ECT I saw a vision...oh yes!

Totton Linnet

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I was called a liar. But what would I have to gain from making up this story? if TOL were Pentecostal friendly I suppose but it isn't.

There are folks on TOL who I admire for their theology and their bible knowledge and sometimes their plain good common sense, there are those who I would like to be friends with, there are those who I wish would appreciate me. But because I refuse to lie, which to deny the working of the Holy Ghost and His gifts in my life would be to dishonour Him and lie.

I must testify what I know to be true.

In doing so I lose their esteem, they mock and cajole, this is also true in real life.
I was called a liar. But what would I have to gain from making up this story? if TOL were Pentecostal friendly I suppose but it isn't.

There are folks on TOL who I admire for their theology and their bible knowledge and sometimes their plain good common sense, there are those who I would like to be friends with, there are those who I wish would appreciate me. But because I refuse to lie, which to deny the working of the Holy Ghost and His gifts in my life would be to dishonour Him and lie.

I must testify what I know to be true.

In doing so I lose their esteem, they mock and cajole, this is also true in real life.

You are not a liar, unless your intent is to deceive, and you don't strike me as a deceiver. That you can name one extra-Biblical prophet who speaks for God in new revelations, since the Bible was closed, I would love to hear that just one name, that we may examine new scripture that didn't make the canon.

You say you have new visions from God that would be as valid as scripture, being from God, and I don't believe this. You must prove you're a prophet to make such claims, and this by being of 100% truth and infallible accuracy, your prophecies proven to come to pass and never once fail. Would you mind if I didn't hold my breath, waiting for one name that I should have been adding to the Bible, then, from there, discuss your special revelations?


New member
I was called a liar. But what would I have to gain from making up this story? if TOL were Pentecostal friendly I suppose but it isn't.

There are folks on TOL who I admire for their theology and their bible knowledge and sometimes their plain good common sense, there are those who I would like to be friends with, there are those who I wish would appreciate me. But because I refuse to lie, which to deny the working of the Holy Ghost and His gifts in my life would be to dishonour Him and lie.

I must testify what I know to be true.

In doing so I lose their esteem, they mock and cajole, this is also true in real life.

Yeah this place can be a wet towel. The reason is because MAD is about justification of the flesh where there is no end product.
You NEVER see MADs talking about walking in the Spirit, because they don't understand what this means. The concept of spiritual warfare to them is alien. Justification is simply theoretical, giving them the legal facts about what it means to be forgiven, and how they are then free to live in the flesh, where self rules without guilt.
So when they meet people walking in the Spirit, there is a conflict between flesh and Spirit. The mocking has to do with the flesh resisting the Spirit because of the desire to feel justified in the natural.
This evil communication will corrupt if you're not careful. Paul says, "do not be deceived". MAD is all about justification of the bond woman, where in reality she must be cast out.

When you're are filled with the Spirit, demonic trouble will find you. We are in a war, and the only option available is to take up spiritual arms. There are times when I've sat down and thought to myself, the things happening to me right now simply cannot be coincidence, this is too weird, and then scripture is quickened. Jesus has uncovered the spiritual realm, and exposed satan and his kingdom to open shame.
A christian cannot stand still in this walk, because the Spirit within us yearns jealously (James 4:5). Interesting that some translators don't understand this, and have therefore not capitalized "Spirit".
The jealousy of the Spirit within us pushing us further into the things of God, will be resisted by the flesh. This is what we see in action by MAD. It is a flesh religion.


New member
You are not a liar, unless your intent is to deceive, and you don't strike me as a deceiver. That you can name one extra-Biblical prophet who speaks for God in new revelations, since the Bible was closed, I would love to hear that just one name, that we may examine new scripture that didn't make the canon.

You say you have a new visions from God that would be as valid as scripture, being from God, and I don't believe this. You must prove you're a prophet to make such claims, and this by being of 100% truth and infallible accuracy, your prophecies proven to come to pass and never once fail. Would you mind if I didn't hold my breath, waiting for one name that I should have been adding to the Bible, then, from there, discuss your special revelations?

Everything God speaks to me, is equal to scripture to me alone. I cannot expect other people to equate it to scripture if he hasn't spoken it them. Everyone of us ought to be receiving personal revelations from scripture. Faith comes by hearing.
Scripture can be twisted by wrong interpretations, in which case the final authority becomes personally invalid in a situation where its misunderstood.
Everything God speaks to me, is equal to scripture to me alone. I cannot expect other people to equate it to scripture if he hasn't spoken it them. Everyone of us ought to be receiving personal revelations from scripture. Faith comes by hearing.
Scripture can be twisted by wrong interpretations, in which case the final authority becomes personally invalid in a situation where its misunderstood.

