If one is "born gay" how do you explain ex-gays?


As recently as 2020, American children were forcibly sent to public schools so they could be beaten, tortured, and sexually assaulted.

Home school is much safer and provides a better education.

4 kids, public schools. None was ever beaten, tortured or assaulted.
Home schooling, yeah the science labs on kitchen table are so much better when"taught" by your Mom.

God's Truth

New member
As recently as 2020, American children were forcibly sent to public schools so they could be beaten, tortured, and sexually assaulted.

Home school is much safer and provides a better education.

There are some horrific parents that I have seen that watch their little two year old boy put the mother's shoes on and they start getting all happy and saying look he is gay. And, or, the two year old boy plays with the sisters doll and the next thing you know they have it set in their mind they need to accept it that their son is gay. Those are just a couple of instances where a parent can instill wrong perverted thinking in their child. Gays have even said they knew it the moment they were gay because they remember putting on their mother's shoes as a little child.


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But 'No'......
I don't think that Jesus said anything about same-sex partnerships,

Sure he did!

it's called the Mosaic laws.

Jesus is God. God gave Moses the Law, which included laws against homosexuality.

and maybe that's why some Scottish and English churches will recognise same-sex partnerships. And they ordain gays. They also Ordain female Priests.

Using post-Christian denominations as an example of what Christians should do and/or accept is just dumb.

Now you can call other Churches what you like, I suppose, but many many Christians are now saying that they are beyond Mosaic Laws, and that Jesus called out two essential ones, more important than any others. Both laws were all about 'Love'.
A Christian promoting 'Love' could probably win more converts than one promoting 'Hate', I guess. Which is the true Christian?



There are some horrific parents that I have seen that watch their little two year old boy put the mother's shoes on and they start getting all happy and saying look he is gay. And, or, the two year old boy plays with the sisters doll and the next thing you know they have it set in their mind they need to accept it that their son is gay. Those are just a couple of instances where a parent can instill wrong perverted thinking in their child. Gays have even said they knew it the moment they were gay because they remember putting on their mother's shoes as a little child.

Really, you have actually seen those "horrific parents". Sorry, not buying that.

God's Truth

New member
Really, you have actually seen those "horrific parents". Sorry, not buying that.

Why not believe I have seen people with kids call their son 'gay' when they wore their shoes and put their mama's purse on their shoulders?

I wouldn't lie and become as one like the devil who is the father of lies.

You don't have an argument when you just accuse me of lying.

There are gay men who SAY they knew they were gay when they were young when they wore their mom's shoes.
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Sure he did!

it's called the Mosaic laws.

Jesus is God. God gave Moses the Law, which included laws against homosexuality.

Often when you hear anybody say, "Jesus didn't say...", it's an "au contraire" moment. The fundamental error is that, if the Lord Jesus can't be quoted as saying so, that He didn't say it, that there lacks authority, when the truth is all scripture is inspired of the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, 2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16. Scripture is of God, Jesus Christ, whether doctrine delivered by Paul or Moses. The very concept all other scripture that didn't come from the mouth of the Lord Jesus, in His 3 1/2 years or so ministry, lacks validity is ludicrous, lacking any spirituality, out of the gate.

Which brings us to Romans chapter 1. Clearly, homosexuality is a New Testament prohibition, and a very serious prohibition, given that reprobate mindset will get up to things that were worthy of death, in Old Testament times. In fact, Romans 1 is the clearest mandate of homosexual perversion in the Bible.

A reprobate mind is a mind without moral scruples as to what God demands is righteous and holy of us. Don't kid yourselves: it's a defiant of God, Satanic mindset, which extends into all the reprobate's thinking, as a matter of fact. It's no coincidence, in the world around us, the homosexuality loving liberal, whether homosexual or not, is up to all sorts of reprobation that would pervert the times, idiocy like demanding we dispense with gender pronouns, declaring trannies a rights group, not just "gay pride," we have also had "slut pride" parades. As many of us predicted, years ago, there are now some rumblings of the pedophile being misunderstood: a new pervert rights group? (This is the very poison fruit of moral relativism.)

