I will not vote for trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and the idiots who voted for trump in the primaries made it so

right, but the primaries have been over for a loooong loooooooooooooooooooong time

right now there are two

only 2 (two)

candidates for the presidency

and you just chose hillary


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
can you explain that?
next year as well as this year, I can say -
that is not my president

we all have a choice in our vote

we can help elect ( :barf: ) hillary


we can help defeat (yay!) hillary

voting for jeb (or mickey mouse) does nothing to help defeat hillary


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The FBI's behavior has been pretty stunning the last few days.

Why? Because they are finally holding the Clinton crime family to account? Hell it was a only a few months back you libs were praising Comey for giving her a pass, but, when the evidence of their criminality keeps popping up he cannot keep covering for this felon or he becomes part of the conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Why? Because they are finally holding the Clinton crime family to account? Hell it was a only a few months back you libs were praising Comey for giving her a pass, but, when the evidence of their criminality keeps popping up he cannot keep covering for this felon or he becomes part of the conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Or, he simply keeps doing his job and pursuing new evidence as it arises. This election could be won by an eventual felon, whichever way it goes. All the more reason to not put the stamp of approval on either.

It is a vote for Hillary, Einstein.
Then his non vote for Hillary was as much a vote for Trump, Edison.

When we were children, we used to say, “Smooth move, Ex-lax!”
So, not much progress since then. :plain:

Look, chrys is a tremendous, unapologetic hypocrite on the whole, "Vote ticket or you're a baby killer-wait a minute I just discovered an exception I'll allow and it's for me" nonsense, but your math isn't much better.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
All the more reason to not put the stamp of approval on either.

That may be your answer but mine is to make sure I help pound the death knell in the corrupt left wing establishment which has permeated the entire government including the DOJ, the entire mess is just sickening...like watergate all over again but far worse. Yes, I did say a corrupt DOJ which has blocked Comey from the get go, and as the news trickles out we see the co-conspirator Loretta Lynch has even denied grand jury requests by the FBI, the lady is obstructing justice at this point...they are all dirty crooks. Just sad that the nation will have to endure more of this nonsense when there are some really serious issues that need addressing.


patrick jane

Obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, perjury and violations of the Federal records act, the list of Hillary's crimes and felonies goes on and on
Then his non vote for Hillary was as much a vote for Trump, Edison.

...but your math isn't much better.

You really shouldn't be so derogatory of anybody's math skills when you, yourself, are oblivious and apparently failed arithmetic. You have 22 voters, 20 of them vote, and the count is 10 for Hillary, 10 for Trump. Along comes Jeb Bush's Mini Me and another Democrat. They vote. Hillary stands at 11 votes, Trump still at 10, with Jeb gaining 1 squandered vote, sucked into a black hole, and the result that Hillary, the Democrat, is elected, and by the actions of Mini Me, the Republican. A vote that's not for Trump cannot help Trump, does him no good at all, rather, clearly, helps his opponent, is very much a vote for Hillary, in this very instance of a Republican with a man-crush on Jeb. Liberalism in the flower of all it's stinking corruption for everybody ensues, on steroids, Hillary's cause and liberalism advanced because of this Republican, with a man-crush on Jeb, who couldn't see the forest for the trees.

I hope this example, intentionally made elementary school simplistic, will give you a perspective on how it really works, how numbers work, and then, Lord willing, you may someday move on to multiplication and division. In the meantime, perhaps cease to castigate the math or critical thinking skills of anybody else on the planet over, let's say, 8 years old?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
why jeb?

why not write in Jesus?

When there is no difference, like Dole-Clinton, Obama-Romney, then there is no reason to not write in another name. I've put in Kevin R. and Adam B. before. Not a protest, just not holding my nose.


Well-known member
and the idiots who voted for trump in the primaries made it so

What about those who voted for Clinton as their Presidential nominee.

Both choices are a reflection of the U.S.A. citizens. Do not cry. This is the U.S.A. on honest display/parade.

The U.S.A. democratic system requires that all citizens move to the next step.

The next step is to choose between the two choices which the great majority of the U.S.A. citizens has democratically determined/given for the U.S.A.

The above is democracy and the democratic approach used by the U.S.A..

If you cannot function in this system, you may choose to migrate or attempt to change the system, (which you obviously find to be flawed).

For now however you have to participate and contribute reasonably. These Presidential choices are the fabric of the U.S.A. citizenry, under the legitimate and accepted operating system of the U.S.A.. You cannot be aloof or pretend aloofness. You are either counted among the citizen and their system or an alien.

It is not likely that you are not also an idiot.

With respect to selecting a President, your very clearly very minority voting position (of voting for Jeb?) counts for absolutely nothing. It is a total and unfortunate waste of time, money and ballot paper (which was not intended to be converted to 'used toilet tissue'). How is that not being a idiot?

Is it that you want to choose a President from outside your citizenry? The vast majority has already spoken. They have determined that their President will be one of the selected two. There is no other actual democratic choice, at this time. If you recognize democracy you have to participate/vote reasonably in the democratic process of the U.S.A., not wastefully and meaninglessly, according your own aimless and 'going no where' whim.

You do not seem to believe that a people get the leader that they deserve. And their leader is a reflection of themselves and their wisdom or folly. If a population are idiots, this means that their leaders ensure that their subjects/followers remain idiots and that their subjects/followers are treated as idiots. These leaders will continue to easily pull the wool over the eyes of their population. There is no other way to manage and rule idiots. Do not blame leaders. What are leaders to do with idiots? What can they do with idiots?

Even Jesus had to use parables on idiots (those who do not want to know truth). And up to this day billions erroneously believe that parables contain hidden or other wisdom:

Matthew: 13 KJV N.T.
10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

And some idiots will vote for a very minority choice and believe that they are actually doing 'something'. Indeed idiots do all kinds of foolish and/or meaningless things that they believe to wise. This is the essential fabric of people in a Banana Republic.

You pretend to be Republican. The majority of Republicans has made their choice, democratically. If you are not with the majority of Republicans, you are an outsider. They do not need or want your vote. You have voted for a reject (one who was rejected by the majority of Republicans). This is useless double voting in the Republican nominations, at the level of General Elections.

You are stuck in time. In the General Election, you have voted in the Republican primary. How is this not idiotic? It seems that it is most common and natural for idiots to identify other to be idiots. Is this not now, clearly evident? However idiots perceive themselves to be best thing since sliced bread.

:) This is an ideological expose, not any thing else. It is not personal. It is about the many. It is about the many who err because they are idiots, while erroneously believing that they are smart.

This is a huge terminal world wide epidemic. The Age of Enlightenment in Christ is at hand on the surface of earth and so few are relevant.

Replies and corrections are welcome.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You really shouldn't be so derogatory of anybody's math skills
In fairness, there weren't any on display, but it's a point.

when you, yourself, are oblivious and apparently failed arithmetic.
You only believe that because you're suffering from an entitlement mentality. But no one is entitled to a vote, though everyone who meets the criteria for registering is entitled to vote.

I hope this example, intentionally made elementary school simplistic, will give you a perspective on how it really works, how numbers work, and then, Lord willing, you may someday move on to multiplication and division.
I think if there's one thing you're demonstrating it's the tendency of people mired in party politics to see every political problem as an exercise in division.