All that I post are literally in the Holy KJV N.T., for the past 2000 odd years.
That's a remarkable claim, given that the KJB is only 405 years old.
All that I post are literally in the Holy KJV N.T., for the past 2000 odd years.
That's a remarkable claim, given that the KJB is only 405 years old.
That is certainly possible with all the Soros "voting" machines.
Because they seem to be releasing incomplete information timed to coincide with the election to benefit one candidate and hurt another. I'm all for holding feet to fire but politicizing the FBI this way undermines it's moral authority, undermines the veracity of the election whichever way it comes out, and invites even more years of investigation. And you know for a fact that if the FBI pulled this against a candidate yoy supported, you'd be screaming bloody murder.
the kind that hates
that is the one thing all trump supporters share
I voted for them
you don't understand why I can't vote for trump -
I don't understand you or your kind
and the idiots . . . .
many evangelicals stayed home in 2012 because romney was a mormon
That is a popular leftist myth and is untrue..
many evangelicals stayed home in 2012 because romney was a mormon
now they have religion -
now they have their man -
now they have a real republican -
did you vote for romney?
Freedom of expression, yes.
However your post (# 3413) seems way over the top.
Is that so? Or are you consumed by political correctness and the angel of light shtick? You don't believe these people are direct agents of Satan, who have sold their souls, with a Satanic agenda they are working out, as stooges of their real master, right under your nose?
You have the facts, the blatant sin and corruption on every level, the incessant deceptions, the antichrist agenda, the perversion, the rebellion against God, their rotten, murderous fruits every time you see the news, and, seriously, you have even a scintilla of some notion these people are working for the Lord? Revelation 21:8, Galatians 5:19-21, Romans 1. Does calling a spade a spade offend your sensitivities? If so, don't ever read Matthew 23.
Tell all the souls who will burn in hell fire the truth was over the top, because you are, apparently, too timid for the truth, for some strange reason (!) would prefer people not see it. "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other." You serve Satan, you very much have fangs and blood on your hands, "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."
It is my opinion the bloody fangs and the pitchfork have been too long obscured. Since people like you shovel dirt under the rug, we will have to agree to disagree, truth is truth. And I'm sorry you can only bear to see the devil with a mask on, but that's a personal problem. If I had it my way, I’d post a picture of the legions of souls in hell, who followed these monsters of the world off the cliff. The true horror of it all makes those pictures like a church social, and there is much, much too little recognition that we are seeing Satan at work in these people, literally so, John 8:44, Matthew 7:16-20.
And give way to your creative and metaphor expression.
and the idiots . . . .
It is just that, intuitively obvious the pictures are not real, the point that what they reflect is the God's honest truth and all too real.
and the idiots . . . .