That's all well and good, I don't think any Christian not knowing the workings of the Spirit in our individual lives, but leaving the sidetracked rambling aside, a name of one bonafide prophet of God, who, for instance, the Lord revealed the fate of Great Britain to, in a vision of a bowl of cornflakes, which came to pass, and 100% of everything they uttered in the name of God. I'd love just one name to get more scripture from. All I see, all over the web and creation, are false prophets who did not receive one scintilla of new "thus saith the Lord." Just one name, since the last verse of Revelation. Is that too much to ask, of you guys who claim you pick up where Pentecost left off?


That's all well and good, I don't think any Christian not knowing the workings of the Spirit in our individual lives, but leaving the sidetracked rambling aside, a name of one bonafide prophet of God, who, for instance, the Lord revealed the fate of Great Britain to, in a vision of a bowl of cornflakes, which came to pass, and 100% of everything they uttered in the name of God. I'd love just one name to get more scripture from. All I see, all over the web and creation, are false prophets who did not receive one scintilla of new "thus saith the Lord." Just one name, since the last verse of Revelation. Is that too much to ask, of you guys who claim you pick up where Pentecost left off?

Must one be a prophet to receive revelation from God?


New member
You said,

Then suddenly the top screw undid as if by an invisible drill


New member
That's all well and good, I don't think any Christian not knowing the workings of the Spirit in our individual lives, but leaving the sidetracked rambling aside, a name of one bonafide prophet of God, who, for instance, the Lord revealed the fate of Great Britain to, in a vision of a bowl of cornflakes, which came to pass, and 100% of everything they uttered in the name of God. I'd love just one name to get more scripture from. All I see, all over the web and creation, are false prophets who did not receive one scintilla of new "thus saith the Lord." Just one name, since the last verse of Revelation. Is that too much to ask, of you guys who claim you pick up where Pentecost left off?

This is where familiarity with the word is essential. One of the most respected people in the charismatic church was a guy called "David Wilkerson", who wrote the book "cross and the switchblade". Many people regarded him as as a prophet, whereas I have always been uncomfortable with some of the things he's prophesied.
Recently before his death he prophesied that there would be an economic collapse where there would be riots in New York. Usually I would keep an open mind about something like this, but he went on to explain that this was going to be a judgement from God on America.
Here is where I rejected this prophecy, because God has set a day when he will judge the world, and so this prophecy was inconsistent with what the word teaches.
And so we have a wonderful man of God who has done a great work with drug addicts, speaking a prophetic word accepted by most pentecostal churches, but I went on record immediately rejecting this word, and took criticism for it.

Wilkerson also prophesied about 20 years ago, that every Christian TV network would be off the air within 10 years. And TV networks have multiplied. Most Christians just forget about things like this, but not me. It's very easy to feel so passionate about something, that you wonder, could this be God speaking to me?

It could be, but is consistent with the word?
Is there peace and rest?
Are people wanting a prophecy because they're needing something new, and so you feel like you have to supply to keep in the crowd?
Wilkerson also prophesied about 20 years ago, that every Christian TV network would be off the air within 10 years. And TV networks have multiplied. Most Christians just forget about things like this, but not me. It's very easy to feel so passionate about something, that you wonder, could this be God speaking to me?

It's an important matter to get straight, if you don't like being deceived, anyway. Entire cult denominations have, each and every one, fallen for proven false prophets, proven false prophets who set dates and the like. What's inexplicable and alarming, people stay in those cults, trying to teach others the teachings of said false prophets. In the Old Testament, I believe false prophets of "thus saith the Lord" were stoned. The proof of history's pudding is wall-to-wall false, and a person who claims a new vision from the Lord is literally arrogant enough to claim they should be added to scripture, as, if it's new and really from God, it is the word of God, right? Still not seeing that one name, almost 2,000 years to work with, folks...

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You are not a liar, unless your intent is to deceive, and you don't strike me as a deceiver. That you can name one extra-Biblical prophet who speaks for God in new revelations, since the Bible was closed, I would love to hear that just one name, that we may examine new scripture that didn't make the canon.

You say you have new visions from God that would be as valid as scripture, being from God, and I don't believe this. You must prove you're a prophet to make such claims, and this by being of 100% truth and infallible accuracy, your prophecies proven to come to pass and never once fail. Would you mind if I didn't hold my breath, waiting for one name that I should have been adding to the Bible, then, from there, discuss your special revelations?
We do not equate prophecy to scripture, even the gift of prophecy in scripture is not equated to scripture for Paul says it is to be weighed by the assembly.

Prophecy along with other gifts have been known throughout the church age. Oliver Cromwell was greatly in awe of George Fox
the founder of the Quakers yet he jailed hundreds of Quakers as Lord Protecter, jail in those days was a miserable place to be.

Fox went and appealed personally to Cromwell on their behalf but Cromwell refused. Fox recorded in his journal "I saw as it were an arrow of the Lord pierce him as he spoke and knew that he was a dead man."