It's all a Satanic agenda, of the Satanic, perverted world system, sponsored by friends of that antichrist world, James 4:4. As a matter of fact, liberals love Islam, which is a criminally violent, oppressive religion of religions, solely because it's antichrist. The reprobate mind is so far gone the liberal can somehow have an accord with Muslims, but not Christians, Muslims many of which may as well relegate women to farm animals. Did you know "honor killings" are legal, in Sharia law? How about the fact Muslims would execute homosexuals? The reprobate mind is a mind that has blown a fuse, across the board, and, James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Indeed.

Using post-Christian denominations as an example of what Christians should do and/or accept is just dumb.

Yes, to claim some denomination is a measure of Christianity, when the only true measure is the word of God, as laid down in the Holy Bible, is simply picking the error and corruption of some corrupt man one has replaced truth with. Christendom is full of tares, and the lump well leavened. I never cease to cringe when a so-called Christian starts in with their -ists and -isms, of the man their denomination formed around, the reason they're a denomination often that nobody that knows the truth agrees with all their bad exegesis.

The Christian faith IS Jesus Christ, and the Holy Bible is His book, and, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Actually, I don't see the use of any denomimation cult figure, when, speaking for myself, I've not run out of truth to find in scripture, and know I won't in this lifetime. I'll let anybody know when I want to hear from a Pope or Henry VIII or Calvin, and don't hold your breath. But again, when one has to resort to corrupt men and women as their example, their argument, in defiance of scripture truth, that's just a sad and bankrupt argument of no understanding of the things of God, even demonstrates a desire to circumvent the doctrines of God, in favor of their sin. Simple as that, people that love their evil and refuse the light of the word of God, John 3:19-21.

Anyway, in closing, you that would argue homosexuality is only a prohibition of the Old Testament, think again. Romans 1:21-22, 25-27 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools... Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Dark fool perverts of nature, which God has turned over to their own, evil mind rot and the control of evil spirits, by the way. And that's not Old Testament.


Well-known member
I was referring to Christians winning converts........ to Christianity.
How could you mix that up?
Conversion to Christianity implies acknowledgement of sin. How could a homosexual do that without at least agreeing that the behavior is wrong?

And Jesus confirmed that God made them male and female in the beginning--and that's the goal of one flesh. Not male with male or female with female.


New member
4 kids, public schools. None was ever beaten, tortured or assaulted.

In one large study, about 49% of children in grades 4–12 reported being bullied by other students at school at least once during the past month, whereas 30.8% reported bullying others during that time.

It’s unnerving and uncomfortable to talk about, but student-on-student sexual assault and harassment happens with alarming frequency in school bathrooms, on school playgrounds, and in the backs of school buses. It’s happening at every level of education from preK to college.



Well-known member
4 kids, public schools. None was ever beaten, tortured or assaulted.
Home schooling, yeah the science labs on kitchen table are so much better when"taught" by your Mom.

I was taught by Mom for 2 years in Jr. High.
Mugged in a bathroom in public school in Sr. High. (that was 40 years ago--I can't imagine that it's gotten better)

We chose homeschooling for our kids.
My son graduated with top honors with a BS degree in Chemistry.

Definitely better science taught by Mom.



In one large study, about 49% of children in grades 4–12 reported being bullied by other students at school at least once during the past month, whereas 30.8% reported bullying others during that time.

It’s unnerving and uncomfortable to talk about, but student-on-student sexual assault and harassment happens with alarming frequency in school bathrooms, on school playgrounds, and in the backs of school buses. It’s happening at every level of education from preK to college.

Kids are never bullied or assaulted at private or religious schools?


New member
Kids are never bullied or assaulted at private or religious schools?
We were talking about public schools being bad for kids because of the widespread bullying and sexual assault that goes on there.
Home schools are obviously safer.

Do you have any statistics showing that bullying and sexual assault are bad in private and religious schools?


We were talking about public schools being bad for kids because of the widespread bullying and sexual assault that goes on there.
Home schools are obviously safer.

Do you have any statistics showing that bullying and sexual assault are bad in private and religious schools?

