I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Short Circuit



like marbles on glass
It is a problem indeed when Christians support the killing of unborn babies.

Yes, it's a problem when the majority of women getting abortions are Christian women. Now, there will be deniers out there who will claim that no true Christian gets an abortion, but that argument isn't logical and can't be supported.

With Clinton, the decline in moral values and the attacks on Christian values will accelerate as the godless Secular Humanists dominate US thought.
Clinton will not do this alone, she will just become the leader of the religion of Secular Humanism which is now the majority religion in the USA.

Actually, things will pretty much go on as usual. Sure, there are a lot of things that aren't great about things going on as usual, but it's American politics, not the Second Coming we're talking about, so it's good to keep things in perspective.

The only hope would be to defeat Clinton, but this is very unlikely.

Only hope of what? Do you honestly think that Trump is going to save you from the "godless secular humanists?"

I'm actually most interested in this last part of your post. How will Trump save the country? You've already said that Clinton is going to be the end of this country and had to kind of back off that hyperbole.

How is Trump the savior and the "only hope" of the United States? I'm very interested to know how you think he'll be able to pull off such a wondrous feat.


Yes, it's a problem when the majority of women getting abortions are Christian women. Now, there will be deniers out there who will claim that no true Christian gets an abortion, but that argument isn't logical and can't be supported.

If a women identifies as an attack helicopter, does that make her an attack helicopter?

The answer is no.
In reality, there a lot of people who identify as 'Christian' but are really agnostic.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
....says the moron that voted for Obama.
Quote me making an issue of character on the point in that election.

That's what this fellow just did and why I pointed out the problem with that approach.

Trump has more morals than Obama you hypocrite.
I have no reason to suspect that's true, but were it true it wouldn't help, given that the candidate Trump is running against isn't Obama.

And I'd be a hypocrite if I thought I saw the lesser of two evils, believed in voting for the lesser of two evils, and advocated something else. I'm not doing that.


New member
Never thought about Trump as as savior. He is bad , but not as evil as godless Secular Humanist Clinton.
Stopping Clinton would only delay the process since Secular Humanism already has a majority.
According to barna polls, the percentage in USA with a Biblical worldview is ~10%. In my opinion we are in approximately the same condition as 1930's Germany that Bonhoeffer described as having 'cheap grace' with no real faith.
The key difference with Trump, is that I do not expect attacks on Christian values. I see him as neutral on religion( areligious). I see Clinton as a direct threat to Christian values.


New member
What you stated is also an outrageous lie which has been debunked.

But here's the real point: the authenticity of it had no bearing in the first place- you just ate it up and it's falsification will just lead you to another stupid thing.

Do you even realize that if a person were to go and believe every single thing you people have said of Trump at some point in time, he would literally be Hitler?

Like I said, a bunch of babies. Did he take your chocolate milk in school too?

It is a fact that there was a fine for keeping black staff away from the gangster's table. It is a fact that Trump knew him but denied it in the face of the evidence.

Trump makes stuff up every day. He wouldn't know the truth of it can up behind him and bit him on his rear end.

You are so keen for a huckster Republican president that you keep your fingers in your reward singing la la.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Never thought about Trump as as savior. He is bad , but not as evil as godless Secular Humanist Clinton.
Stopping Clinton would only delay the process since Secular Humanism already has a majority.
According to barna polls, the percentage in USA with a Biblical worldview is ~10%. In my opinion we are in approximately the same condition as 1930's Germany that Bonhoeffer described as having 'cheap grace' with no real faith.
The key difference with Trump, is that I do not expect attacks on Christian values. I see him as neutral on religion( areligious). I see Clinton as a direct threat to Christian values.


we've all had a chance to see the effect of having bammy in the white house for the last eight years, thanks to retards like town


“Women have one of the great acts of all time. The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naive or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.” — Trump: The Art of the Comeback, 1997

No wonder you love him.

Telling the truth is not 'sexist'. You can sit there and be perfectly fine with all the garbage women try to insinuate of men, but reality is just too harsh for you :rolleyes:

I'd bet you a perma-ban, because that's hyperbolic nonsense.

