I will not vote for trump

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
please answer this question -
could you vote for trump?
No, and I won't. I can't and won't vote for Hillary either. I sympathize with people who are mightily invested in either political philosophy and who are, by that dedication, moved to advance a flag no matter who might be standing under it. I sympathize, but I can't accept their arguments.

patrick jane

No, and I won't. I can't and won't vote for Hillary either. I sympathize with people who are mightily invested in either political philosophy and who are, by that dedication, moved to advance a flag no matter who might be standing under it. I sympathize, but I can't accept their arguments.
You're actually voting for Hellary by proxy :chuckle:


New member
Why? Because they are finally holding the Clinton crime family to account? Hell it was a only a few months back you libs were praising Comey for giving her a pass, but, when the evidence of their criminality keeps popping up he cannot keep covering for this felon or he becomes part of the conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Because they seem to be releasing incomplete information timed to coincide with the election to benefit one candidate and hurt another. I'm all for holding feet to fire but politicizing the FBI this way undermines it's moral authority, undermines the veracity of the election whichever way it comes out, and invites even more years of investigation. And you know for a fact that if the FBI pulled this against a candidate yoy supported, you'd be screaming bloody murder.


Well-known member
did you vote for romney in 2012?

I am not a U.S.A. citizen or resident, so I have never voted in any U.S.A. elections. However I love the original idea of the U.S.A. which was far more Christian than currently.

I am a citizen of the world and what happens in the U.S.A. impacts me.

I support a return to that more Christian state for the U.S.A.. God's kingdom of heaven can be replicated on earth. The citizens of U.S.A. have a proven capacity to create and sustain a heaven of sought. Individual citizens have created and sustain their individual version of heaven, which seem only material and limited.

It is near for you guys to create God's kingdom on heaven in your land. This is a holistic and all inclusive heaven. This is also my land (not necessarily my country of physical resident). The current leader of my country seems still stuck in the Old Mosaic model.

Creating and sustaining God's kingdom of heaven, on earth, is the essential basis of Christianity and the N.T.. This is Christianity. You guys can get there. However you guys must embrace change.

Your leaders must want more than simply physical/material prosperity. They must want spirit contentment for their people. This lead to very high levels of happiness and peace on earth. There is a harmonious and very informed (visionary) path to this end. In order to move into that realm leaders must have spiritual Gifts and actualized spiritual functionality. Trump posses these preliminary requirements.

Christianity is not anchored on the righteousness, as prescribed by the ten commandments. Christianity is anchored on spirit and Spirit correctness which does not recognize or conform to righteousness, as prescribed by the ten commandments.

Christianity nurtures the individual spirit/heart of humans and allows each human to freely and liberally express and materialize the ideas, beliefs, interest, needs, desires and aspirations of his/her individual spirits or heart. Once this is done according to the Spirit of God.

The Spirit of God is the real time will of God (or the collective will of their population as democratically established as laws of their land and administrated by authentic Saints/Christians.).

Saints are humans who are in Enlightenment in Christ. Authentic Saints must be judges, i.e. judges must be authentic Saints. The real brandy, not the water-down (make-believe) version.

The above is how one creates God's kingdom of heaven on earth:

1 Corinthians: 6 King James Version (KJV)
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

In very early day, Trump has mentioned both factors (i.e. democratic self determination through the laws of one land and Saints as judges) as his focus, when he becomes President of the U.S.A.. Nothing else matters, all other things magically fall in place after these parameters are established . . . i.e. God's kingdom of heaven descends to earth, among such people.
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I am not a U.S.A. citizen or resident, so I have never voted in any U.S.A. elections. However I love the original idea of the U.S.A. which was far more Christian than currently.

I am a citizen of the world and what happens in the U.S.A. impacts me.

I support a return to that more Christian state for the U.S.A.. God's kingdom of heaven can be replicated on earth. The citizens of U.S.A. have a proven capacity to create and sustain a heaven of sought. Individual citizens have created and sustain their individual version of heaven, which seem only material and limited.

It is near for you guys to create God's kingdom on heaven in your land, which is also my land. This is Christianity. However you guys must embrace change.

Your leaders must want more than simply physical/material prosperity. However to move into that realm they must have spiritual Gifts and actualized spiritual functionality. Trump posses these preliminary requirements.



New member
I predict that Hillary will win by a landslide.

Okay, end of these debates. Back to the more important topic - is that really Trump's hair?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I predict that Hillary will win by a landslide.

Trump +5.

I can't figure these people out that claim this. When Dole, McCain, and Romney lost, it is because people like me didn't vote the ultra liberal candidate the RNC tried to pass off as good. The RNC does not want Trump. He is not a part of their machine. So I will vote for him. They hate him, that tells you all you need to know.

It really is like the 1980 election right now. They said Jimmy Carter +11 in the last week, and he lost big. He got the 45%, and no more. That is what a democrat will usually get. Mondale was so bad and Reagan was so good, Reagan got 60% in 84. In my lifetime, that is the largest margin, and out of the norm.

And in that 45% loyal vote, they hate her. They know what happened with Sanders and have not forgotten.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
When Dole, McCain, and Romney lost, it is because people like me didn't vote the ultra liberal candidate the RNC tried to pass off as good.

I voted for them
you don't understand why I can't vote for trump -
I don't understand you or your kind


Well-known member
The old way of gathering intelligence and knowing things is now outclassed. Even NASA cannot keep their things secrete, any more.

All things can now be commonly known intuitively, i.e. through human spiritual/intuitive/six sense actualization. This has descended on earth, naturally and spontaneously, to masses of people, simply through new realignment of heavenly bodies.

This has divide the world including the U.S.A, citizenry, into those who must intellectualize based on physically receive information and those who get and trust intuitive insights of information.

The former are O.T./Mosaic people. The latter are N.T./Christian and potentially Christian people.

Christians are informed by the Spirit of Truth through a spirit/intuitive connection between each of their own individual heart/spirit and the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Jesus:

John: 16 King James Version (KJV)
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Clinton is now outclassed. She must still rely totally and only on the old past (physical) approaches for gathering 'intelligence and being informed.

Trump has actualized intuitive (6th sense) capacity. He is relevant to the new reality. He is much better for the U.S.A.

Populations and their respective countries, must get on board with the New reality or be relegated to Banana (backward) Republic status.
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Well-known member

All that I post are literally in the Holy KJV N.T., for the past 2000 odd years.

These are simply the straight gate and narrow way that leadeth to eternal life and God's kingdom of heaven, here on earth and elsewhere:

Matthew: 7 King James Version (KJV)
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The original U.S.A. was on the right path.