No, no statistics. But while home schooling maybe safer, I cannot buy the education when done by Mom & Dad is equal to or better than that available from professionals with an education in the subject matter.
And given my kids experience I'm not buying the "widespread bullying and sexual assault".
Although if one were to follow the lead of the current President perhaps we can understand why bullying and sexual assault would be acceptable.


New member
No, no statistics. But while home schooling maybe safer, I cannot buy the education when done by Mom & Dad is equal to or better than that available from professionals with an education in the subject matter.
Check out this article to see that homeschooling is better

Homeschooling could be the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century — here are 5 reasons why
  • Personalized learning is a strong method of instruction.
  • Students can learn more about what they really care about.
  • Social media gives kids a way to form lasting friendships.
  • Students don't deal with cliques or bullying.
  • Schooling isn't set apart from the "real world."
  • Students may achieve more in the long run.
Research suggests homeschooled children tend to do better on standardized tests, stick around longer in college, and do better once they're enrolled. A 2009 study showed that the proportion of homeschoolers who graduated from college was about 67%, while among public school students it was 59%.

Students from Catholic and private schools fell even lower in college graduation rates, with 54% and 51% of kids, respectively, completing all four years.

But, I will concede that your children might get a better education from public school than what you would be able to give them.


Well-known member
That might wash, if only the homophobes would take notice of about 500 other OT laws. :D
....which they don't seem to do.

There are other things to consider, too. If the maker of heaven and earth told you not to eat pork for 10 years, and then said it was ok to eat after that, then would you be willing to abstain for 10 years?

What if the government told you to boil all your drinking water for the next week? Would you do it?

Some laws have passing significance, and some have permanent significance. And we might not know what the reasons are, and we would need to trust our creator about it--just as we want to be able to trust our government in such things.

However, if the government throws aside the one document we have that was inspired by our creator, there's no premier source of laws any more. All we have are opinions of men. Some are going to be better and some worse, but all are to be questioned to some degree, and therefore we all need to know all of the information that leads to the laws, in order to make up our own minds as to whether we should support them or not, or obey them or not.

Getting that knowledge into everybody's hands is a logical impossibility, even presuming everybody could understand it. But trusting human beings that have their own agendas, whatever they are, is a lesson in idiocy, and leads to slavery of one kind or another. It's a conundrum that can't be solved without a higher authority. And people know this instinctively. That's why pagan religions are flourishing in this post-Christian world.


Well-known member
You said that before. Which ones are you talking about?

Are you saying that you don't know the laws of the Old Testament?
that surprises me.
There are 613 Laws, but if you remove the sacrificial and ceremonial laws you are left with 507.
Now which of these if any do you follow?


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Are you saying that you don't know the laws of the Old Testament?
that surprises me.
There are 613 Laws, but if you remove the sacrificial and ceremonial laws you are left with 507.
Now which of these if any do you follow?

What, you mean these?


Which set?

And of the set of your choosing, which ones were sacrificial? Which were ceremonial? Which were optional? Which can be and which cannot be followed today? Could you classify each law in each of those lists?

You keep saying "if you remove the sacrificial and ceremonial laws, there are 507 left," yet you never actually list which ones you consider to be removable, and which ones should remain.

Would you please, for the sake of all in this conversation and for those simply reading along, list the commandments and classify them as "Only for Israel," "Sacrificial," "Ceremonial," "Not able to be followed today," or any combination of those?e

Let's start there.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What, you mean these?


Which set?

And of the set of your choosing, which ones were sacrificial? Which were ceremonial? Which were optional? Which can be and which cannot be followed today? Could you classify each law in each of those lists?

You keep saying "if you remove the sacrificial and ceremonial laws, there are 507 left," yet you never actually list which ones you consider to be removable, and which ones should remain.

Would you please, for the sake of all in this conversation and for those simply reading along, list the commandments and classify them as "Only for Israel," "Sacrificial," "Ceremonial," "Not able to be followed today," or any combination of those?e

Let's start there.

Careful JR- I pushed him on this last month regarding the "poor laws" and he put me on ignore
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