat the man's face?


New member
Let's file this one under "Libertarian hypocrisy" (or "Ron Paul doesn't have a brain cell left in his head after all of those years breathing in 2nd hand dope smoke at Libertarian rallies")

Ron Paul Admits He's On Social Security, Even Though He Believes It's Unconstitutional

"Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) may rail against Social Security insolvency in the public eye, but that hasn't stopped him from accepting the government checks.

The libertarian-leaning Republican and former presidential candidate admitted Wednesday that he accepts Social Security checks just minutes after he called for younger generations to wean themselves off the program, in an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Granted, he's only making $174,000 a year as a US Congressman (not including his dope peddling business on the side).

How can someone live off of $174,000 a year these days?

Right Ralphie?

"just as I use the post office, I use government highways, I use the banks, I use the federal reserve system. But that doesn't mean that you can't work to remove this in the same way on Social Security."

Paul also said he still pays more into Social Security than he gets in his checks.

He paid into it, why shouldn't he collect?



Rudy Eugene, the so-called Causeway Cannibal, was not on 'bath salts' or any other exotic drug when he chewed off the face of a homeless man last month, according to toxicology results released Wednesday.

Turns out the only thing in his system was marijuana. Did the pot make him eat the man's face?

One would have to ask this question Ralphie:

Would Rudy Eugene had eaten the face off another human being had his mind not been altered by (most likely) years of marijuana abuse?


"just as I use the post office, I use government highways, I use the banks, I use the federal reserve system. But that doesn't mean that you can't work to remove this in the same way on Social Security."

Paul also said he still pays more into Social Security than he gets in his checks.

He paid into it, why shouldn't he collect?

I know this word is foreign to Libertarians like Ron Paul and you:



There will be victims along the way to a Libertarian's perverse definition of "liberty".

"One woman is being deemed a true heroine after witnessing a hit-and-run accident and chasing after the driver in Santa Ana, Calif.

Eloisa Madrigal, 45, and her two young daughters were walking in a marked crosswalk when they were hit by a car and thrown about 60 feet in the air as the driver fled, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Madrigal's 5-year-old daughter, Osmara Meza, was declared dead at the scene, according to the news outlet.

Beatriz Jimenez, 29, witnessed the hit and run and followed the driver, Jessica Louise Cowan, the Orange County Register reports. Jimenez eventually trapped Cowan's Honda Civic, cutting her off until police arrived.

"I got out of my car and I asked her, 'Do you know what you did?' And she shook her head," Jimenez told the Orange County Register. "She showed no pain or guilt ... it looked like she didn't care."

Madrigal remains in critical condition and her 6-year-old daughter, Grecia Meza, is also recovering from traumatic head injuries, according to ABC.

Santa Ana Police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna told the Los Angeles Times, "We consider her a hero. If she hadn't done this, we'd still be looking for the suspect, and who knows who else she would've hit."

Jimenez, a mother of three, explained that witnessing the crash made her think of her own children.

"They say I'm their hero, but I don't see it that way," Jimenez told the Register, "I just didn't want the driver to get away without paying for what she did."

According to the Orange County District Attorney, Cowan, 33, was charged with one felony count each of murder, driving under the influence of alcohol, driving with a blood alcohol level over .08 percent causing bodily injury, hit and run causing injury and sentencing enhancements and allegations for having a blood alcohol level over .20 percent and causing bodily injury. She also had a a canister of medical marijuana on her dashboard, according to the O.C. Register."|main5|dl11|sec1_lnk3&pLid=174526


CAIRO (AP) — Islamist Mohammed Morsi promised a "new Egypt" as he took the oath of office Saturday to become the country's first freely elected president, succeeding Hosni Mubarak who was ousted 16 months ago.

At his inauguration before the Supreme Constitutional Court, Morsi also became the Arab world's first freely elected Islamist president and Egypt's fifth head of state since the overthrow of the monarchy some 60 years ago.

He took the oath before the court's 18 black-robed judges in its Nile-side seat built to resemble an ancient Egyptian temple.

"We aspire to a better tomorrow, a new Egypt and a second republic," Morsi said during a solemn ceremony shown live on state television.

"Today, the Egyptian people laid the foundation of a new life — absolute freedom, a genuine democracy and stability," said Morsi, a 60-year-old U.S.-trained engineer from the Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist group that has spent most of the 84 years since its inception as an outlawed organization harshly targeted by successive governments."

Gee, who would have thought?


I'm not sure what to call this post, either "The amazing things you learn on the internet", or "Duh".

CNN's Anderson Cooper: You bet I'm 'gay'

'Always have been, always will be, and I couldn't be any more happy'

After years of rumor and speculation, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has come out of the closet to announce he is homosexual.

“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” Cooper wrote in an email to blogger Andrew Sullivan."

I wonder if Andy will divulge like his fellow CNN lying fag reporter Don Lemon did, that he was molested as a child. (Either that or mommy, Gloria Vanderbilt, dressed him in women's clothing as a child).

Arthur Brain: if Andy Cooper can come out, you might as well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm not sure what to call this post, either "The amazing things you learn on the internet", or "Duh".

CNN's Anderson Cooper: You bet I'm 'gay'

'Always have been, always will be, and I couldn't be any more happy'

After years of rumor and speculation, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has come out of the closet to announce he is homosexual.

“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” Cooper wrote in an email to blogger Andrew Sullivan."

I wonder if Andy will divulge like his fellow CNN lying fag reporter Don Lemon did, that he was molested as a child. (Either that or mommy, Gloria Vanderbilt, dressed him in women's clothing as a child).

Arthur Brain: if Andy Cooper can come out, you might as well.

I think I'll leave that 'honour' for you ACC. I'm sure it'll come as a total "shock" to everybody....



I think I'll leave that 'honour' for you ACC. I'm sure it'll come as a total "shock" to everybody....


If it's good enough for the God-hating lying moral relativist Anderson Cooper, it should be good enough for you Arthur.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If it's good enough for the God-hating lying moral relativist Anderson Cooper, it should be good enough for you Arthur.

Except I'm not gay Connie, and the only person who frequently invents these fantasies about other posters being such - along with continually searching out graphic gay content on the net - is you.

Sad really....


Except I'm not gay Connie, and the only person who frequently invents these fantasies about other posters being such - along with continually searching out graphic gay content on the net - is you.

Sad really....

You act like being a homosexual is a bad thing Arthur.

I prefer to use the word "homosexualist" when addressing the likes of you Arthur.

"A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."

(RIP Alan Stang)