Cromwell suddenly ailed and two days later died.

Corrie ten Boom tells of the night Holland was invaded by the Nazis and as she and her sister prayed she saw a vision of herself and all of her family and many friends being drawn in an old fashion wagon by four black horses....drawn against their will.

A few years later they were all arrested for hiding Jews, as she sat in the meat wagon with all her family and many friends she saw the same vision again.

They were incarcerated in the concentration camp.
We do not equate prophecy to scripture, even the gift of prophecy in scripture is not equated to scripture for Paul says it is to be weighed by the assembly.

Prophecy along with other gifts have been known throughout the church age. Oliver Cromwell was greatly in awe of George Fox
the founder of the Quakers yet he jailed hundreds of Quakers as Lord Protecter, jail in those days was a miserable place to be.

Fox went and appealed personally to Cromwell on their behalf but Cromwell refused. Fox recorded in his journal "I saw as it were an arrow of the Lord pierce him as he spoke and knew that he was a dead man."

Cromwell suddenly ailed and two days later died.

Corrie ten Boom tells of the night Holland was invaded by the Nazis and as she and her sister prayed she saw a vision of herself and all of her family and many friends being drawn in an old fashion wagon by four black horses....drawn against their will.

A few years later they were all arrested for hiding Jews, as she sat in the meat wagon with all her family and many friends she saw the same vision again.

They were incarcerated in the concentration camp.

Anecdotes are not "thus saith the Lord," and a broken clock is right twice in 24 hours. (Probably not a clock that would be useful to figure how much time you have left in your plane, if the fuel gauge broke.)

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
It's an important matter to get straight, if you don't like being deceived, anyway. Entire cult denominations have, each and every one, fallen for proven false prophets, proven false prophets who set dates and the like. What's inexplicable and alarming, people stay in those cults, trying to teach others the teachings of said false prophets. In the Old Testament, I believe false prophets of "thus saith the Lord" were stoned. The proof of history's pudding is wall-to-wall false, and a person who claims a new vision from the Lord is literally arrogant enough to claim they should be added to scripture, as, if it's new and really from God, it is the word of God, right? Still not see that one name, almost 2,000 years to work with, folks...

Yes but we have an anointing John says, there is no need for the child of God to be deceived. There are also biblical safeguards.

I BELIEVE in the church, I believe in staying within orthodoxy. People join cults because they reject orthodoxy.


New member
It's an important matter to get straight, if you don't like being deceived, anyway. Entire cult denominations have, each and every one, fallen for proven false prophets, proven false prophets who set dates and the like. What's inexplicable and alarming, people stay in those cults, trying to teach others the teachings of said false prophets. In the Old Testament, I believe false prophets of "thus saith the Lord" were stoned. The proof of history's pudding is wall-to-wall false.

The difference regarding old testament prophets is that they were claiming to be God's mouthpiece. Such a person could do great harm if a prophecy instructed Israel to do what God had not commanded.
People who prophecy today maybe speaking truth, arelying, or they believe so strongly about something, they're convinced God is speaking to them.

The word of God is the guide and judge. Even Peter explained how he saw Jesus transfigured, which was an awesome vision, but he said, "we have a far greater word of prophecy" talking about scripture.

So we shouldn't despise prophecy, they could be a lifesaver, but let scripture judge them.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Anecdotes are not "thus saith the Lord," and a broken clock is right twice in 24 hours.

What DOES sayeth the Lord? you keep on about being sound scripturally. What does the scripture say.

"Earnestly desire the gifts but especially that you may prophesy"

So your job is to obey Paul's teaching. We know that here prophecy is preaching.


New member
So it is ok if God works an event into your life, which [especially someone as wise as you] you will be able to interpret into guidance, but for Him to show by means of a vision, which is His ordained way and the way which He promised and is thoroughly sound biblically.

This you say is false.

I believe all visions and prophetic utterances are for the body and are to be weighed and judged by the body, I trust their judgement.

Why didn't Paul just rely on providence when his ship was about to go down?
What DOES sayeth the Lord? you keep on about being sound scripturally. What does the scripture say.

"Earnestly desire the gifts but especially that you may prophesy"

So your job is to obey Paul's teaching. We know that here prophecy is preaching.

Preaching is prophecy, only from the standpoint it is preaching the sure word of God. I thought you started out that God was speaking to you through a rusty screw or something about Britain? Okay then. Any rotting screw and Britain scripture to affirm this? Never mind replying to that. I'm pretty much done with this, in any event.

Totton Linnet

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But what IS in scripture is that your sons and daughters will see visions and prophesy in fulfilment of Joel's prophecy.

What IS in scripture is that we should earnestly desire the higher gifts. These scriptures you ignore.