"Flirt with the behavior"? "Wrong for them"? How could it be "wrong" for anyone, unless it's somehow "wrong" for everyone?
Can you apply it to transgendered? People who are born as a man in a woman's body, might not really be a man in a woman's body, but she can't find out until she transitions, at which time if he wasn't born a man in woman's body, he will be now be a woman in a man's body. And then he will have to re-transition, because it's not right for him. That's a crock. Worse, that's a trap laid for a person by sinister forces, and any escape from the trap, once entered, leaves emotional scars.
The problem, of course, is that it is all subjective--how someone feels at the time--not the time of birth, but the time she/he starts to feel odd or confused or cheated, perhaps. And the same problem exists with homosexuals. They have to base what they were "born with" on what they "feel" like at the time, and then act on that feeling. Thus, like any lust situation, the person becomes enslaved to his/her own lusts; after giving in to them long enough, the lusts become master.
You're only born gay if you feel gay, I hear you say. And then you're only born gay if you continue to feel gay, I guess you say. So the feelings aren't trustworthy, unless they last until you die, I suppose, in your view. That's helplessness. That's bondage. Jesus Christ is the truth that sets us free from such bondage, by telling us we are created male or female, and that we should act like male and female according to how God made us.
Jesus tells us to master our lusts, homo or hetero, and He gives us help to do so with the power of the Holy Spirit. Just like we are commanded (not suggested or told to trust our feelings about, but commanded) not to lust after another person's spouse, for if we don't master our lust, we are essentially guilty of the sin of adultery, and the longer we continue to let our feelings guide us, the stronger those feelings are against opposing teaching. If the teaching is removed, as most homosexuals and schools and states and psychologists are trying to do, the only thing that is left is the feelings--raw, unopposed lusts.
Babies aren't gay. They just act like babies. When they are old enough, they question the differences, but they can be led astray by unwise parents, unsavory characters, unrighteous friends.