I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy

The Horn

Many conservative Americans Christians accuse liberal Non-Christians of being
"Anti-Christian " and supposedly being out to "persecute " them .
Nothing could be farther from the truth , and this is certainly true of me . I believe absolutely in religious freedom for everyone on earth .
But too many Christians in America mistakebeing criticized for being hated and being "persecuted ".
Far from being "persecuted ", Christians are the majority in America . They have most of the political and economic power in America .
On the contrary , it is Christians , certainly not all of them , who are trying to interfere with the private lives of others who do not share their faith , social and political views .
But the founding fathers wanted freedom for followers of any and every religion , including non-believers . Too many Christians today fail to realize this fact . Every American has the right to follow any religion , or no religion at all .
Christians cannot and must not have "special rights ". They cannot use their religious beliefs as an excuse to demand that our government make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs .
As I just said , I'm not anti-christian , I'm anti-theocracy . Or anything which brings America closer to it .
The problem is that there are too many Christians who even though they deny it, DO want to bring America closer and closer to
a Christian theocracy in which Non-Christians would be second class citizens . They say "America is a "Christian nation ". It is only in the sense that the majority of Americans happen to be Christians .
But don't forget the millions of Americans who foolow Judaism , Islam, Hinduism, Budddhism and just about every other monro religion in existence , not to mention millions of atheists and agnostics . There are now more atheists in America than there were people at the time of our founding .
We are all in it together , whatever religion we follow , and we must all learn to get along and live together peacefully , or we are
doomed to the kind of religious strife which has caused so much death and destruction over the centuries .
As an agnostic , I don't "hate" Christians , nor do I condemn anyone merely for being a Christian . But I do fear those who refuse
to respect the rights of those who do not share their faith , and there are too many of these in America now .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Many conservative Americans Christians accuse liberal Non-Christians of being
"Anti-Christian " and supposedly being out to "persecute " them .
Nothing could be farther from the truth , and this is certainly true of me . I believe absolutely in religious freedom for everyone on earth .
But too many Christians in America mistakebeing criticized for being hated and being "persecuted ".
Far from being "persecuted ", Christians are the majority in America . They have most of the political and economic power in America .
On the contrary , it is Christians , certainly not all of them , who are trying to interfere with the private lives of others who do not share their faith , social and political views .
But the founding fathers wanted freedom for followers of any and every religion , including non-believers . Too many Christians today fail to realize this fact . Every American has the right to follow any religion , or no religion at all .
Christians cannot and must not have "special rights ". They cannot use their religious beliefs as an excuse to demand that our government make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs .
As I just said , I'm not anti-christian , I'm anti-theocracy . Or anything which brings America closer to it .
The problem is that there are too many Christians who even though they deny it, DO want to bring America closer and closer to
a Christian theocracy in which Non-Christians would be second class citizens . They say "America is a "Christian nation ". It is only in the sense that the majority of Americans happen to be Christians .
But don't forget the millions of Americans who foolow Judaism , Islam, Hinduism, Budddhism and just about every other monro religion in existence , not to mention millions of atheists and agnostics . There are now more atheists in America than there were people at the time of our founding .
We are all in it together , whatever religion we follow , and we must all learn to get along and live together peacefully , or we are
doomed to the kind of religious strife which has caused so much death and destruction over the centuries .
As an agnostic , I don't "hate" Christians , nor do I condemn anyone merely for being a Christian . But I do fear those who refuse
to respect the rights of those who do not share their faith , and there are too many of these in America now .

"Christians cannot and must not have "special rights ". They cannot use their religious beliefs as an excuse to demand that our government make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs ."-you

What "special rights?" What would that be? An "excuse?" No, it is our reasoning. You are making an emotional appeal. Knock it off.

We "demand?" No, it's called persuasion. More emotionalism on your part.

"make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs"-you

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?

The Horn

For example, many Christians believe that gay people should be denied rights because of THEIR Christian beliefs . They blindly accept what the Bible says about homosexuality and they demand that gay people not only not be allowed to marry , but to teach in schools, serve in the military, join the Boy Scouts , raise children etc .
The most extreme Christians openly declare that gay people should be executed . Only a tiny monory go this far, but there are more than most people realize .
Many Christians want prayer to be returned to schools . CHRISTIAN prayer . AndBible readings . But what about the rights of the many NON-Christian parents ? They don't want their children to be subject ot Christian indoctrination in schools, which are places for TEACHING , not preaching .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For example, many Christians believe that gay people should be denied rights because of THEIR Christian beliefs . They blindly accept what the Bible says about homosexuality and they demand that gay people not only not be allowed to marry , but to teach in schools, serve in the military, join the Boy Scouts , raise children etc .
The most extreme Christians openly declare that gay people should be executed . Only a tiny monory go this far, but there are more than most people realize .
Many Christians want prayer to be returned to schools . CHRISTIAN prayer . AndBible readings . But what about the rights of the many NON-Christian parents ? They don't want their children to be subject ot Christian indoctrination in schools, which are places for TEACHING , not preaching .