Yeah, again- the truth hurts. A bunch of women pointing out the marital sins of a person, but every single woman gets married at least twice in their lifetime.
Reserve the conceited hypocrisy for the toilet.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

we've all had a chance to see the effect of having bammy in the white house for the last eight years, thanks to retards like town
Well, no. You need two terms to arrive at eight years. I voted for him the first time around, not the second. I know, I know the important thing is that you got to say something about me again.

That makes your drum beat particularly funny though. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Telling the truth is not 'sexist'.
The truth exists outside of your desire for a thing to be.

You can sit there and be perfectly fine with all the garbage women try to insinuate of men, but reality is just too harsh for you :rolleyes:

Yeah, again- the truth hurts.
It's not the truth. It's a gross exaggeration which is why you wouldn't actually take the challenge on point.

A bunch of women pointing out the marital sins of a person,
Actually, gender has nothing to do with anyone's ability to see Trump as a serial adulterer whose relationship to Christianity is, at best, tangential.

but every single woman gets married at least twice in their lifetime.
:plain: Well, no. You're either insane or stupid if you honestly believe that. Either way you're beyond my help given I'm not a licensed mental health worker and I can't perform miracles.


New member
Never thought about Trump as as savior. He is bad , but not as evil as godless Secular Humanist Clinton.
Stopping Clinton would only delay the process since Secular Humanism already has a majority.
According to barna polls, the percentage in USA with a Biblical worldview is ~10%. In my opinion we are in approximately the same condition as 1930's Germany that Bonhoeffer described as having 'cheap grace' with no real faith.
The key difference with Trump, is that I do not expect attacks on Christian values. I see him as neutral on religion( areligious). I see Clinton as a direct threat to Christian values.

hmmmm ... I am wondering how Trump, who incites people to wrath and violence, mocks others like women and the disabled, has little compassion for others, is bigoted, etc. is not a "threat to Christian values".


:plain: Well, no. You're either insane or stupid if you honestly believe that. Either way you're beyond my help given I'm not a licensed mental health worker and I can't perform miracles.

Cool story.

So.. any woman want to stand up and they've been married only once :idunno:

Didn't think so.

I'm tired of their hypocrisy and people who point them out on it being seen as 'misogynist'.
No- there's something simply wrong with a great deal of them and those as yourself support that madness.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Cool story.
Is that like a verbal tic set to type?

So.. any woman want to stand up and they've been married only once
He asked and then immediately, bizarrely pretended...

Didn't think so.

I'm tired of their hypocrisy and people who point them out on it being seen as 'misogynist'.
That's not really how it happens. Lots of people point out hypocrisy without misogyny factoring. And any number of misogynists are completely above board and consistent in their myopic mindset.

No- there's something simply wrong with a great deal of them and that is that.
It's something all right. :plain:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....I voted for him the first time around....

....and that's all I need to hear to know that you're a moron. INTELLIGENT people knew what Obama was about right from the get-go. And NOW you are wrong about Trump too. Maybe you should just shut your piehole since all that comes out is bad pie.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
....and that's all I need to hear to know that you're a moron.
Don't sell yourself short, you "knew" that the moment I noted you were wrong. The same way you "know" every woman is married at least twice.


INTELLIGENT people knew what Obama was about right from the get-go.
Ah, I see the mistake you're making here. You think I'm embarrassed about the choice. I'm not. I think McCain would have been a complete disaster and set up the potential for an even worse one.

And NOW you are wrong about Trump too.
I wasn't "wrong" about Obama. I was hopeful that he'd attempt to do a number of things that he could have but for whatever reason didn't. Between that and his activism on a few points of disagreement (and the sense that he didn't know what to do with the economy beyond stopping it from heading right into the toilet) led to my looking for a better series of solutions.

I'm not "wrong" about what I know about Trump. And I'm done with accepting lesser evils, if the case was made on the point (which it hasn't been).

Maybe you should just shut your piehole since all that comes out is bad pie.
Maybe you should try to stop sounding like a petulant child who isn't getting his way. That would be sweet.
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