In Other News Today.....


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Hall of Fame
Even though she has been a nurse for 21 years and has NEVER received one?

Again i would think it would be directly related to how much contact she has in her duties and ability to pass it to them if she isnt immunized.

Think about this, if you had a child that was too young yet for a measles shot, and your child got it because of someone deliberately sending their sick child to a public place, and your child died from it, would you think that was fair?

I think health care workers have the right to refuse certain things that do not put others at risk, but if their job directly puts their patients at risk, thats not cool.


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Brooke Greenberg may be 20 years old, but she remains forever trapped inside the body and mind of a toddler, due to a mystery medical condition that has baffled medical experts for years.

"From age one to four, Brooke changed. She got a little bit bigger," explained her father, Howard, during the family's appearance on Thursday's "Katie" with Katie Couric. "But age four, four to five, she stopped."

Since then, Brooke's height and weight of 16 pounds and 20 inches have remained a constant. She wears diapers, is pushed in a stroller, gets fed through a feeding tube due to a too-small esophagus, and communicates like an infant would, estimates her mother Melanie.

"Like 6 months," she explained on the show. "If she's happy, she'll giggle and laugh."

Doctors have told Melanie and Howard, who live in Maryland, that there is no other known case like Brooke's in the world. And at least one medical expert believes that Brooke's condition could hold the key to the fountain of youth.

"Here's a woman 20 years old who has literally stopped aging," explained Dr. Eric Schadt, director of the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multi-Scale Biology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York, who also appeared on the broadcast. He said he took an interest in Brooke's case after years of her receiving no diagnosis from other doctors, and that her case could "blow a whole field of science wide open."


The girl is 20 years old but looks and acts like a 4 year old, the last point at which she aged. :think:


Hall of Fame
Nurses Fired for Refusing Flu Shot

An Indiana hospital has fired eight employees, including at least three veteran nurses, after they refused mandatory flu shots, stirring up controversy over which should come first: employee rights or patient safety. The hospital imposed mandatory vaccines, responding to rising concerns about the spread of influenza.

Ethel Hoover wore all black on her last day of work as a nurse in the critical care unit at Indiana University Health Goshen Hospital. She said she was in "mourning" because she would have been at the hospital 22 years in February, and she's only called out of work four or five times in her whole career , she said.

"This is my body. I have a right to refuse the flu vaccine," Hoover, 61, told "For 21 years, I have religiously not taken the flu vaccine, and now you're telling me that I believe in it."


Should health care workers be terminated for refusing vaccinations?

Yes ...


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Hall of Fame
Yes, if they can pass infection on to their own patients by refusing - their own oath just like a doctor includes doing no harm.

A flu shot gives you the flu.
A small amount so you can fight it and make the antibody.
Some people don't fight it an get the full blown flu.

So the logic here doesn't work, they want to give her the flu so that she won't have the flu, but they just gave it to her?


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'Proof of Heaven's' Eben Alexander on Life... and Death​

Born in 1953, Eben Alexander III grew up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the adopted son of a neurosurgeon father and a devoted mother. Following in his father’s footsteps, he went to medical school to become a neurosurgeon. He then went on to teach at Harvard, got married and had two sons. Life was good. But on November 10, 2008, at age 54, Dr. Alexander contracted an extremely rare and deadly form of meningitis and fell into a deep coma.

During the seven days the doctors spent trying to revive him, Dr. Alexander claims that he had a near-death experience -- during which he visited heaven and met God. He says that he battled back from the brink of death, and that in the process, he was transformed with a new sense of faith, wonder and purpose -- and a desire to share with people what he had seen beyond the body and beyond the Earth.

The following is an edited excerpt from Oprah's recent "Super Soul Sunday" interview with Dr. Alexander. To see what Dr. Alexander has to say about adoption, the human brain and the existence of other dimensions, read on.

I saw him interviewed on another show and found his story quite fascinating. :think:

Oprah: If I asked you before this experience, "Do you believe in God?", what would've been your answer?

