ECT If By Grace Then It Is No More of Works


New member
You are making up things.

You say you follow Paul, then tell me right here and now what it is that people misunderstood about Paul. See 2 Peter 3:16.

I am waiting. This is good.

State your case.

Quit baiting people with these foolish and unlearned questions of yours that only gender strife.

In this, you are no better than those you accuse of gendering strifes.

2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

State your point.

God's Truth

New member
I speak the Truth and I get in return: "Go listen to my audios; go read this article, go to this link."

What don't you get?

God's Truth

New member
State your case.

Quit baiting people with these foolish and unlearned questions of yours that only gender strife.

In this, you are no better than those you accuse of gendering strifes.

2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

State your point.

Why can't you answer the question?

What did the people misunderstand Paul about as said by Peter?

Answer the question.

How is that a bait?

Answer the question.

I have been stating my case, false accuser.

Answer the question.


New member
Why can't you answer the question?

What did the people misunderstand Paul about as said by Peter?

Answer the question.

How is that a bait?

Answer the question.

I have been stating my case, false accuser.

Answer the question.

The thing to do is to state your point and then ask for comparison.

Unless you are just baiting others - like some do to you.

State your point about 2 Peter 3.

God's Truth

New member
All should take note that Danoh and Judgerightly cannot answer easy questions about the Bible.

Just try it Danoh, what are you afraid of?

God's Truth

New member
That is a question that no madist and faith alone believer wants to answer.

We have Danoh with constant insults trying to get out of answering.

Judgerightly has not tried to answer.

How about the other madists and faith alone teachers?


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You are making up things.

And yet I'm providing scripture to back up my arguments, and even using the ones you post as evidence for my position.

You say you follow Paul, then tell me right here and now what it is that people misunderstood about Paul. See 2 Peter 3:16.

*Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; *and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, *as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. - 2 Peter 3:14-16

"In which are some things hard to understand"
The difference between the Covenant of Law, which was given by God to the nation of Israel, and the Covenant of Grace, which was given to all who believe in Christ as their Savior.

In other words, to people who are under the Covenant of Law, aka the Nation of Israel, the Covenant of Grace is hard to understand, that covenant which was given to both the Jews and Gentiles, because it's so drastically different than the Covenant of Law.

I am not listening to your false teachers.

Once again, you aren't even trying to understand both sides of the discussion. I have been patient with you across many threads, responding to as many posts as I could where you present your side of the argument. The LEAST you could do is hear my position on the discussion and then reject it using your evidence, instead of just ignoring it outright. By ignoring it, you state very cleary: "GT's position is correct, and GT doesn't care what you have to say, if it opposes GT's position, then it is wrong, because GT's position is correct."

GT, I will tell you this right now, if someone can show me that my position is wrong, I will change my views. Unfortunately, no one has yet been willing to take me up on that challenge. Perhaps you can be the first. But it requires going to links, listening to what I have been listening to, and hearing my side of the discussion with a clear mind, being able to consider an argument without actually accepting it. That is the reason I ask so many questions on threads, because I want to try to understand the point that is being made, so that when I respond, I can respond to the argument that is being made, and not just my opinion of it.

The 3 shows of Bob Enyart Live that I linked to above focus on the difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ, and actually does show that there is a difference.

But no, GT is too stubborn and set in her ways to even consider the views that go against her own.

You know what the Bible calls people who refuse to listen to reason? The Bible calls them fools. You are a fool, GT, I'm trying to reason with you, and you refuse to even consider my argument, just because you think (and wrongly so) that my pastor (who has been studying the Bible for around 40 years) is a false teacher, even though you have no idea what he says because you refuse to listen to him.


Well-known member
That is a question that no madist and faith alone believer wants to answer.

We have Danoh with constant insults trying to get out of answering.

Judgerightly has not tried to answer.

How about the other madists and faith alone teachers?

Hi and then explain how Peter was saved !!

Will you ever get knowledge and explain HOW you were SAVED ??

Give me the verses that explain your salvation and IF you use Paul's letters , then I know that you are a FRAUD !!

dan p


New member
That is a question that no madist and faith alone believer wants to answer.

