ECT If you want out of the deceptions of MAD read the rebuttal of Bullinger by Ironside.

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How do you know that you're not under the Law? God says that His law will never pass away until heaven and earth pass away...

How Do you know you're not under the Law?

The old heaven and the old earth passed away for good in 70AD.

Paul knew he was living in the end of the ages.

So did the writer of Hebrews:

(Heb 9:26) Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

As did Peter:

(2 Peter 3:3) Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,

As did John:

(1 John 2:18) Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.


The old heaven and the old earth passed away for good in 70AD.

Paul knew he was living in the end of the ages.

So did the writer of Hebrews:

(Heb 9:26) Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

As did Peter:

(2 Peter 3:3) Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,

As did John:

(1 John 2:18) Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.

Wait... but you have to suggest that we are in a different dispensation to say that we are now in the NEW EARTH?

How are you any different than the very thing you condemn?

I'll tell you... You are FULL RETARD... FULL TIME!


I was just handling some of [MENTION=1851]john w[/MENTION] 's light work for him so he could make a sandwich, come back and continue to point out how ridiculous you really are, TT. I reckon I'll copy this transcript and use it in a "Christian Stand up Comedy" tour.

TT the wise. That'll be the header.


(Heb 8:13) By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

There was a 40 year overlap of the covenants from 30 AD (cross) to 70AD (the destruction of Jerusalem).

The writer of Hebrews lived during the overlap, and understood that the OC was fading away, and would be soon gone forever.


Wait... but you have to suggest that we are in a different dispensation to say that we are now in the NEW EARTH?

Dispensations are NOT time periods.

We live under a different covenant. The covenants were time periods. We know when the first one began, and when it ended. And, we know when the NC began, but we don't know when it will end.
How are you any different than the very thing you condemn?

My two time periods are based on scripture. Darby's numerous time periods are not. Especially the secret parenthetical one.


Dispensations are NOT time periods.

We live under a different covenant. The covenants were time periods. We know when the first one began, and when it ended. And, we know when the NC began, but we don't know when it will end.

My two time periods are based on scripture. Darby's numerous time periods are not.

Look at my signature... You're a "real" star... now.


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Keep 'em comin' Rodney.

"the old and elementary system passed away with a great noise; all these predicted empires have actually fallen, and the new kingdom, the new heaven and earth, the new Jerusalem--all of which were to descend from God, to be formed by His power, have been realised on earth" - EUSEBIUS, Bishop of Caesarea, circa 300AD

Too bad you Darby Followers can't show anything from 300AD

Right Divider

Body part
"the old and elementary system passed away with a great noise; all these predicted empires have actually fallen, and the new kingdom, the new heaven and earth, the new Jerusalem--all of which were to descend from God, to be formed by His power, have been realised on earth" - EUSEBIUS, Bishop of Caesarea, circa 300AD

Too bad you Darby Followers can't show anything from 300AD
You and your wrongiterians.

Dude, it doesn't matter what year it's from if it's WRONG.

You're a riot!


You and your wrongiterians.

Dude, it doesn't matter what year it's from if it's WRONG.

You're a riot!

"For if the heavens are to be changed, assuredly that which is changed does not perish, and if the fashion of the world passes away, it is by no means an annihilation or destruction of their material substance that is shown to take place, but a kind of change of quality and transformation of appearance. Isaiah also, in declaring prophetically that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, undoubtedly suggests a similar view." - Origen, Principles 2:6,4, circa 225AD

Again, you Darby Followers wish you could show something from 225AD that supports your Dispensationalism.

Right Divider

Body part
"For if the heavens are to be changed, assuredly that which is changed does not perish, and if the fashion of the world passes away, it is by no means an annihilation or destruction of their material substance that is shown to take place, but a kind of change of quality and transformation of appearance. Isaiah also, in declaring prophetically that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, undoubtedly suggests a similar view." - Origen, Principles 2:6,4, circa 225AD

Again, you Darby Followers wish you could show something from 225AD that supports your Dispensationalism.
Continually quoting people that are wrong does not help your cause knucklehead.


Continually quoting people that are wrong does not help your cause knucklehead.

Scripture proves them right and you wrong....hence your name "Wrong Divider".

(Isaiah 51:15-16) 15 But I am the Lord thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The Lord of hosts is his name.

16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your assuming the verse refers to how He physically left. What if the verse refers to how He left, as in "secretly". It is said that He would return like a thief in the night.

The unbelievers had no idea when He left, nor did the unbeliever have any idea when He returned (like a thief in the night).

Which is why Jesus gave waring signs to the believers. When the Romans surrounded Jerusalem, the believers were told to flee to the hills, and those in the country were told not to come to the city.

Again, that's exactly what happened in 66AD - 70AD.

Are you asserting that how old a "belief system" is, does affect whether it is true?

Yes, or no, evader. Answer the question, Russell follower..

Right Divider

Body part
Scripture proves them right and you wrong....hence your name "Wrong Divider".

(Isaiah 51:15-16) 15 But I am the Lord thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The Lord of hosts is his name.

16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
That scripture does not prove your point and neither does your name calling.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
(Heb 8:13) By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

There was a 40 year overlap of the covenants from 30 AD (cross) to 70AD (the destruction of Jerusalem).

The writer of Hebrews lived during the overlap, and understood that the OC was fading away, and would be soon gone forever.

Plagiarized from his "fallable teachings of men."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"the old and elementary system passed away with a great noise; all these predicted empires have actually fallen, and the new kingdom, the new heaven and earth, the new Jerusalem--all of which were to descend from God, to be formed by His power, have been realised on earth" - EUSEBIUS, Bishop of Caesarea, circa 300AD

Too bad you Darby Followers can't show anything from 300AD
You follow men teachers, sweetie?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Scripture proves them right and you wrong....hence your name "Wrong Divider".

(Isaiah 51:15-16) 15 But I am the Lord thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The Lord of hosts is his name.

16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
Are you asserting that how old a "belief system" is, does affect whether it is true?

Yes, or no, evader. Answer the question, Russell follower..

Not a peep, from the unemployed infidel.
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