Dr. Alexander: I would've said no. There was no way to explain it based on my neuroscientific career.

Oprah: I have always said that! I say they come in trailing the breath of the angels. Now I ask you today: Do you believe in God?

Dr. Alexander: Absolutely have no doubt whatsoever... and know the eternity of our souls. It's the only thing that makes sense.



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Martin Luther King Jr. High School coach shoots attackers​

Police sources tell 7 Action News that a women's basketball coach from Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School shot two men who attacked him as he was walking two basketball players to their cars in the school parking lot.

Police sources say the coach was walking the two girls to their cars when two men allegedly approached and one pulled out a gun and grabbed him by his chain necklace. The coach then pulled out his gun and shot both of them, according to sources.

The man who shot the attackers was 70 years old, according to police.

One of the attackers was found dead in the median on Lafayette Boulevard, and the other was taken to a local hospital, according to police sources. We've learned that both of the men had attended the high school, and one had been recently expelled.

Police sources say the coach has a Concealed Pistol License and is reportedly a reserve police officer. They say he is fully cooperating with authorities.


+1 for the good guys in Detroit for a change.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Martin Luther King Jr. High School coach shoots attackers​

Police sources tell 7 Action News that a women's basketball coach from Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School shot two men who attacked him as he was walking two basketball players to their cars in the school parking lot.

Police sources say the coach was walking the two girls to their cars when two men allegedly approached and one pulled out a gun and grabbed him by his chain necklace. The coach then pulled out his gun and shot both of them, according to sources.

The man who shot the attackers was 70 years old, according to police.

One of the attackers was found dead in the median on Lafayette Boulevard, and the other was taken to a local hospital, according to police sources. We've learned that both of the men had attended the high school, and one had been recently expelled.

Police sources say the coach has a Concealed Pistol License and is reportedly a reserve police officer. They say he is fully cooperating with authorities.


+1 for the good guys in Detroit for a change.


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A Pakistani schoolgirl who underwent reconstructive surgery in Britain after being shot in the head by the Taliban said on Monday she felt much better and was focused on her mission to help others.

A team of doctors carried out a five-hour operation on fifteen-year-old Malala Yousufzai on Saturday to mend parts of her skull with a titanium plate and help restore hearing on her left side with a cochlear implant.

Speaking 24 hours after waking up from surgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, central England, Yousufzai said she was already walking around.

"I can walk a little bit, I can talk and I'm feeling better," she said from her hospital bed in a video clip released by the hospital.

"I think I will just get better very soon, and there will be no problem. The thing is my mission is the same, to help people, and I will do that," she said.

Yousufzai was shot in the head at point-blank range in October by the Taliban for advocating girls' education, and was brought to Britain for treatment.

Doctors at the hospital said they were impressed by her recovery so far and hopeful she would be discharged fairly soon, describing her as focused and enthusiastic.

"She should be feeling sorry for herself 24 hours after an operation like that, not talking about helping other people," said Dave Rosser, the hospital's medical director.

The attack on Yousufzai, as she left school in the Swat valley, drew widespread international condemnation, and the schoolgirl has become a symbol of resistance to the Taliban's efforts to deny women education and other rights.

"There's still a lot of support (for Yousufzai) coming in, a lot of communication coming in from around the world," Rosser said.


May the rest of her recovery go well! What a brave young girl.


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Justice Department memo reveals legal case for drone strikes on Americans​

A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational leaders” of al-Qaida or “an associated force” -- even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S.

an “informed, high-level” official of the U.S. government may determine that the targeted American has been “recently” involved in “activities” posing a threat of a violent attack and “there is no evidence suggesting that he has renounced or abandoned such activities.” The memo does not define “recently” or “activities.”

full story

Democrats must have forgotten how they didn't like the taste of yellow cake when Colin Powell cooked some up.


