Women who obtain abortions keep abortion legal.
your post is nonsense
I should ignore it
Women who obtain abortions keep abortion legal.
your post is nonsense
I should ignore it
Because ignoring it is so much easier than looking at reality.
women are killing their babies
it is legal
that is reality
democrats are promoting the legality of abortion
that is reality
What did GW and his GOP-controlled congress do to overturn Roe v. Wade?
alito and roberts
I know about appointing conservative SC judges, and yet you wouldn't vote for a president who promised he would do just that.
And at the legislative level? What did GW's GOP-controlled congress do to introduce federal legislation overturning Roe v. Wade?
And more importantly, and more relevant to your OP:
what about those Catholic women? Or are you just going to pretend you never saw that number?
too many questions
legislation? really?
More Catholic women than nones are getting abortions.
why do I have to apologize for women who are catholic?
why don't you ask the bishops?
too many questions
Interesting.Women who obtain abortions keep abortion legal.
More Catholic women women than non-believing women got abortions in 2008.
How can you ignore that?
Religion and Abortion
Those women who had abortions in 2008 listed their religious affiliation as:
Roman Catholic = 28.1%
Protestant = 37.3%
Other = 7.1%
None = 27.5%
I had no idea revealing one's religious identity was required for an abortion.
Wonder what the reason is for asking?
Thanks.It wasn't required.
Here's part of the data collection description:
The questionnaire was distributed to patients during their clinic visit at a time facility staff determined was most appropriate. Communications with facility staff suggest that questionnaires were typically distributed with office or clinic intake forms; patients most often completed the questionnaire along with their other paperwork while they waited for their procedure. With the exception of currently incarcerated individuals, all patients obtaining abortion services at participating facilities were eligible to participate. The questionnaire was clearly identified as separate from the office or clinic forms, and the introductory language on the front of the survey described the purpose of the study, indicated to patients that the questionnaire was voluntary and anonymous, and served as implied consent. All respondents were provided with an envelope in which to place the survey before they sealed and returned it to facility staff. At the end of each week, staff compiled all collected, sealed questionnaires and mailed them back to the Institute. Returned survey packets also included information about the total number of abortion patients seen that week, so that we could calculate response rates.
If the facility was a Planned Parenthood Abattoir, I'm sure the questionnaire would ask for religious affiliation in order to publish Catholic and Christian stats if the numbers are high.
Stats coming out of Planned ParentHood offices, or other pro abortion abattoirs, uuuuuh, I would find not too credible.
And then we have two present day devout feminists involved Tambora and Annabendette which adds to the confusion.
Hearts and minds, chrys. The Barbarian was right.
Serpentdove is the joke———-
Your stats Anabenedette come from the Guttmacher Institue a well know abattoir for abortions and birth control devices etc…..Of course you kow that Gutttmacher was a president of the Planned Hood for some years.
abattoir - nice word -
some are just looking for a good reason to vote for democrats -
I can't find any reason to respect them
Well knowing how feminists fool around when posting stats——
Your stats Anabenedette come from the Guttmacher Institue a well know abattoir for abortions and birth control devices etc…..Of course you kow that Gutttmacher was a president of the Planned Hood for some years.
When questionairs are given to pts having such a procedure, the responses are questionable and not reliable and that the researchers can fill in anything on the questionnaire.
Both of you should take some classes on research methodology————-
Nice try gals———-but funny as usual ———- you two and serpentdove provide some comedy for the board…….
Maybe they're not looking for your respect. Maybe they're looking for an answer that doesn't come at them sideways because it's so loaded down with passive-aggressiveness.