We have Danoh with constant insults trying to get out of answering.

Judgerightly has not tried to answer.

How about the other madists and faith alone teachers?

If I'd wanted to insult you I'd have called you stupid for pulling this same questioning thing again, when you well know that when both Musti and I answered your question on 1 Peter 1, you proved you had been up to no good when you had asked that question.

Here you are, behaving like a box of rocks, not only pulling the same stunt once more, but hurling the exact same accusation, once more.

Guess what that says you are being; that you can't even see why your nonsense is not going to work this time around?

Guess what that proves you are being?

That's right - by your own thought.

I'll concede a point of yours whenever you make a valid one.

Your above foolishness, is not one of those times :D
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God's Truth

New member
If I'd wanted to insult you I'd have called you stupid for pulling this same questioning thing again, when you well know that when both Musti and I answered your question on 1 Peter 1, you proved you had been up to no good when you had asked that question.

Here you are, behaving like a box of rocks, not only pulling the same stunt once more, but hurling the exact same accusation, once more.

Guess what that says you are being; that you can't even see why your nonsense is not going to work this time around?

Guess what that proves you are being?

That's right - by your own thought.

I'll concede a point of yours whenever you make a valid one.

Your above foolishness, is not one of those times :D

You got the wrong scripture. Explain what no madist has explained about what Paul is misunderstood for. See 2 Peter 3:16.

Try to answer the question and prove your beliefs. Your mere insults and denial just show how ignorant you are.

God's Truth

New member
Hi and then explain how Peter was saved !!

Will you ever get knowledge and explain HOW you were SAVED ??

Give me the verses that explain your salvation and IF you use Paul's letters , then I know that you are a FRAUD !!

dan p

Why won't you answer the question?

Peter was saved by believing and obeying. That is how I was saved.

God's Truth

New member
*Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; *and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, *as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. - 2 Peter 3:14-16

"In which are some things hard to understand"
The difference between the Covenant of Law, which was given by God to the nation of Israel, and the Covenant of Grace, which was given to all who believe in Christ as their Savior.

In other words, to people who are under the Covenant of Law, aka the Nation of Israel, the Covenant of Grace is hard to understand, that covenant which was given to both the Jews and Gentiles, because it's so drastically different than the Covenant of Law.

You failed majorly. You did NOT explain what is misunderstood about Paul.

Once again, you aren't even trying to understand both sides of the discussion. I have been patient with you across many threads, responding to as many posts as I could where you present your side of the argument. The LEAST you could do is hear my position on the discussion and then reject it using your evidence, instead of just ignoring it outright. By ignoring it, you state very cleary: "GT's position is correct, and GT doesn't care what you have to say, if it opposes GT's position, then it is wrong, because GT's position is correct."

GT, I will tell you this right now, if someone can show me that my position is wrong, I will change my views. Unfortunately, no one has yet been willing to take me up on that challenge. Perhaps you can be the first. But it requires going to links, listening to what I have been listening to, and hearing my side of the discussion with a clear mind, being able to consider an argument without actually accepting it. That is the reason I ask so many questions on threads, because I want to try to understand the point that is being made, so that when I respond, I can respond to the argument that is being made, and not just my opinion of it.

The 3 shows of Bob Enyart Live that I linked to above focus on the difference between the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ, and actually does show that there is a difference.

But no, GT is too stubborn and set in her ways to even consider the views that go against her own.

You know what the Bible calls people who refuse to listen to reason? The Bible calls them fools. You are a fool, GT, I'm trying to reason with you, and you refuse to even consider my argument, just because you think (and wrongly so) that my pastor (who has been studying the Bible for around 40 years) is a false teacher, even though you have no idea what he says because you refuse to listen to him.

It does not matter how long someone has been studying the Bible. God does not reveal His Truth to people who studied a long time. You should know that but you don’t. You also should be careful about calling a child of God a fool. That is not a warning just for the Jews.

Again, you refuse to tell me what Peter was speaking about when he said people misunderstand Paul.