In other news today:

Another brilliant remark by Ron Paul:

"In 140 characters, the newly retired congressman reminds us why he — and maybe his son — won't top the GOP presidential ticket

When news started spreading that Chris Kyle, a former SEAL and author of the best-selling autobiography American Sniper, was shot dead with a friend over the weekend — allegedly at the hands of a PTSD-suffering former Marine he was trying to help by taking him shooting at a hunting range — conservatives were incensed over the callous tweets of "some on the anti-gun Left." And then this happened:

"Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense."
— Ron Paul (@RonPaul) February 4, 2013

And just like that, the three-time Republican presidential candidate's tenuous coalition of pro-gun libertarians, anti–Federal Reserve goldbugs, and foreign policy non-interventionists crumbled. Paul is an opponent of gun control — saying after December's Newtown, Conn., grade school massacre that "more guns equals less crime" and that "private gun ownership prevents many shootings" — but also of U.S. military adventurism. Kyle, also an outspoken gun-rights advocate, earned a reputation in Iraq as one of the deadliest snipers in U.S. military history. With Twitter erupting in outrage over his comment, Paul took to Facebook to explain himself:

As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle's family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies. -REP..."

Someone should take the soon to be octogenarian's social networking accounts away from him, he's lost all sense of reasoning.

Wait, how can you lose something that you've never had?


New member
Democrats must have forgotten how they didn't like the taste of yellow cake when Colin Powell cooked some up.

I think there's a certain strain of idealism that's become a bit tarnished over the last few years, since Obama took office and since he's basically had to resort to some of the same moves that Bush did. I'm not crazy about the decision to target these sorts of people, but we're fighting a new kind of war this past decade, and I can see where it may be necessary. Perhaps some of our standards have to change, especially in regions where the government isn't capable of enforcing the laws in their own territory.


New member
I think there's a certain strain of idealism that's become a bit tarnished over the last few years, since Obama took office and since he's basically had to resort to some of the same moves that Bush did. I'm not crazy about the decision to target these sorts of people, but we're fighting a new kind of war this past decade, and I can see where it may be necessary. Perhaps some of our standards have to change, especially in regions where the government isn't capable of enforcing the laws in their own territory.

But to assassinate American citizens with unmanned drone strikes based on less than positive intelligence or the target having no immediate plan to attack American interests?

If they're an American citizen, detain them and charge them. We have shown that we will enter the sovereign territory of another country to protect our interests with or without permission. I'd be willing to push the line to that point before assassinating American citizens, which seems to me to be pushing the line much further.

I can think of no scenario where an unmanned drone strike on an American with no immediate plan to do harm would be absolutely necessary.


New member
Or try them in absentia before a judge, in accorrdance with their Constitutional rights.

If found guilty, then execute the sentence.

Just more ways Obama is Bush-lite.

U.S. Citizen Among Those Killed In Yemen Predator Missile Strike

Now they've just taken it a step further by saying that they can legally aim at American citizens.
It was unclear whether the CIA operatives who fired the missile from hundreds of miles away knew that an American citizen was among their targets. It also was unclear whether that would have made any difference.



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Robert Gibbs, President Barack Obama's former press secretary, says that he was once instructed by the White House not to acknowledge the administration's use of drones.


"When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program," Gibbs said on MSNBC's "Up With Chris Hayes" on Sunday. "You're not even to discuss that it exists."



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Colo. transgender girl can't use girls' bathroom at school; parents file complaint with state

Coy has been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. Biologically, Coy, 6, is a boy, but to his parents, three sisters and brother, family members and the world, Coy is a transgender girl.


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Hall of Fame

Colo. transgender girl can't use girls' bathroom at school; parents file complaint with state

Coy has been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. Biologically, Coy, 6, is a boy, but to his parents, three sisters and brother, family members and the world, Coy is a transgender girl.

Like they cant give him testosterone so he can remain what he was born with...


New member
Like they cant give him testosterone so he can remain what he was born with...

Because he liked pink blankets instead of cars. Because he liked girls clothes and wanted to line up with the girls at school.

It's best to leave permanent, life changing decisions up to 6-year-olds.
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