like marbles on glass
maybe they are looking to kill their babies
And maybe they're not, since they're mothers already. And they love being mothers, but you conveniently ignored that part.
maybe they are looking to kill their babies
All mothers who stay home are not perfect mothers, all mothers who work aren't bad mothers.
A completely meaningless sentiment.
we get that a lot here
it is no secret for most of us that feminists have no respect for the stay-at-home mom
I see what you mean.
do you?
do you see being a mother is job one?
That's why I said strong and feminine. It is possible to be both, you know.
Feminine as in soft, nurturing and caring in nestling a baby, kissing away his tears and his booboos, helping a young one learn how to tie his shoes, care for a baby puppy, rocking him back to sleep after a bad dream, all of those things and many, many more ways of being gentle and feminine.
And strong - as in wiping the bottom of a dying father who could no longer control his bodily functions with as much care and love as I wiped the bottoms of my babies. Of watching the bodies of two loved ones zipped into body bags, and handling the mortuary details with calmness, of countless sleepless nights at the ER, of fighting for my life twice after childbirth complications, of crawling on the floor to the bathroom to throw up while taking care of three kids under the age of six also throwing up, of standing up to arrogant doctors who though they were God in the defense and protection of my loved ones in hospital, of countless dinners cooked, laundry loads washed, toilets cleaned, baseball, soccer and track events cheered, groceries shopped, doctor's visits scheduled, leaves raked, garden weeded, windows washed, vomit cleaned up from car seats, floors, beds, and little bodies, prescriptions filled... usually with inadequate sleep and while fending off sexual harassment from men who see themselves as strong and women as weak.
You know damn well I do. I lived it.
I'll forgive a lapse in memory from you but not a claim to ignorance about it because we've interacted many times. Here's one:
I am not talking about feminine -
that word has not been corrupted -
feminism has been corrupted
it cannot be defended
it kills babies
Yes, feminism can be defended.
can you separate feminism from "reproductive rights"?
most feminists can't - they see it as an essential component of feminism
Depends on one's definition of feminism. I don't have to tell you that, sod. You know it already.
bananahead, it's hard to keep track of what you believe, day to day
Hey, you can hang that red herring around your neck. It'll be nice and festive for Christmas.
Yes, feminism can be defended. And no, it doesn't automatically follow that a feminist despises motherhood, which is what you're trying to put across.
you cannot separate abortion, feminists, and the democratic party
You can't. I can.