I will not vote for trump


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For months now, Reddit has firmly backed Bernie Sanders. The massive community has been a huge factor in his online virality. Reddit users were spamming pro-Bernie memes way before your annoying Facebook friend was. The site held large fundraising campaigns for the candidate, and its users have acted as influencers on other social-media platforms.

But as Sanders’ campaign wanes, Bernie supporters are becoming less active on the site. This leaves yawning window for the folks at Donald Trump’s subreddit to take over the politics of Reddit—and they appear to be doing just that.

If you’ve recently been on Reddit’s “All” section—that’s the page that lists the most popular posts for the entire site, with top-10 posts typically getting over 5,000 “upvotes”—you’ll probably come to the conclusion that the site has made a political shift. While pro-Sanders posts used to dominate, the front page is now thick with posts from subscribers to r/the_donald, Trump’s subreddit.

This is a big deal: Political developments on Reddit aren’t just inconsequential slices of Internet culture. Reddit acts as the plankton of the online ecosystem, with larger fish, from Buzzfeed to the 9 p.m. news, feeding off content that originates on the site.


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How The Media Failed In Covering Donald Trump
by David Folkenflik NPR | May 6, 2016 6:06 a.m.

Donald Trump is patently a self-creation. That holds for his record and reputation as real-estate developer, celebrity tabloid fodder, best-selling author, relentless name-merchandiser, reality-show star, birther-theory enthusiast and now presidential candidate.

Trump started with nearly 100 percent name recognition and little political capital and outwitted, outlasted and outplayed 16 Republican rivals, some of whom seemingly arrived with significant political credibility and financial support.

Trump tapped into real voter anger and anxieties about the ways they believe political and financial elites the rigging system (and sure, while we’re at it, probably the media, too). It is his unmistakable voice booming through those boastful, bullying tweets sent to just shy of eight million Twitter followers and counting.

So it’s true: the media did not create Trump.

But that’s hardly a defense of the press’ performance. It’s an overgenerous way of letting journalists off the hook without paying attention to what they actually did.

And that argument overlooks three key points:

1. The media largely missed the story when it came to Trump’s appeal and rise.


2. The media greatly enabled Trump, embracing the spectacle to give him vast swaths of real estate on air, online and in print.


3. Most egregiously, the media did not subject Trump’s record to the kind of scrutiny other major candidates should receive.


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Is it really so hard to imagine why someone would have a problem with Trump that's not just sour grapes? He insults people constantly, and sometimes in large groups.

I found this fairly insightful:

Thanks for the article. I found it very interesting. While I think there is probably some overreaction, it does give me a different perspective. I had no intention of voting for a Republican or Democrat in the general election but that article does make me think I should reconsider because of what it may mean for American democracy. And rethinking how the GOP should handle Trump, though at this point any refusal of Trump at the Convention is basically unthinkable.

I was reminded of something I recently read by Redstate.

No, the thing that makes me unwilling to vote for Trump under any circumstances is that the man is rather obviously a genuine authoritarian at heart, based on a lengthy record of public rhetoric dating back to before the Tiananmen Square massacre and continuing through his recent and completely unveiled threats against the press for daring to report the truth about him and his political enemies for daring to disagree with him.

And like most authoritarians who have come before him, Trump shows no indication that, if elected, he would use his authoritarian impulses in any sort of benevolent manner, but would rather resort to regular self-dealing and political retribution against anyone who dared speak out against him. We have seen the damage the IRS alone can wreak in the hands of an unscrupulous President; in the hands of President Trump, no American who dared speak out against him would be safe from government abuses both petty and great.

Nope. Not an America I’m interested in living in. Not a man I can in good conscience support with a vote.

There were also parts that reminded me some of what I've seen written by some posters on here. Particularly ClimateSanity. The disaffected white voters who are saying enough is enough.

What he says about social media is somewhat familiar and I've had some similar thoughts but he traced several other paths that were new and fascinating. I don't want to get caught up in alarmism but there may be more at stake in this election than I realized. And he even points out that Sanders is evidence of this on the other side, though to a lesser extent.


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Hall of Fame
-are you a trump chump?
-you may want to know why we won't show up in july and november
-we wondered why you didn't show up in 2008 and 2012
-maybe we can get together in 2020
-do you know how long it will take to get the supreme court back?
-good luck with hillary


Astounding? Mind-boggling? Flabbergasting?

I like mind-boggling. Watching them line up like sheep behind this embarrassment of a reality show candidate as if it's the most natural thing in the world is like watching someone eat dirt while trying to convince me it's caviar.

Says the liberal, who has spent the past decade making things like being denied confection commensurate to being crucified :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Says the liberal, who has spent the past decade making things like being denied confection commensurate to being crucified :rolleyes:
Actually, it wasn't that long ago that anna was to the right of me, and I come out a hair left of dead center in the moderate range. So you might want to talk to her and not at her...if you're this shy of facts.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:rotfl: have a great 8 years of Trump, chrys !!
:think: Doesn't he actually have to win the general election once, first?

A long time ago, when Trump started winning, I noted that the principle problem with bemoaning members of the Republican Party was that they'd done this to themselves, made the thing that gives them fits now (either decrying or attempting to justify a late switch to/behind) possible...even likely. If you campaign on "No!" instead of ideas, push the notion of contempt for government unless it's in your pocket and demonize the opposition then you open the field for the person who can sell that emotional appeal wrapped in cynicism and paranoia best. There's a lot of aging white people who are afraid of the changes in the world about them. More now than in any time in our history. And they're pushing back at the perception they've been sold of a culture war and a war on Christians and a marginalization of whites, etc. Trump is just a modern Wallace with a bigger, older, more agitated audience.

The only real question is whether he can play in the larger hall. Because while that group can win you an aging conservative party, it can't win the national election without a lot of help. I think this election will be a referendum on how hopeless and angry the electorate has become. It will be interesting to see.


New member
I'm a Cruz supporter who said that I would only vote for Trump if he became the Republican nominee. So, I will vote for Trump in the general election unless something really wild happens. We've seen all kinds of wild in this election cycle. I will never vote for Clinton or Sanders, regardless of what happens.

patrick jane

I'm a Cruz supporter who said that I would only vote for Trump if he became the Republican nominee. So, I will vote for Trump in the general election unless something really wild happens. We've seen all kinds of wild in this election cycle. I will never vote for Clinton or Sanders, regardless of what happens.
I think most republicans will do what you do.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm a Cruz supporter who said that I would only vote for Trump if he became the Republican nominee. So, I will vote for Trump in the general election unless something really wild happens. We've seen all kinds of wild in this election cycle. I will never vote for Clinton or Sanders, regardless of what happens.
What would qualify as 'really wild'?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I wonder if Cheney did because GW wouldn't.

cheney would be the vp again
-he thought it would help the republican party
-this is a tough call for everyone
-I feel their pain
-many feel they can control trump
-I think he is just a jerk
-I could never be a trump chump

patrick jane

cheney would be the vp again
-he thought it would help the republican party
-this is a tough call for everyone
-I feel their pain
-many feel they can control trump
-I think he is just a jerk
-I could never be a trump chump

:rotfl: It's gonna be a long 8 years of Trump for ya !!


like marbles on glass
cheney would be the vp again
-he thought it would help the republican party
-this is a tough call for everyone
-I feel their pain
-many feel they can control trump
-I think he is just a jerk
-I could never be a trump chump

I'd think floating the idea of Cheney as Trump's VP would pretty much unite Democrats and (and maybe a lot of independents) behind either of the Democratic candidates. There are a lot of people on both sides of the aisle who wouldn't want to see Cheney happen.