Your "argument" is that we have "special rights." That's deceit. Our standard is the bible.

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?

Your "argument" is not as what you posted-your issue is that you disagree with the standard-you don't approve. Tough. What is your standard?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For example, many Christians believe that gay people should be denied rights because of THEIR Christian beliefs . They blindly accept what the Bible says about homosexuality and they demand that gay people not only not be allowed to marry , but to teach in schools, serve in the military, join the Boy Scouts , raise children etc .
The most extreme Christians openly declare that gay people should be executed . Only a tiny monory go this far, but there are more than most people realize .
Many Christians want prayer to be returned to schools . CHRISTIAN prayer . AndBible readings . But what about the rights of the many NON-Christian parents ? They don't want their children to be subject ot Christian indoctrination in schools, which are places for TEACHING , not preaching .

"They blindly accept"-you

=emotional appeal. You're beginning to bore me.

"They blindly accept what the Bible says about homosexuality and they demand.."-you

So, we should listen to you, as the standard, on homosexuality.......................? Who says?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?


New member
how to tell if your rights are being violated



New member

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?
You don't need a 1700 year old book to tell you that shooting someone in the face should be illegal. Dig?


New member
Many conservative Americans Christians accuse liberal Non-Christians of being
"Anti-Christian " and supposedly being out to "persecute " them .
Nothing could be farther from the truth , and this is certainly true of me . I believe absolutely in religious freedom for everyone on earth .
But too many Christians in America mistakebeing criticized for being hated and being "persecuted ".
Fa now .

I think there is FAR more persecution of christians going on in the US than anyone will admit. Certainly ahteists do not like to admit that they are perseucting christians.. (and liberals ditto)

My life situation is NOT good right now and i know 4 a FACT it is b/c I am being persecuted by liberals, whether they call themselves that or not

long, bizarre story but i know what i am talking about. You don't... so you can't criticize me or say i am screaming Persecution when i am not being persecuted


New member
I think there is FAR more persecution of christians going on in the US than anyone will admit. Certainly ahteists do not like to admit that they are perseucting christians.. (and liberals ditto)

My life situation is NOT good right now and i know 4 a FACT it is b/c I am being persecuted by liberals, whether they call themselves that or not

long, bizarre story but i know what i am talking about. You don't... so you can't criticize me or say i am screaming Persecution when i am not being persecuted

how exactly are atheists persecuting you?


New member
I think there is FAR more persecution of christians going on in the US than anyone will admit. Certainly ahteists do not like to admit that they are perseucting christians.. (and liberals ditto)

My life situation is NOT good right now and i know 4 a FACT it is b/c I am being persecuted by liberals, whether they call themselves that or not

long, bizarre story but i know what i am talking about. You don't... so you can't criticize me or say i am screaming Persecution when i am not being persecuted
How so? Examples? Sources?


New member
Hall of Fame
i dont get into my private business on the internet

Whatever you're dealing with is not persecution. American Christians complaining about their "persecution" insults the actual persecution and suffering of Christians around the globe who really are on the receiving end of the sword.


New member
You don't need a 1700 year old book to tell you that shooting someone in the face should be illegal. Dig?

then why is that those who have read that old book and attempt to adhere to

do not usually shoot people in the face?

while others who do NOT read it... do?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You don't need a 1700 year old book to tell you that shooting someone in the face should be illegal. Dig?

=an emotional appeal.


Who says that "shooting someone in the face should be illegal?"


Why should I accept your imposition of what your vision of morality is? Who says you call the shots?

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?

Nice talk like a kid. Giving me your "argument"(reasons for a conclusion), instead of pouting.

You won't. Watch the continued emotional appeal, or the old reliable, "It's obvious... You don't need a 1700 year old book.."

"You don't need a 1700 year old book to tell you that shooting someone in the face should be illegal.."-you

Like that 240 or so year old US Constitution?

See how that works, pops?


New member
Then don't bring them up. Your personal experiences are not a direct correlation to the reality of our discussion. Thanks.

malice won't get you to Heaven

few find the Narrow Way

or some find it and then fall off the track... like the train in the news lately

not sure that was human error (yet) but.. it went off the tracks..