ECT If MAD is False Why Did Paul Make the Distinction in Romans 4:16?


Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears

Once again, you fail to understand the difference between the kingdom of the Old Covenant (physical Israel), and the kingdom in the New Covenant (Spiritual Israel).

(Micah 4:3) He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

In the kingdom of the Old Covenant, the Israelites had to beat their plowshares into swords in order to defend the kingdom.

In the kingdom of the New Covenant, the swords are beat into plowshares, because the kingdom does not need defended.

The kingdom of the New Covenant is an unshakable kingdom.

(Heb 12:28) Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,

Right Divider

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Once again, you fail to understand the difference between the kingdom of the Old Covenant (physical Israel), and the kingdom in the New Covenant (Spiritual Israel).

(Micah 4:3) He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
So now you're Mr. OutOfContextOppositeGuy.

You really are hopeless.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Nice try, Mr. ICanSpiritualizeAnything.
Tet certainly does.
This one of his always cracked me up.


To Tet, that lightening bolt on the flag of the Roman army was the 'fire from heaven' - Rev 13:13.
Tet will resort to any goofiness.


Tet certainly does.
This one of his always cracked me up.


To Tet, that lightening bolt on the flag of the Roman army was the 'fire from heaven' - Rev 13:13.
Tet will resort to any goofiness.

The prophecies in Revelation regarding Jerusalem and Judaea were fulfilled from 66AD - 70AD.


(Rev 16:19) The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.

"And now there were three treacherous factions in the city, the one parted from the other."
- Josephus, Book V, Chapter I, Section 4

Right Divider

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Nothing out of context.

The kingdom that exists right now is a kingdom that cannot be defeated, and is unshakable.

There is no need for swords in the kingdom.
Your "just a spiritual kingdom" does God a great disservice. God did not abandon His plans for the earth just because you are confused.

Right Divider

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The prophecies in Revelation regarding Jerusalem and Judaea were fulfilled from 66AD - 70AD.


(Rev 16:19) The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.

"And now there were three treacherous factions in the city, the one parted from the other."
- Josephus, Book V, Chapter I, Section 4
Wow, how can anyone dispute "facts" like that? :dizzy:

Right Divider

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The prophecies in Revelation regarding Jerusalem and Judaea were fulfilled from 66AD - 70AD.


(Rev 16:19) The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.

"And now there were three treacherous factions in the city, the one parted from the other."
- Josephus, Book V, Chapter I, Section 4
Did Josephus also write about the 70 pound hail out of heaven?

Rev 16:21 (KJV)
(16:21) And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, [every stone] about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.


Did Josephus also write about the 70 pound hail out of heaven?

Rev 16:21 (KJV)
(16:21) And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, [every stone] about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

Yes, he did.

"Now the stones that were cast were of the weight of a talent, and were carried two furlongs and further. The blow they gave was no way to be sustained, not only by those that stood first in the way, but by those that were beyond them for a great space. As for the Jews, they at first watched the coming of the stone, for it was of a white color."
-Jewish Wars 5.6.3

Right Divider

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Yes, he did.

"Now the stones that were cast were of the weight of a talent, and were carried two furlongs and further. The blow they gave was no way to be sustained, not only by those that stood first in the way, but by those that were beyond them for a great space. As for the Jews, they at first watched the coming of the stone, for it was of a white color."
-Jewish Wars 5.6.3
So you think that these were the "great hail out of heaven"?

You'll believe just about anything. :dizzy:


So you think that these were the "great hail out of heaven"?

You'll believe just about anything. :dizzy:

Revelation said the city would be divided into 3 factions. In 70AD, the city was divided into 3 factions.

Revelation also said that hail weighing 1 talent would come down upon the city. In 70AD, the Romans took stones that weighed 1 talent, painted them white, and catapulted them at the city.

Right Divider

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Revelation said the city would be divided into 3 factions. In 70AD, the city was divided into 3 factions.
The Bible does not say FACTIONS.... that's your fairy tale.

Revelation also said that hail weighing 1 talent would come down upon the city. In 70AD, the Romans took stones that weighed 1 talent, painted them white, and catapulted them at the city.
The Bible says OUT OF HEAVEN and not just "come down".

Your "facts" are not facts at all. They are made-up nonsense to support your fairy tale.


However, here is the one thing Josephus wrote, that has baffled Biblical scholars for centuries:

"Accordingly the watchmen that sat upon the towers gave them notice when the engine was let go, and the stone came from it; and cried out aloud, in their own country language, the son cometh. So those that were in its way stood off, and threw themselves down upon the ground." - Josephus, Book 5, Chapter 6


New member
Yes, he did.

"Now the stones that were cast were of the weight of a talent, and were carried two furlongs and further. The blow they gave was no way to be sustained, not only by those that stood first in the way, but by those that were beyond them for a great space. As for the Jews, they at first watched the coming of the stone, for it was of a white color."
-Jewish Wars 5.6.3

Your incompetence has left you unable to separate a historian steeped in Jewish Mysticism read by him into the events he was reporting.

Even secular scholars see that is what he was doing.

lol - you're still a modern day Acts 2 Dispy sensationalist - ever reading Scripture into current events :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8
Prov. 27:17

Right Divider

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However, here is the one thing Josephus wrote, that has baffled Biblical scholars for centuries:

"Accordingly the watchmen that sat upon the towers gave them notice when the engine was let go, and the stone came from it; and cried out aloud, in their own country language, the son cometh. So those that were in its way stood off, and threw themselves down upon the ground." - Josephus, Book 5, Chapter 6


I'll bet that Josephus also invented the telephone.


Your incompetence has left you unable to separate a historian steeped in Jewish Mysticism read by him into the events he was reporting.

The prophecies in the Revelation were not Jewish mysticism.

Josephus was a Christ rejector. He had no interest in confirming, and/or validating the prophecies in the Revelation.

However, he was an eyewitness to the events that took place in Judaea and Jerusalem from 66AD to 70AD, and his eyewitness account, confirms the prophecies of not only the Revelation, but also the prophecies from Jesus, Paul, Peter, and other NT writers.

You have to deny history, and fight the truth, otherwise Darby's false teachings won't work out for you.


Well-known member
The prophecies in the Revelation were not Jewish mysticism.

Josephus was a Christ rejector. He had no interest in confirming, and/or validating the prophecies in the Revelation.

However, he was an eyewitness to the events that took place in Judaea and Jerusalem from 66AD to 70AD, and his eyewitness account, confirms the prophecies of not only the Revelation, but also the prophecies from Jesus, Paul, Peter, and other NT writers.

You have to deny history, and fight the truth, otherwise Darby's false teachings won't work out for you.

Lets look at that wall for a second, here's the text you are quoting scroll down to where you a referring Chapter 6,paragraph 2 and look at the 7th line and notice it says "third wall"

Now ponder what you are saying and ask yourself when the third wall was built and by who this will help

Then go to this link and look at "Jewish postexilic city" notice that the "third wall" was began by Agrippa 1 but not completed until right before ad66

Now think about what you are saying and ask yourself are they afraid of the stones? Then read the 3rd paragraph in chapter 6,book 5 ,,,"notice they were NOT AFRAID of the stones"?

Then ask yourself did Jesus mention anything about a "wall" that was not standing when he was there in ad33? Agrippa 1 reigned ad41-44 so the third wall was not begun until ten or so years later right .

Then ponder what this would do to your theory that is if it was not finished until right before ad66 and you want to link it to the scripture in Revelation then Revelation was not written until after ad66 right?