
New member
I know that you get sensitive when I talk about homosexuality and then make the tie to pedophilia and pederasty anna, so I won't talk about author James Baldwin's homosexuality and his quote that made it look like he enjoyed sex with little boys.

Any good person would be "sensitive" when confronted by sick lies like this.


like marbles on glass
The more things change,

Yep. I was doing a little more reading in that white Christian identity site.

Apparently there's a podcast called "Good Morning White America:"

"We're building a network of like-minded, pro-white believers who can study the Word, share fellowship, and grow in Christ together. Come join us."


Yep. I was doing a little more reading in that white Christian identity site.

Apparently there's a podcast called "Good Morning White America:"

"We're building a network of like-minded, pro-white believers who can study the Word, share fellowship, and grow in Christ together. Come join us."

I've been battling out with white supremacists who have the audacity to call themselves "Christian" on another website, so don't think that I'm siding with racists like ok doser and patrick jane here.

That being said: You're wrong in supporting Baldwin and the communist movement that he represented, which has been instrumental in suppressing Black Americans.


A country shouldn't enslave another people and allow them only 3/5 of their humanity.

Nobody alive in those times are here now, or their parents, or their parents. White people do not owe them anything, and they didn't a hundred and fifty years ago either because they have it better here than they would in Africa- they have full citizenry and inheritance.

How convenient that we can just forget that fact, call it racist, and pretend the world owes you something a century and a half later.

The 3/5 clause had nothing to do with humanity, it had to do with representation. Shows how much you know, you're just a white idiot supporting people who kill your people twice as much as your people kill them :wave2:

A rate of 7 and 13, with blacks taking the latter.

But hey, black lives matter right?

Stockholm syndrome. That's you :)


like marbles on glass
I've been battling out with white supremacists who have the audacity to call themselves "Christian" on another website

That's good to know. Unfortunately, they are Christian. And they're racists.

Some Christians tend to fall back on the No True Scotsman fallacy when faced with white supremacists in their own ranks.

That being said: You're wrong in supporting Baldwin and the communist movement that he represented, which has been instrumental in suppressing Black Americans.

That's an argument I can work with. Although I think Baldwin was favorable towards socialism, I don't agree with you that Baldwin "represented" communism, so I'll need more support from you on that.


like marbles on glass
Fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine, trying to go to school:


"I tried to see a friendly face somewhere in the mob—someone who maybe would help. I looked into the face of an old woman and it seemed a kind face, but when I looked at her again, she spat on me."


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've been battling out with white supremacists who have the audacity to call themselves "Christian" on another website

That's good to know. Unfortunately, they are Christian. And they're racists.

Sorry, but one can't totally ignore Christ's two greatest commandments and still consider themselves followers of Him.
Matthew 22: 36-40

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: You're wrong in supporting Baldwin and the communist movement that he represented, which has been instrumental in suppressing Black Americans.

That's an argument I can work with. Although I think Baldwin was favorable towards socialism, I don't agree with you that Baldwin "represented" communism, so I'll need more support from you on that.

Look at all of the communists/communist organizations and communist sympathizers that Baldwin associated with (the NAACP, King, Evers, Dubois, etc.).

Besides, the socialist movement and communist movement are one in the same.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine, trying to go to school:


"I tried to see a friendly face somewhere in the mob—someone who maybe would help. I looked into the face of an old woman and it seemed a kind face, but when I looked at her again, she spat on me."

God bless her

He's already cursed those ignorant white morons


like marbles on glass
Sorry, but one can't totally ignore Christ's two greatest commandments and still consider themselves followers of Him.
Matthew 22: 36-40

No, that's too easy. If they identify as Christians, they're Christians. And some of those (maybe more than you even realize) are white supremacists who use the Bible to support their racism.

Look at all of the communists/communist organizations and communist sympathizers that Baldwin associated with (the NAACP, King, Evers, Dubois, etc.).

Besides, the socialist movement and communist movement are one in the same.

That's not supporting your claim that Baldwin "represented" communism.

As for communism and socialism being the same, how do you explain the fact that there's socialism in our capitalistic system? That there are socialized countries that can't be in any way shape or form be called communist?


like marbles on glass

you've never really understood what it means to be a Christian, have you?

From that Good Morning White America Bible study podcast team:

"In a recent interview, my wife and I explained how we produce our podcast, Good Morning White America, with both pro-white Christians and non-Christians in mind. Our approach is to be open to those different from us, without watering down our core values. We are the gatekeepers. We make sure anti-Christian messages don’t get in, and that only pro-white, pro-Christian messages make it to your earbuds."